
5.0.0 • Public • Published


Client library for SiteRecoveryManagementClient

Installation and Usage

npm install --save @datafire/azure_recoveryservicessiterecovery_service
let azure_recoveryservicessiterecovery_service = require('@datafire/azure_recoveryservicessiterecovery_service').create({
  access_token: "",
  refresh_token: "",
  client_id: "",
  client_secret: "",
  redirect_uri: ""

.then(data => {




Validates whether a given VM can be protected or not in which case returns list of errors.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "virtualMachineName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • virtualMachineName required string: Virtual Machine name.



Validates whether a given VM can be protected or not in which case returns list of errors.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "virtualMachineName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • virtualMachineName required string: Virtual Machine name.



Operation to return the list of available operations.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



Gets the list of email notification(alert) configurations for the vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



Gets the details of the specified email notification(alert) configuration.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "alertSettingName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • alertSettingName required string: The name of the email notification configuration.



Create or update an email notification(alert) configuration.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "alertSettingName": "",
  "request": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • alertSettingName required string: The name of the email notification(alert) configuration.
    • request required ConfigureAlertRequest



Gets the list of Azure Site Recovery events for the vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • $filter string: OData filter options.



The operation to get the details of an Azure Site recovery event.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "eventName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • eventName required string: The name of the Azure Site Recovery event.



Gets a list of the Azure Site Recovery fabrics in the vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



The operation to purge(force delete) an Azure Site Recovery fabric.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: ASR fabric to purge.


Output schema unknown


Gets the details of an Azure Site Recovery fabric.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.



The operation to create an Azure Site Recovery fabric (for e.g. Hyper-V site)

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "input": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Name of the ASR fabric.
    • input required FabricCreationInput



The operation to perform a consistency check on the fabric.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.



The operation to migrate an Azure Site Recovery fabric to AAD.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: ASR fabric to migrate.


Output schema unknown


The operation to move replications from a process server to another process server.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "failoverProcessServerRequest": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: The name of the fabric containing the process server.
    • failoverProcessServerRequest required FailoverProcessServerRequest



The operation to delete or remove an Azure Site Recovery fabric.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: ASR fabric to delete


Output schema unknown


Renews the connection certificate for the ASR replication fabric.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "renewCertificate": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: fabric name to renew certs for.
    • renewCertificate required RenewCertificateInput



Lists all the logical networks of the Azure Site Recovery fabric

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Server Id.



Gets the details of a logical network.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "logicalNetworkName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Server Id.
    • logicalNetworkName required string: Logical network name.



Lists the networks available for a fabric.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name



Gets the details of a network.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "networkName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Server Id.
    • networkName required string: Primary network name.



Lists all ASR network mappings for the specified network.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "networkName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Primary fabric name.
    • networkName required string: Primary network name.



The operation to delete a network mapping.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "networkName": "",
  "networkMappingName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Primary fabric name.
    • networkName required string: Primary network name.
    • networkMappingName required string: ARM Resource Name for network mapping.


Output schema unknown


Gets the details of an ASR network mapping

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "networkName": "",
  "networkMappingName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Primary fabric name.
    • networkName required string: Primary network name.
    • networkMappingName required string: Network mapping name.



The operation to update an ASR network mapping.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "networkName": "",
  "networkMappingName": "",
  "input": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Primary fabric name.
    • networkName required string: Primary network name.
    • networkMappingName required string: Network mapping name.
    • input required UpdateNetworkMappingInput



The operation to create an ASR network mapping.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "networkName": "",
  "networkMappingName": "",
  "input": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Primary fabric name.
    • networkName required string: Primary network name.
    • networkMappingName required string: Network mapping name.
    • input required CreateNetworkMappingInput



Lists the protection containers in the specified fabric.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.



Gets the details of a protection container.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.



Operation to create a protection container.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "creationInput": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Unique fabric ARM name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Unique protection container ARM name.
    • creationInput required CreateProtectionContainerInput



The operation to a add a protectable item to a protection container(Add physical server.)

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "discoverProtectableItemRequest": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: The name of the fabric.
    • protectionContainerName required string: The name of the protection container.
    • discoverProtectableItemRequest required DiscoverProtectableItemRequest



Operation to remove a protection container.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Unique fabric ARM name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Unique protection container ARM name.


Output schema unknown


Gets the list of ASR migration items in the protection container.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.



The operation to delete an ASR migration item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "migrationItemName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • migrationItemName required string: Migration item name.
    • deleteOption string: The delete option.


Output schema unknown


Gets the details of a migration item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "migrationItemName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric unique name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • migrationItemName required string: Migration item name.



The operation to update the recovery settings of an ASR migration item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "migrationItemName": "",
  "input": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • migrationItemName required string: Migration item name.
    • input required UpdateMigrationItemInput



The operation to create an ASR migration item (enable migration).

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "migrationItemName": "",
  "input": {
    "properties": {
      "policyId": "",
      "providerSpecificDetails": {
        "instanceType": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • migrationItemName required string: Migration item name.
    • input required EnableMigrationInput



The operation to initiate migration of the item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "migrationItemName": "",
  "migrateInput": {
    "properties": {
      "providerSpecificDetails": {
        "instanceType": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • migrationItemName required string: Migration item name.
    • migrateInput required MigrateInput



Gets the recovery points for a migration item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "migrationItemName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric unique name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • migrationItemName required string: Migration item name.



Gets a recovery point for a migration item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "migrationItemName": "",
  "migrationRecoveryPointName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric unique name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • migrationItemName required string: Migration item name.
    • migrationRecoveryPointName required string: The migration recovery point name.



The operation to initiate test migration of the item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "migrationItemName": "",
  "testMigrateInput": {
    "properties": {
      "providerSpecificDetails": {
        "instanceType": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • migrationItemName required string: Migration item name.
    • testMigrateInput required TestMigrateInput



The operation to initiate test migrate cleanup.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "migrationItemName": "",
  "testMigrateCleanupInput": {
    "properties": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • migrationItemName required string: Migration item name.
    • testMigrateCleanupInput required TestMigrateCleanupInput



Lists the protectable items in a protection container.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • $filter string: OData filter options.



The operation to get the details of a protectable item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "protectableItemName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • protectableItemName required string: Protectable item name.



Gets the list of ASR replication protected items in the protection container.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.



The operation to delete or purge a replication protected item. This operation will force delete the replication protected item. Use the remove operation on replication protected item to perform a clean disable replication for the item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: Replication protected item name.


Output schema unknown


Gets the details of an ASR replication protected item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric unique name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: Replication protected item name.



The operation to update the recovery settings of an ASR replication protected item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": "",
  "updateProtectionInput": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: Replication protected item name.
    • updateProtectionInput required UpdateReplicationProtectedItemInput



The operation to create an ASR replication protected item (Enable replication).

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": "",
  "input": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Name of the fabric.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: A name for the replication protected item.
    • input required EnableProtectionInput



Operation to resolve health issues of the replication protected item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": "",
  "resolveHealthInput": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Unique fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: Replication protected item name.
    • resolveHealthInput required ResolveHealthInput



Operation to add disks(s) to the replication protected item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": "",
  "addDisksInput": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Unique fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: Replication protected item name.
    • addDisksInput required AddDisksInput



The operation to change the recovery point of a failed over replication protected item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": "",
  "applyRecoveryPointInput": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: The ARM fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: The protection container name.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: The replicated protected item's name.
    • applyRecoveryPointInput required ApplyRecoveryPointInput



Operation to commit the failover of the replication protected item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Unique fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: Replication protected item name.



