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3.31.0 • Public • Published

DayPilot Lite for Vue

DayPilot Lite for JavaScript is a library of JavaScript/HTML5 scheduling components that can display calendar/scheduler UI:

  • day
  • week
  • month
  • resource calendar (resources as columns)
  • custom number of days as columns

This is the DayPilot Lite for Vue package.

What's New

Release History

UI Builder

Customize the scheduling components using an online UI Builder application and download a ready-to-run Vue project.

Online Demo

JavaScript Event Calendar Demo

Online Demo


  • Calendar/scheduler views: day, week, work week, month, resource calendar
  • Event creation using drag and drop
  • Drag and drop event moving and resizing
  • Integrated delete icon
  • Event duration bar with customizable color
  • Date picker with free/busy days highlighting, free-hand range selection, day cell customization
  • CSS themes (use theme builder to create your own theme)
  • Event customization (text, HTML, icons, colors, Vue components...)
  • Grid cell customization
  • Built-in XSS protection
  • Localization support
  • TypeScript definitions
  • Vue template support


Vue Calendar with Day/Week/Month Views

Vue Calendar with Day/Week/Month Views

Vue Calendar with Day/Week/Month Views (Open-Source)
Create a complex calendar UI in Vue.js with multiple views, view-switching buttons and an integrated date picker. Use a shared data source to make it fast and Vue templates to define event appearance.

Vue Resource Calendar Tutorial

Vue Resource Calendar

Vue Resource Calendar (Open-Source)
Use the Vue calendar component to display an interactive schedule for multiple resources.

Vue Calendar: Using Event Templates

Vue Calendar: Using Templates to Add Icons, Buttons, or Progress Bars to Events (Open-Source)

Vue Calendar: Using Templates to Add Icons, Buttons, or Progress Bars to Events (Open-Source)
Vue templates allow adding dynamic content to Vue Calendar events, including interactive elements and custom Vue components.

Vue Monthly Calendar/Scheduler Tutorial

Vue Monthly Calendar/Scheduler (Open-Source)

Vue Monthly Calendar/Scheduler (Open-Source)
How to create a monthly calendar/scheduler view for planning events, tasks, and reminders in Vue. The downloadable Vue project uses the open-source DayPilot Lite library.

Vue Weekly Calendar Tutorial

Vue Weekly Calendar

Vue.js Weekly Calendar Tutorial (Open-Source)
How to create a weekly calendar web application using a Vue calendar component. The tutorial includes a Vue.js project with JavaScript source code for download.

Vue Date Picker Tutorial

Vue Date Picker with Free/Busy Highlighting

Vue Date Picker with Free/Busy Highlighting (Open-Source)
Use the Vue date picker component (Navigator) to change the current date. The date picker can highlight dates that already have events or are not available.



<script setup>
    import { DayPilot, DayPilotCalendar } from '@daypilot/daypilot-lite-vue';
    import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue';

    const startDate = ref("2025-02-28");
    const events = ref([]);

    const calendarRef = ref(null);

    const onTimeRangeSelected = async (args) => {
        const modal = await DayPilot.Modal.prompt("Create a new event:", "Event 1")
        const calendar = args.control
        if (modal.canceled) { return }
            start: args.start,
            end: args.end,
            id: DayPilot.guid(),
            text: modal.result

    const onEventMoved = () => {
        console.log("Event moved")

    const onEventResized = () => {
        console.log("Event resized")

    const loadEvents = () => {
        events.value = [
                id: 1,
                start: "2025-02-28T10:00:00",
                end: "2025-02-28T11:00:00",
                text: "Event 1",
                backColor: "#6aa84faa",
                borderColor: "#38761d",
                id: 2,
                start: "2025-02-28T13:00:00",
                end: "2025-02-28T16:00:00",
                text: "Event 2",
                backColor: "#f1c232aa",
                borderColor: "#bf9000",

    onMounted(() => {



CSS Themes

The Theme Designer lets you create and download your own CSS theme using an online visual tool.


Apache License 2.0

Package Sidebar


npm i @daypilot/daypilot-lite-vue

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  • daypilot