DAWA replication client
This is a reference-implementation for the DAWA replication api.
The client can be used to establish and update a local database copy of the data provided by DAWA.
The reference client is command-line based and currently only supports PostgreSQL.
The following commands are supported:
Usage: dawa-replication-client [options] [command]
-v, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
replicate [options] Replicate data to local database
gen-config [options] Generate a configuration for the client
gen-schema [options] Generate a database schema
validate-config [options] Validate a configuration file.
You can get help on a specific command by using the -h
ahj$ dawa-replication-client gen-config -h
Usage: gen-config [options]
Generate a configuration for the client.
--url [value] URL of replication API, default "https://dawa.aws.dk/replikering"
--file [value] Output file for configuration
--entities [value] Comma-separated list of entities to include
-h, --help output usage information
Check out the guide for information on how to use the client.
We welcome contributions to this project. Please get in touch by email or by opening a feature request.
Additional database support
We have no plans for adding support for additional databases in the near future.
Please use use the Digitaliser forum.
Copyright Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Infrastruktur ([SDFI(https://sdfi.dk))
Licensed under the MIT/X11 license.