Operation to initiate a planned failover of the replication protected item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": "",
  "failoverInput": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Unique fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: Replication protected item name.
    • failoverInput required PlannedFailoverInput



Operation to reprotect or reverse replicate a failed over replication protected item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": "",
  "rrInput": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Unique fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: Replication protected item name.
    • rrInput required ReverseReplicationInput



Lists the available recovery points for a replication protected item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: The fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: The protection container name.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: The replication protected item's name.



Get the details of specified recovery point.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": "",
  "recoveryPointName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: The fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: The protection container name.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: The replication protected item's name.
    • recoveryPointName required string: The recovery point name.



The operation to disable replication on a replication protected item. This will also remove the item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": "",
  "disableProtectionInput": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: Replication protected item name.
    • disableProtectionInput required DisableProtectionInput


Output schema unknown


Operation to remove disk(s) from the replication protected item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": "",
  "removeDisksInput": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Unique fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: Replication protected item name.
    • removeDisksInput required RemoveDisksInput



The operation to start resynchronize/repair replication for a replication protected item requiring resynchronization.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: The name of the fabric.
    • protectionContainerName required string: The name of the container.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: The name of the replication protected item.



Lists the available target compute sizes for a replication protected item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: protection container name.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: Replication protected item name.



Operation to perform a test failover of the replication protected item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": "",
  "failoverInput": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Unique fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: Replication protected item name.
    • failoverInput required TestFailoverInput



Operation to clean up the test failover of a replication protected item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": "",
  "cleanupInput": {
    "properties": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Unique fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: Replication protected item name.
    • cleanupInput required TestFailoverCleanupInput



Operation to initiate a failover of the replication protected item.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicatedProtectedItemName": "",
  "failoverInput": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Unique fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • replicatedProtectedItemName required string: Replication protected item name.
    • failoverInput required UnplannedFailoverInput



The operation to update(push update) the installed mobility service software on a replication protected item to the latest available version.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "replicationProtectedItemName": "",
  "updateMobilityServiceRequest": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: The name of the fabric containing the protected item.
    • protectionContainerName required string: The name of the container containing the protected item.
    • replicationProtectedItemName required string: The name of the protected item on which the agent is to be updated.
    • updateMobilityServiceRequest required UpdateMobilityServiceRequest



Lists the protection container mappings for a protection container.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.



The operation to purge(force delete) a protection container mapping

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "mappingName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • mappingName required string: Protection container mapping name.


Output schema unknown


Gets the details of a protection container mapping.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "mappingName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • mappingName required string: Protection Container mapping name.



The operation to update protection container mapping.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "mappingName": "",
  "updateInput": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • mappingName required string: Protection container mapping name.
    • updateInput required UpdateProtectionContainerMappingInput



The operation to create a protection container mapping.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "mappingName": "",
  "creationInput": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • mappingName required string: Protection container mapping name.
    • creationInput required CreateProtectionContainerMappingInput



The operation to delete or remove a protection container mapping.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "mappingName": "",
  "removalInput": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • mappingName required string: Protection container mapping name.
    • removalInput required RemoveProtectionContainerMappingInput


Output schema unknown


Operation to switch protection from one container to another or one replication provider to another.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "protectionContainerName": "",
  "switchInput": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Unique fabric name.
    • protectionContainerName required string: Protection container name.
    • switchInput required SwitchProtectionInput



Lists the registered recovery services providers for the specified fabric.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name



The operation to purge(force delete) a recovery services provider from the vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "providerName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • providerName required string: Recovery services provider name.


Output schema unknown


Gets the details of registered recovery services provider.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "providerName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • providerName required string: Recovery services provider name



The operation to add a recovery services provider.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "providerName": "",
  "addProviderInput": {
    "properties": {
      "machineName": "",
      "authenticationIdentityInput": {
        "tenantId": "",
        "applicationId": "",
        "objectId": "",
        "audience": "",
        "aadAuthority": ""
      "resourceAccessIdentityInput": {
        "tenantId": "",
        "applicationId": "",
        "objectId": "",
        "audience": "",
        "aadAuthority": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • providerName required string: Recovery services provider name.
    • addProviderInput required AddRecoveryServicesProviderInput



The operation to refresh the information from the recovery services provider.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "providerName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • providerName required string: Recovery services provider name.



The operation to removes/delete(unregister) a recovery services provider from the vault

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "providerName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • providerName required string: Recovery services provider name.


Output schema unknown


Lists the storage classifications available in the specified fabric.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Site name of interest.



Gets the details of the specified storage classification.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "storageClassificationName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • storageClassificationName required string: Storage classification name.



Lists the storage classification mappings for the fabric.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "storageClassificationName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • storageClassificationName required string: Storage classification name.



The operation to delete a storage classification mapping.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "storageClassificationName": "",
  "storageClassificationMappingName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • storageClassificationName required string: Storage classification name.
    • storageClassificationMappingName required string: Storage classification mapping name.


Output schema unknown


Gets the details of the specified storage classification mapping.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "storageClassificationName": "",
  "storageClassificationMappingName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • storageClassificationName required string: Storage classification name.
    • storageClassificationMappingName required string: Storage classification mapping name.



The operation to create a storage classification mapping.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "storageClassificationName": "",
  "storageClassificationMappingName": "",
  "pairingInput": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • storageClassificationName required string: Storage classification name.
    • storageClassificationMappingName required string: Storage classification mapping name.
    • pairingInput required StorageClassificationMappingInput



Lists the vCenter servers registered in a fabric.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.



The operation to remove(unregister) a registered vCenter server from the vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "vCenterName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • vCenterName required string: vCenter name.


Output schema unknown


Gets the details of a registered vCenter server(Add vCenter server.)

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "vCenterName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • vCenterName required string: vCenter name.



The operation to update a registered vCenter.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "vCenterName": "",
  "updateVCenterRequest": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • vCenterName required string: vCenter name
    • updateVCenterRequest required UpdateVCenterRequest



The operation to create a vCenter object..

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "fabricName": "",
  "vCenterName": "",
  "addVCenterRequest": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • fabricName required string: Fabric name.
    • vCenterName required string: vCenter name.
    • addVCenterRequest required AddVCenterRequest



Gets the list of Azure Site Recovery Jobs for the vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • $filter string: OData filter options.



The operation to export the details of the Azure Site Recovery jobs of the vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "jobQueryParameter": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • jobQueryParameter required JobQueryParameter



Get the details of an Azure Site Recovery job.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "jobName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • jobName required string: Job identifier



The operation to cancel an Azure Site Recovery job.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "jobName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • jobName required string: Job identifier.



The operation to restart an Azure Site Recovery job.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "jobName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • jobName required string: Job identifier.



The operation to resume an Azure Site Recovery job

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "jobName": "",
  "resumeJobParams": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • jobName required string: Job identifier.
    • resumeJobParams required ResumeJobParams



Gets the list of migration items in the vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • skipToken string: The pagination token.
    • $filter string: OData filter options.



Lists all ASR network mappings in the vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



Lists the networks available in a vault

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



Lists the replication policies for a vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



The operation to delete a replication policy.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "policyName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • policyName required string: Replication policy name.


Output schema unknown


Gets the details of a replication policy.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "policyName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • policyName required string: Replication policy name.



The operation to update a replication policy.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "policyName": "",
  "input": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • policyName required string: Policy Id.
    • input required UpdatePolicyInput



The operation to create a replication policy

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "policyName": "",
  "input": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • policyName required string: Replication policy name
    • input required CreatePolicyInput



Gets the list of ASR replication protected items in the vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • skipToken string: The pagination token. Possible values: "FabricId" or "FabricId_CloudId" or null
    • $filter string: OData filter options.



Lists the protection container mappings in the vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



Lists the protection containers in a vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



Lists the recovery plans in the vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



Delete a recovery plan.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "recoveryPlanName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • recoveryPlanName required string: Recovery plan name.


Output schema unknown


Gets the details of the recovery plan.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "recoveryPlanName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • recoveryPlanName required string: Name of the recovery plan.



The operation to update a recovery plan.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "recoveryPlanName": "",
  "input": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • recoveryPlanName required string: Recovery plan name.
    • input required UpdateRecoveryPlanInput



The operation to create a recovery plan.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "recoveryPlanName": "",
  "input": {
    "properties": {
      "primaryFabricId": "",
      "recoveryFabricId": "",
      "groups": []
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • recoveryPlanName required string: Recovery plan name.
    • input required CreateRecoveryPlanInput



The operation to commit the fail over of a recovery plan.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "recoveryPlanName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • recoveryPlanName required string: Recovery plan name.



The operation to start the planned failover of a recovery plan.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "recoveryPlanName": "",
  "input": {
    "properties": {
      "failoverDirection": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • recoveryPlanName required string: Recovery plan name.
    • input required RecoveryPlanPlannedFailoverInput



The operation to reprotect(reverse replicate) a recovery plan.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "recoveryPlanName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • recoveryPlanName required string: Recovery plan name.



The operation to start the test failover of a recovery plan.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "recoveryPlanName": "",
  "input": {
    "properties": {
      "failoverDirection": "",
      "networkType": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • recoveryPlanName required string: Recovery plan name.
    • input required RecoveryPlanTestFailoverInput



The operation to cleanup test failover of a recovery plan.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "recoveryPlanName": "",
  "input": {
    "properties": {}
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • recoveryPlanName required string: Recovery plan name.
    • input required RecoveryPlanTestFailoverCleanupInput



The operation to start the failover of a recovery plan.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "recoveryPlanName": "",
  "input": {
    "properties": {
      "failoverDirection": "",
      "sourceSiteOperations": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • recoveryPlanName required string: Recovery plan name.
    • input required RecoveryPlanUnplannedFailoverInput



Lists the registered recovery services providers in the vault

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



Lists the storage classification mappings in the vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



Lists the storage classifications in the vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



Gets the data of supported OSes by SRS.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



Gets the health details of the vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



Refreshes health summary of the vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



Gets the list of vault setting. This includes the Migration Hub connection settings.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.



Gets the vault setting. This includes the Migration Hub connection settings.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "vaultSettingName": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • vaultSettingName required string: Vault setting name.



The operation to configure vault setting.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": "",
  "vaultSettingName": "",
  "input": {
    "properties": {
      "migrationSolutionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.
    • vaultSettingName required string: Vault setting name.
    • input required VaultSettingCreationInput



Lists the vCenter servers registered in the vault.

  "api-version": "",
  "resourceName": "",
  "resourceGroupName": "",
  "subscriptionId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api-version required string: Client Api Version.
    • resourceName required string: The name of the recovery services vault.
    • resourceGroupName required string: The name of the resource group where the recovery services vault is present.
    • subscriptionId required string: The subscription Id.




  • A2AAddDisksInput object: A2A add disk(s) input.


  • A2AApplyRecoveryPointInput object: ApplyRecoveryPoint input specific to A2A provider.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • A2AContainerCreationInput object: A2A cloud creation input.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • A2AContainerMappingInput object: A2A container mapping input.
    • agentAutoUpdateStatus string (values: Disabled, Enabled): A value indicating whether the auto update is enabled.
    • automationAccountArmId string: The automation account arm id.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • A2AEnableProtectionInput object: A2A enable protection input.
    • diskEncryptionInfo DiskEncryptionInfo
    • fabricObjectId string: The fabric specific object Id of the virtual machine.
    • multiVmGroupName string: The multi vm group name.
    • recoveryAvailabilitySetId string: The recovery availability set Id.
    • recoveryAvailabilityZone string: The recovery availability zone.
    • recoveryAzureNetworkId string: The recovery Azure virtual network ARM id.
    • recoveryBootDiagStorageAccountId string: The boot diagnostic storage account.
    • recoveryCloudServiceId string: The recovery cloud service Id. Valid for V1 scenarios.
    • recoveryContainerId string: The recovery container Id.
    • recoveryResourceGroupId string: The recovery resource group Id. Valid for V2 scenarios.
    • recoverySubnetName string: The recovery subnet name.
    • vmDisks array: The list of vm disk details.
    • vmManagedDisks array: The list of vm managed disk details.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • A2AEventDetails object: Model class for event details of a A2A event.
    • fabricLocation string: The fabric location.
    • fabricName string: Fabric arm name.
    • fabricObjectId string: The azure vm arm id.
    • protectedItemName string: The protected item arm name.
    • remoteFabricLocation string: Remote fabric location.
    • remoteFabricName string: Remote fabric arm name.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • A2AFailoverProviderInput object: A2A provider specific input for failover.
    • cloudServiceCreationOption string: A value indicating whether to use recovery cloud service for TFO or not.
    • recoveryPointId string: The recovery point id to be passed to failover to a particular recovery point. In case of latest recovery point, null should be passed.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • A2APolicyCreationInput object: A2A Policy creation input.
    • appConsistentFrequencyInMinutes integer: The app consistent snapshot frequency (in minutes).
    • crashConsistentFrequencyInMinutes integer: The crash consistent snapshot frequency (in minutes).
    • multiVmSyncStatus required string (values: Enable, Disable): A value indicating whether multi-VM sync has to be enabled. Value should be 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'.
    • recoveryPointHistory integer: The duration in minutes until which the recovery points need to be stored.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • A2APolicyDetails object: A2A specific policy details.
    • appConsistentFrequencyInMinutes integer: The app consistent snapshot frequency in minutes.
    • crashConsistentFrequencyInMinutes integer: The crash consistent snapshot frequency in minutes.
    • multiVmSyncStatus string: A value indicating whether multi-VM sync has to be enabled.
    • recoveryPointHistory integer: The duration in minutes until which the recovery points need to be stored.
    • recoveryPointThresholdInMinutes integer: The recovery point threshold in minutes.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • A2AProtectedDiskDetails object: A2A protected disk details.
    • allowedDiskLevelOperation array: The disk level operations list.
      • items string
    • dataPendingAtSourceAgentInMB number: The data pending at source virtual machine in MB.
    • dataPendingInStagingStorageAccountInMB number: The data pending for replication in MB at staging account.
    • dekKeyVaultArmId string: The KeyVault resource id for secret (BEK).
    • diskCapacityInBytes integer: The disk capacity in bytes.
    • diskName string: The disk name.
    • diskState string: The disk state.
    • diskType string: The type of disk.
    • diskUri string: The disk uri.
    • isDiskEncrypted boolean: A value indicating whether vm has encrypted os disk or not.
    • isDiskKeyEncrypted boolean: A value indicating whether disk key got encrypted or not.
    • kekKeyVaultArmId string: The KeyVault resource id for key (KEK).
    • keyIdentifier string: The key URL / identifier (KEK).
    • monitoringJobType string: The type of the monitoring job. The progress is contained in MonitoringPercentageCompletion property.
    • monitoringPercentageCompletion integer: The percentage of the monitoring job. The type of the monitoring job is defined by MonitoringJobType property.
    • primaryDiskAzureStorageAccountId string: The primary disk storage account.
    • primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId string: The primary staging storage account.
    • recoveryAzureStorageAccountId string: The recovery disk storage account.
    • recoveryDiskUri string: Recovery disk uri.
    • resyncRequired boolean: A value indicating whether resync is required for this disk.
    • secretIdentifier string: The secret URL / identifier (BEK).


  • A2AProtectedManagedDiskDetails object: A2A protected managed disk details.
    • allowedDiskLevelOperation array: The disk level operations list.
      • items string
    • dataPendingAtSourceAgentInMB number: The data pending at source virtual machine in MB.
    • dataPendingInStagingStorageAccountInMB number: The data pending for replication in MB at staging account.
    • dekKeyVaultArmId string: The KeyVault resource id for secret (BEK).
    • diskCapacityInBytes integer: The disk capacity in bytes.
    • diskId string: The managed disk Arm id.
    • diskName string: The disk name.
    • diskState string: The disk state.
    • diskType string: The type of disk.
    • failoverDiskName string: The failover name for the managed disk.
    • isDiskEncrypted boolean: A value indicating whether vm has encrypted os disk or not.
    • isDiskKeyEncrypted boolean: A value indicating whether disk key got encrypted or not.
    • kekKeyVaultArmId string: The KeyVault resource id for key (KEK).
    • keyIdentifier string: The key URL / identifier (KEK).
    • monitoringJobType string: The type of the monitoring job. The progress is contained in MonitoringPercentageCompletion property.
    • monitoringPercentageCompletion integer: The percentage of the monitoring job. The type of the monitoring job is defined by MonitoringJobType property.
    • primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId string: The primary staging storage account.
    • recoveryDiskEncryptionSetId string: The recovery disk encryption set Id.
    • recoveryReplicaDiskAccountType string: The replica disk type. Its an optional value and will be same as source disk type if not user provided.
    • recoveryReplicaDiskId string: Recovery replica disk Arm Id.
    • recoveryResourceGroupId string: The recovery disk resource group Arm Id.
    • recoveryTargetDiskAccountType string: The target disk type after failover. Its an optional value and will be same as source disk type if not user provided.
    • recoveryTargetDiskId string: Recovery target disk Arm Id.
    • resyncRequired boolean: A value indicating whether resync is required for this disk.
    • secretIdentifier string: The secret URL / identifier (BEK).
    • tfoDiskName string: The test failover name for the managed disk.


  • A2AProtectionContainerMappingDetails object: A2A provider specific settings.
    • agentAutoUpdateStatus string (values: Disabled, Enabled): A value indicating whether the auto update is enabled.
    • automationAccountArmId string: The automation account arm id.
    • jobScheduleName string: The job schedule arm name.
    • scheduleName string: The schedule arm name.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • A2ARecoveryPointDetails object: A2A provider specific recovery point details.
    • disks array: List of disk ids representing a recovery point.
      • items string
    • recoveryPointSyncType string (values: MultiVmSyncRecoveryPoint, PerVmRecoveryPoint): A value indicating whether the recovery point is multi VM consistent.
    • instanceType string: Gets the provider type.


  • A2ARemoveDisksInput object: A2A remove disk(s) input.
    • vmDisksUris array: The list of vm disk vhd URIs.
      • items string
    • vmManagedDisksIds array: The list of vm managed disk Ids.
      • items string
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • A2AReplicationDetails object: A2A provider specific settings.
    • agentVersion string: The agent version.
    • fabricObjectId string: The fabric specific object Id of the virtual machine.
    • initialPrimaryFabricLocation string: The initial primary fabric location.
    • initialRecoveryFabricLocation string: The initial recovery fabric location.
    • isReplicationAgentUpdateRequired boolean: A value indicating whether replication agent update is required.
    • lastHeartbeat string: The last heartbeat received from the source server.
    • lastRpoCalculatedTime string: The time (in UTC) when the last RPO value was calculated by Protection Service.
    • lifecycleId string: An id associated with the PE that survives actions like switch protection which change the backing PE/CPE objects internally.The lifecycle id gets carried forward to have a link/continuity in being able to have an Id that denotes the "same" protected item even though other internal Ids/ARM Id might be changing.
    • managementId string: The management Id.
    • monitoringJobType string: The type of the monitoring job. The progress is contained in MonitoringPercentageCompletion property.
    • monitoringPercentageCompletion integer: The percentage of the monitoring job. The type of the monitoring job is defined by MonitoringJobType property.
    • multiVmGroupCreateOption string (values: AutoCreated, UserSpecified): Whether Multi VM group is auto created or specified by user.
    • multiVmGroupId string: The multi vm group Id.
    • multiVmGroupName string: The multi vm group name.
    • osType string: The type of operating system.
    • primaryFabricLocation string: Primary fabric location.
    • protectedDisks array: The list of protected disks.
    • protectedManagedDisks array: The list of protected managed disks.
    • recoveryAvailabilitySet string: The recovery availability set.
    • recoveryAvailabilityZone string: The recovery availability zone.
    • recoveryAzureResourceGroupId string: The recovery resource group.
    • recoveryAzureVMName string: The name of recovery virtual machine.
    • recoveryAzureVMSize string: The size of recovery virtual machine.
    • recoveryBootDiagStorageAccountId string: The recovery boot diagnostic storage account Arm Id.
    • recoveryCloudService string: The recovery cloud service.
    • recoveryFabricLocation string: The recovery fabric location.
    • recoveryFabricObjectId string: The recovery fabric object Id.
    • rpoInSeconds integer: The last RPO value in seconds.
    • selectedRecoveryAzureNetworkId string: The recovery virtual network.
    • selectedTfoAzureNetworkId string: The test failover virtual network.
    • testFailoverRecoveryFabricObjectId string: The test failover fabric object Id.
    • tfoAzureVMName string: The test failover VM name.
    • unprotectedDisks array: The list of unprotected disks.
    • vmEncryptionType string (values: NotEncrypted, OnePassEncrypted, TwoPassEncrypted): The encryption type of the VM.
    • vmNics array: The virtual machine nic details.
    • vmProtectionState string: The protection state for the vm.
    • vmProtectionStateDescription string: The protection state description for the vm.
    • vmSyncedConfigDetails AzureToAzureVmSyncedConfigDetails
    • instanceType string: Gets the Instance type.


  • A2AReprotectInput object: Azure specific reprotect input.
    • policyId string: The Policy Id.
    • recoveryAvailabilitySetId string: The recovery availability set.
    • recoveryCloudServiceId string: The recovery cloud service Id. Valid for V1 scenarios.
    • recoveryContainerId string: The recovery container Id.
    • recoveryResourceGroupId string: The recovery resource group Id. Valid for V2 scenarios.
    • vmDisks array: The list of vm disk details.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • A2ASwitchProtectionInput object: A2A specific switch protection input.
    • diskEncryptionInfo DiskEncryptionInfo
    • policyId string: The Policy Id.
    • recoveryAvailabilitySetId string: The recovery availability set.
    • recoveryBootDiagStorageAccountId string: The boot diagnostic storage account.
    • recoveryCloudServiceId string: The recovery cloud service Id. Valid for V1 scenarios.
    • recoveryContainerId string: The recovery container Id.
    • recoveryResourceGroupId string: The recovery resource group Id. Valid for V2 scenarios.
    • vmDisks array: The list of vm disk details.
    • vmManagedDisks array: The list of vm managed disk details.
    • instanceType string: Gets the Instance type.


  • A2AUnprotectedDiskDetails object: A2A unprotected disk details.
    • diskLunId integer: The source lun Id for the data disk.


  • A2AUpdateContainerMappingInput object: A2A update protection container mapping.
    • agentAutoUpdateStatus string (values: Disabled, Enabled): A value indicating whether the auto update is enabled.
    • automationAccountArmId string: The automation account arm id.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • A2AUpdateReplicationProtectedItemInput object: InMage Azure V2 input to update replication protected item.
    • diskEncryptionInfo DiskEncryptionInfo
    • managedDiskUpdateDetails array: Managed disk update details.
    • recoveryBootDiagStorageAccountId string: The boot diagnostic storage account.
    • recoveryCloudServiceId string: The target cloud service ARM Id (for V1).
    • recoveryResourceGroupId string: The target resource group ARM Id (for V2).
    • tfoAzureVMName string: The user given name for test failover VM.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • A2AVmDiskInputDetails object: Azure VM disk input details.
    • diskUri string: The disk Uri.
    • primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId string: The primary staging storage account Id.
    • recoveryAzureStorageAccountId string: The recovery VHD storage account Id.


  • A2AVmManagedDiskInputDetails object: Azure VM managed disk input details.
    • diskEncryptionInfo DiskEncryptionInfo
    • diskId string: The disk Id.
    • primaryStagingAzureStorageAccountId string: The primary staging storage account Arm Id.
    • recoveryDiskEncryptionSetId string: The recovery disk encryption set Id.
    • recoveryReplicaDiskAccountType string: The replica disk type. Its an optional value and will be same as source disk type if not user provided.
    • recoveryResourceGroupId string: The target resource group Arm Id.
    • recoveryTargetDiskAccountType string: The target disk type after failover. Its an optional value and will be same as source disk type if not user provided.


  • A2AVmManagedDiskUpdateDetails object: Azure VM managed disk update input details.
    • diskEncryptionInfo DiskEncryptionInfo
    • diskId string: The disk Id.
    • failoverDiskName string: The target disk name for unplanned failover operation.
    • recoveryReplicaDiskAccountType string: The replica disk type before failover.
    • recoveryTargetDiskAccountType string: The target disk type before failover.
    • tfoDiskName string: The target disk name for test failover operation.


  • ASRTask object: Task of the Job.
    • allowedActions array: The state/actions applicable on this task.
      • items string
    • customDetails TaskTypeDetails
    • endTime string: The end time.
    • errors array: The task error details.
    • friendlyName string: The name.
    • groupTaskCustomDetails GroupTaskDetails
    • name string: The unique Task name.
    • startTime string: The start time.
    • state string: The State. It is one of these values - NotStarted, InProgress, Succeeded, Failed, Cancelled, Suspended or Other.
    • stateDescription string: The description of the task state. For example - For Succeeded state, description can be Completed, PartiallySucceeded, CompletedWithInformation or Skipped.
    • taskId string: The Id.
    • taskType string: The type of task. Details in CustomDetails property depend on this type.




  • AddDisksProviderSpecificInput object: Add Disks provider specific input.
    • instanceType string: The class type.



  • AddRecoveryServicesProviderInputProperties object: The properties of an add provider request.



  • AddVCenterRequestProperties object: The properties of an add vCenter request.
    • friendlyName string: The friendly name of the vCenter.
    • ipAddress string: The IP address of the vCenter to be discovered.
    • port string: The port number for discovery.
    • processServerId string: The process server Id from where the discovery is orchestrated.
    • runAsAccountId string: The account Id which has privileges to discover the vCenter.


  • Alert object: Implements the Alert class.
    • properties AlertProperties
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type


  • AlertCollection object: Collection of alerts.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The list of alerts.


  • AlertProperties object: The properties of an alert.
    • customEmailAddresses array: The custom email address for sending emails.
      • items string
    • locale string: The locale for the email notification.
    • sendToOwners string: A value indicating whether to send email to subscription administrator.



  • ApplyRecoveryPointInputProperties object: Input properties to apply recovery point.


  • ApplyRecoveryPointProviderSpecificInput object: Provider specific input for apply recovery point.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • AsrJobDetails object: This class represents job details based on specific job type.
    • affectedObjectDetails object: The affected object properties like source server, source cloud, target server, target cloud etc. based on the workflow object details.
    • instanceType string: Gets the type of job details (see JobDetailsTypes enum for possible values).


  • AutomationRunbookTaskDetails object: This class represents the task details for an automation runbook.
    • accountName string: The automation account name of the runbook.
    • cloudServiceName string: The cloud service of the automation runbook account.
    • isPrimarySideScript boolean: A value indicating whether it is a primary side script or not.
    • jobId string: The job Id of the runbook execution.
    • jobOutput string: The execution output of the runbook.
    • name string: The recovery plan task name.
    • runbookId string: The runbook Id.
    • runbookName string: The runbook name.
    • subscriptionId string: The subscription Id of the automation runbook account.
    • instanceType string: The type of task details.


  • AzureFabricCreationInput object: Fabric provider specific settings.
    • location string: The Location.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type.


  • AzureFabricSpecificDetails object: Azure Fabric Specific Details.
    • containerIds array: The container Ids for the Azure fabric.
      • items string
    • location string: The Location for the Azure fabric.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • AzureToAzureCreateNetworkMappingInput object: Create network mappings input properties/behavior specific to Azure to Azure Network mapping.
    • primaryNetworkId string: The primary azure vnet Id.
    • instanceType string: The instance type.


  • AzureToAzureNetworkMappingSettings object: A2A Network Mapping fabric specific settings.
    • primaryFabricLocation string: The primary fabric location.
    • recoveryFabricLocation string: The recovery fabric location.
    • instanceType string: Gets the Instance type.


  • AzureToAzureUpdateNetworkMappingInput object: Updates network mappings input.
    • primaryNetworkId string: The primary azure vnet Id.
    • instanceType string: The instance type.


  • AzureToAzureVmSyncedConfigDetails object: Azure to Azure VM synced configuration details.
    • inputEndpoints array: The Azure VM input endpoints.
    • tags object: The Azure VM tags.


  • AzureVmDiskDetails object: Disk details for E2A provider.
    • diskEncryptionSetId string: The DiskEncryptionSet ARM ID.
    • diskId string: The disk resource id.
    • lunId string: Ordinal\LunId of the disk for the Azure VM.
    • maxSizeMB string: Max side in MB.
    • targetDiskLocation string: Blob uri of the Azure disk.
    • targetDiskName string: The target Azure disk name.
    • vhdId string: The VHD id.
    • vhdName string: VHD name.
    • vhdType string: VHD type.


  • ComputeSizeErrorDetails object: Represents the error used to indicate why the target compute size is not applicable.
    • message string: The error message.
    • severity string: The severity of the error.


  • ConfigurationSettings object: Replication provider specific settings.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.



  • ConfigureAlertRequestProperties object: Properties of a configure alert request.
    • customEmailAddresses array: The custom email address for sending emails.
      • items string
    • locale string: The locale for the email notification.
    • sendToOwners string: A value indicating whether to send email to subscription administrator.


  • ConsistencyCheckTaskDetails object: This class contains monitoring details of all the inconsistent Protected Entities in Vmm.
    • vmDetails array: The list of inconsistent Vm details.
    • instanceType string: The type of task details.



  • CreateNetworkMappingInputProperties object: Common input details for network mapping operation.







  • CreateProtectionContainerMappingInputProperties object: Configure pairing input properties.



  • CreateRecoveryPlanInputProperties object: Recovery plan creation properties.
    • failoverDeploymentModel string (values: NotApplicable, Classic, ResourceManager): The failover deployment model.
    • groups required array: The recovery plan groups.
    • primaryFabricId required string: The primary fabric Id.
    • recoveryFabricId required string: The recovery fabric Id.


  • CurrentJobDetails object: Current job details of the migration item.
    • jobId string: The ARM Id of the job being executed.
    • jobName string: The job name.
    • startTime string: The start time of the job.


  • CurrentScenarioDetails object: Current scenario details of the protected entity.
    • jobId string: ARM Id of the job being executed.
    • scenarioName string: Scenario name.
    • startTime string: Start time of the workflow.


  • DataStore object: The data store details of the MT.
    • capacity string: The capacity of data store in GBs.
    • freeSpace string: The free space of data store in GBs.
    • symbolicName string: The symbolic name of data store.
    • type string: The type of data store.
    • uuid string: The uuid of data store.



  • DisableProtectionInputProperties object: Disable protection input properties.
    • disableProtectionReason string (values: NotSpecified, MigrationComplete): Disable protection reason. It can have values NotSpecified/MigrationComplete.
    • replicationProviderInput DisableProtectionProviderSpecificInput


  • DisableProtectionProviderSpecificInput object: Disable protection provider specific input.
    • instanceType string: The class type.



  • DiscoverProtectableItemRequestProperties object: Discover protectable item properties.
    • friendlyName string: The friendly name of the physical machine.
    • ipAddress string: The IP address of the physical machine to be discovered.
    • osType string: The OS type on the physical machine.


  • DiskDetails object: On-prem disk details data.
    • maxSizeMB integer: The hard disk max size in MB.
    • vhdId string: The VHD Id.
    • vhdName string: The VHD name.
    • vhdType string: The type of the volume.



  • DiskEncryptionKeyInfo object: Disk Encryption Key Information (BitLocker Encryption Key (BEK) on Windows).
    • keyVaultResourceArmId string: The KeyVault resource ARM id for secret.
    • secretIdentifier string: The secret url / identifier.


  • DiskVolumeDetails object: Volume details.
    • label string: The volume label.
    • name string: The volume name.


  • Display object: Contains the localized display information for this particular operation / action. These value will be used by several clients for (1) custom role definitions for RBAC; (2) complex query filters for the event service; and (3) audit history / records for management operations.
    • description string: The description. The localized friendly description for the operation, as it should be shown to the user. It should be thorough, yet concise – it will be used in tool tips and detailed views. Prescriptive guidance for namespaces: Read any 'display.provider' resource Create or Update any 'display.provider' resource Delete any 'display.provider' resource Perform any other action on any 'display.provider' resource Prescriptive guidance for namespaces: Read any 'display.resource' Create or Update any 'display.resource' Delete any 'display.resource' 'ActionName' any 'display.resources'
    • operation string: The operation. The localized friendly name for the operation, as it should be shown to the user. It should be concise (to fit in drop downs) but clear (i.e. self-documenting). It should use Title Casing. Prescriptive guidance: Read Create or Update Delete 'ActionName'
    • provider string: The provider. The localized friendly form of the resource provider name – it is expected to also include the publisher/company responsible. It should use Title Casing and begin with "Microsoft" for 1st party services. e.g. "Microsoft Monitoring Insights" or "Microsoft Compute."
    • resource string: The resource. The localized friendly form of the resource related to this action/operation – it should match the public documentation for the resource provider. It should use Title Casing. This value should be unique for a particular URL type (e.g. nested types should not reuse their parent’s display.resource field). e.g. "Virtual Machines" or "Scheduler Job Collections", or "Virtual Machine VM Sizes" or "Scheduler Jobs"



  • EnableMigrationInputProperties object: Enable migration input properties.


  • EnableMigrationProviderSpecificInput object: Enable migration provider specific input.
    • instanceType required string: The class type.



  • EnableProtectionInputProperties object: Enable protection input properties.


  • EnableProtectionProviderSpecificInput object: Enable protection provider specific input.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • EncryptionDetails object: Encryption details for the fabric.
    • kekCertExpiryDate string: The key encryption key certificate expiry date.
    • kekCertThumbprint string: The key encryption key certificate thumbprint.
    • kekState string: The key encryption key state for the Vmm.


  • Event object: Implements the Event class.
    • properties EventProperties
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type


  • EventCollection object: Collection of fabric details.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The list of events.


  • EventProperties object: The properties of a monitoring event.
    • affectedObjectFriendlyName string: The friendly name of the source of the event on which it is raised (for example, VM, VMM etc).
    • description string: The event name.
    • eventCode string: The Id of the monitoring event.
    • eventSpecificDetails EventSpecificDetails
    • eventType string: The type of the event. for example: VM Health, Server Health, Job Failure etc.
    • fabricId string: The ARM ID of the fabric.
    • healthErrors array: The list of errors / warnings capturing details associated with the issue(s).
    • providerSpecificDetails EventProviderSpecificDetails
    • severity string: The severity of the event.
    • timeOfOccurrence string: The time of occurrence of the event.


  • EventProviderSpecificDetails object: Model class for provider specific details for an event.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • EventQueryParameter object: Implements the event query parameter.
    • affectedObjectFriendlyName string: The affected object name of the events to be queried.
    • endTime string: The end time of the time range within which the events are to be queried.
    • eventCode string: The source id of the events to be queried.
    • eventType string: The type of the events to be queried.
    • fabricName string: The affected object server id of the events to be queried.
    • severity string: The severity of the events to be queried.
    • startTime string: The start time of the time range within which the events are to be queried.


  • EventSpecificDetails object: Model class for event specific details for an event.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • ExportJobDetails object: This class represents details for export jobs workflow.
    • blobUri string: BlobUri of the exported jobs.
    • sasToken string: The sas token to access blob.
    • affectedObjectDetails object: The affected object properties like source server, source cloud, target server, target cloud etc. based on the workflow object details.
    • instanceType string: Gets the type of job details (see JobDetailsTypes enum for possible values).


  • Fabric object: Fabric definition.
    • properties FabricProperties
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type


  • FabricCollection object: Collection of fabric details.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The fabric details.



  • FabricCreationInputProperties object: Properties of site details provided during the time of site creation


  • FabricProperties object: Fabric properties.
    • bcdrState string: BCDR state of the fabric.
    • customDetails FabricSpecificDetails
    • encryptionDetails EncryptionDetails
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the fabric.
    • health string: Health of fabric.
    • healthErrorDetails array: Fabric health error details.
    • internalIdentifier string: Dra Registration Id.
    • rolloverEncryptionDetails EncryptionDetails


  • FabricReplicationGroupTaskDetails object: This class represents the fabric replication group task details.
    • jobTask JobEntity
    • skippedReason string: The skipped reason.
    • skippedReasonString string: The skipped reason string.
    • instanceType string: The type of task details.


  • FabricSpecificCreateNetworkMappingInput object: Input details specific to fabrics during Network Mapping.
    • instanceType string: The instance type.


  • FabricSpecificCreationInput object: Fabric provider specific settings.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type.


  • FabricSpecificDetails object: Fabric specific details.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • FabricSpecificUpdateNetworkMappingInput object: Input details specific to fabrics during Network Mapping.
    • instanceType string: The instance type.


  • FailoverJobDetails object: This class represents the details for a failover job.
    • protectedItemDetails array: The test VM details.
    • affectedObjectDetails object: The affected object properties like source server, source cloud, target server, target cloud etc. based on the workflow object details.
    • instanceType string: Gets the type of job details (see JobDetailsTypes enum for possible values).



  • FailoverProcessServerRequestProperties object: The properties of the Failover Process Server request.
    • containerName string: The container identifier.
    • sourceProcessServerId string: The source process server.
    • targetProcessServerId string: The new process server.
    • updateType string: A value for failover type. It can be systemlevel/serverlevel
    • vmsToMigrate array: The VMS to migrate.
      • items string


  • FailoverReplicationProtectedItemDetails object: Failover details for a replication protected item.
    • friendlyName string: The friendly name.
    • name string: The name.
    • networkConnectionStatus string: The network connection status.
    • networkFriendlyName string: The network friendly name.
    • recoveryPointId string: The recovery point Id.
    • recoveryPointTime string: The recovery point time.
    • subnet string: The network subnet.
    • testVmFriendlyName string: The test Vm friendly name.
    • testVmName string: The test Vm name.


  • GroupTaskDetails object: This class represents the group task details when parent child relationship exists in the drill down.
    • childTasks array: The child tasks.
    • instanceType string: The type of task details.


  • HealthError object: Health Error
    • creationTimeUtc string: Error creation time (UTC)
    • customerResolvability string (values: Allowed, NotAllowed): Value indicating whether the health error is customer resolvable.
    • entityId string: ID of the entity.
    • errorCategory string: Category of error.
    • errorCode string: Error code.
    • errorId string: The health error unique id.
    • errorLevel string: Level of error.
    • errorMessage string: Error message.
    • errorSource string: Source of error.
    • errorType string: Type of error.
    • innerHealthErrors array: The inner health errors. HealthError having a list of HealthError as child errors is problematic. InnerHealthError is used because this will prevent an infinite loop of structures when Hydra tries to auto-generate the contract. We are exposing the related health errors as inner health errors and all API consumers can utilize this in the same fashion as Exception -> InnerException.
    • possibleCauses string: Possible causes of error.
    • recommendedAction string: Recommended action to resolve error.
    • recoveryProviderErrorMessage string: DRA error message.
    • summaryMessage string: Summary message of the entity.


  • HealthErrorSummary object: class to define the summary of the health error details.
    • affectedResourceCorrelationIds array: The list of affected resource correlation Ids. This can be used to uniquely identify the count of items affected by a specific category and severity as well as count of item affected by an specific issue.
      • items string
    • affectedResourceSubtype string: The sub type of any subcomponent within the ARM resource that this might be applicable. Value remains null if not applicable.
    • affectedResourceType string: The type of affected ARM resource.
    • category string (values: None, Replication, TestFailover, Configuration, FabricInfrastructure, VersionExpiry, AgentAutoUpdate): The category of the health error.
    • severity string (values: NONE, Warning, Error, Info): Severity of error.
    • summaryCode string: The code of the health error.
    • summaryMessage string: The summary message of the health error.


  • HyperVReplica2012EventDetails object: Model class for event details of a HyperVReplica E2E event.
    • containerName string: The container friendly name.
    • fabricName string: The fabric friendly name.
    • remoteContainerName string: The remote container name.
    • remoteFabricName string: The remote fabric name.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • HyperVReplica2012R2EventDetails object: Model class for event details of a HyperVReplica blue E2E event.
    • containerName string: The container friendly name.
    • fabricName string: The fabric friendly name.
    • remoteContainerName string: The remote container name.
    • remoteFabricName string: The remote fabric name.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • HyperVReplicaAzureApplyRecoveryPointInput object: ApplyRecoveryPoint input specific to HyperVReplicaAzure provider.
    • primaryKekCertificatePfx string: The primary kek certificate pfx.
    • secondaryKekCertificatePfx string: The secondary kek certificate pfx.
    • vaultLocation string: The vault location where the recovery Vm resides.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • HyperVReplicaAzureEnableProtectionInput object: Azure specific enable protection input.
    • disksToInclude array: The list of VHD IDs of disks to be protected.
      • items string
    • enableRdpOnTargetOption string: The selected option to enable RDP\SSH on target vm after failover. String value of {SrsDataContract.EnableRDPOnTargetOption} enum.
    • hvHostVmId string: The Hyper-V host Vm Id.
    • logStorageAccountId string: The storage account to be used for logging during replication.
    • osType string: The OS type associated with vm.
    • targetAzureNetworkId string: The selected target Azure network Id.
    • targetAzureSubnetId string: The selected target Azure subnet Id.
    • targetAzureV1ResourceGroupId string: The Id of the target resource group (for classic deployment) in which the failover VM is to be created.
    • targetAzureV2ResourceGroupId string: The Id of the target resource group (for resource manager deployment) in which the failover VM is to be created.
    • targetAzureVmName string: The target azure Vm Name.
    • targetStorageAccountId string: The storage account name.
    • useManagedDisks string: A value indicating whether managed disks should be used during failover.
    • vhdId string: The OS disk VHD id associated with vm.
    • vmName string: The Vm Name.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • HyperVReplicaAzureEventDetails object: Model class for event details of a HyperVReplica E2A event.
    • containerName string: The container friendly name.
    • fabricName string: The fabric friendly name.
    • remoteContainerName string: The remote container name.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • HyperVReplicaAzureFailbackProviderInput object: HvrA provider specific input for failback.
    • dataSyncOption string: Data sync option.
    • providerIdForAlternateRecovery string: Provider ID for alternate location
    • recoveryVmCreationOption string: ALR options to create alternate recovery.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • HyperVReplicaAzureFailoverProviderInput object: HvrA provider specific input for failover.
    • primaryKekCertificatePfx string: Primary kek certificate pfx.
    • recoveryPointId string: The recovery point id to be passed to failover to a particular recovery point. In case of latest recovery point, null should be passed.
    • secondaryKekCertificatePfx string: Secondary kek certificate pfx.
    • vaultLocation string: Location of the vault.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • HyperVReplicaAzurePolicyDetails object: Hyper-V Replica Azure specific protection profile details.
    • activeStorageAccountId string: The active storage account Id.
    • applicationConsistentSnapshotFrequencyInHours integer: The interval (in hours) at which Hyper-V Replica should create an application consistent snapshot within the VM.
    • encryption string: A value indicating whether encryption is enabled for virtual machines in this cloud.
    • onlineReplicationStartTime string: The scheduled start time for the initial replication. If this parameter is Null, the initial replication starts immediately.
    • recoveryPointHistoryDurationInHours integer: The duration (in hours) to which point the recovery history needs to be maintained.
    • replicationInterval integer: The replication interval.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • HyperVReplicaAzurePolicyInput object: Hyper-V Replica Azure specific input for creating a protection profile.
    • applicationConsistentSnapshotFrequencyInHours integer: The interval (in hours) at which Hyper-V Replica should create an application consistent snapshot within the VM.
    • onlineReplicationStartTime string: The scheduled start time for the initial replication. If this parameter is Null, the initial replication starts immediately.
    • recoveryPointHistoryDuration integer: The duration (in hours) to which point the recovery history needs to be maintained.
    • replicationInterval integer: The replication interval.
    • storageAccounts array: The list of storage accounts to which the VMs in the primary cloud can replicate to.
      • items string
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • HyperVReplicaAzureReplicationDetails object: Hyper V Replica Azure provider specific settings.
    • azureVmDiskDetails array: Azure VM Disk details.
    • enableRdpOnTargetOption string: The selected option to enable RDP\SSH on target vm after failover. String value of {SrsDataContract.EnableRDPOnTargetOption} enum.
    • encryption string: The encryption info.
    • initialReplicationDetails InitialReplicationDetails
    • lastReplicatedTime string: The Last replication time.
    • lastRpoCalculatedTime string: The last RPO calculated time.
    • licenseType string: License Type of the VM to be used.
    • oSDetails OSDetails
    • recoveryAvailabilitySetId string: The recovery availability set Id.
    • recoveryAzureLogStorageAccountId string: The ARM id of the log storage account used for replication. This will be set to null if no log storage account was provided during enable protection.
    • recoveryAzureResourceGroupId string: The target resource group Id.
    • recoveryAzureStorageAccount string: The recovery Azure storage account.
    • recoveryAzureVMSize string: The Recovery Azure VM size.
    • recoveryAzureVmName string: Recovery Azure given name.
    • rpoInSeconds integer: Last RPO value.
    • selectedRecoveryAzureNetworkId string: The selected recovery azure network Id.
    • selectedSourceNicId string: The selected source nic Id which will be used as the primary nic during failover.
    • sourceVmCpuCount integer: The CPU count of the VM on the primary side.
    • sourceVmRamSizeInMB integer: The RAM size of the VM on the primary side.
    • useManagedDisks string: A value indicating whether managed disks should be used during failover.
    • vmId string: The virtual machine Id.
    • vmNics array: The PE Network details.
    • vmProtectionState string: The protection state for the vm.
    • vmProtectionStateDescription string: The protection state description for the vm.
    • instanceType string: Gets the Instance type.


  • HyperVReplicaAzureReprotectInput object: Azure specific reprotect input.
    • hvHostVmId string: The Hyper-V host Vm Id.
    • logStorageAccountId string: The storage account to be used for logging during replication.
    • osType string: The OS type associated with vm.
    • storageAccountId string: The storage account name.
    • vHDId string: The OS disk VHD id associated with vm.
    • vmName string: The Vm Name.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • HyperVReplicaAzureUpdateReplicationProtectedItemInput object: HyperV replica Azure input to update replication protected item.
    • diskIdToDiskEncryptionMap object: The dictionary of disk resource Id to disk encryption set ARM Id.
    • recoveryAzureV1ResourceGroupId string: The recovery Azure resource group Id for classic deployment.
    • recoveryAzureV2ResourceGroupId string: The recovery Azure resource group Id for resource manager deployment.
    • useManagedDisks string: A value indicating whether managed disks should be used during failover.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • HyperVReplicaBaseEventDetails object: Abstract model class for event details of a HyperVReplica E2E event.
    • containerName string: The container friendly name.
    • fabricName string: The fabric friendly name.
    • remoteContainerName string: The remote container name.
    • remoteFabricName string: The remote fabric name.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • HyperVReplicaBasePolicyDetails object: Base class for HyperVReplica policy details.
    • allowedAuthenticationType integer: A value indicating the authentication type.
    • applicationConsistentSnapshotFrequencyInHours integer: A value indicating the application consistent frequency.
    • compression string: A value indicating whether compression has to be enabled.
    • initialReplicationMethod string: A value indicating whether IR is online.
    • offlineReplicationExportPath string: A value indicating the offline IR export path.
    • offlineReplicationImportPath string: A value indicating the offline IR import path.
    • onlineReplicationStartTime string: A value indicating the online IR start time.
    • recoveryPoints integer: A value indicating the number of recovery points.
    • replicaDeletionOption string: A value indicating whether the VM has to be auto deleted. Supported Values: String.Empty, None, OnRecoveryCloud
    • replicationPort integer: A value indicating the recovery HTTPS port.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • HyperVReplicaBaseReplicationDetails object: Hyper V replica provider specific settings base class.
    • initialReplicationDetails InitialReplicationDetails
    • lastReplicatedTime string: The Last replication time.
    • vMDiskDetails array: VM disk details.
    • vmId string: The virtual machine Id.
    • vmNics array: The PE Network details.
    • vmProtectionState string: The protection state for the vm.
    • vmProtectionStateDescription string: The protection state description for the vm.
    • instanceType string: Gets the Instance type.


  • HyperVReplicaBluePolicyDetails object: Hyper-V Replica Blue specific protection profile details.
    • allowedAuthenticationType integer: A value indicating the authentication type.
    • applicationConsistentSnapshotFrequencyInHours integer: A value indicating the application consistent frequency.
    • compression string: A value indicating whether compression has to be enabled.
    • initialReplicationMethod string: A value indicating whether IR is online.
    • offlineReplicationExportPath string: A value indicating the offline IR export path.
    • offlineReplicationImportPath string: A value indicating the offline IR import path.
    • onlineReplicationStartTime string: A value indicating the online IR start time.
    • recoveryPoints integer: A value indicating the number of recovery points.
    • replicaDeletionOption string: A value indicating whether the VM has to be auto deleted. Supported Values: String.Empty, None, OnRecoveryCloud
    • replicationFrequencyInSeconds integer: A value indicating the replication interval.
    • replicationPort integer: A value indicating the recovery HTTPS port.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • HyperVReplicaBluePolicyInput object: HyperV Replica Blue policy input.
    • allowedAuthenticationType integer: A value indicating the authentication type.
    • applicationConsistentSnapshotFrequencyInHours integer: A value indicating the application consistent frequency.
    • compression string: A value indicating whether compression has to be enabled.
    • initialReplicationMethod string: A value indicating whether IR is online.
    • offlineReplicationExportPath string: A value indicating the offline IR export path.
    • offlineReplicationImportPath string: A value indicating the offline IR import path.
    • onlineReplicationStartTime string: A value indicating the online IR start time.
    • recoveryPoints integer: A value indicating the number of recovery points.
    • replicaDeletion string: A value indicating whether the VM has to be auto deleted.
    • replicationFrequencyInSeconds integer: A value indicating the replication interval.
    • replicationPort integer: A value indicating the recovery HTTPS port.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • HyperVReplicaBlueReplicationDetails object: HyperV replica 2012 R2 (Blue) replication details.
    • initialReplicationDetails InitialReplicationDetails
    • lastReplicatedTime string: The Last replication time.
    • vMDiskDetails array: VM disk details.
    • vmId string: The virtual machine Id.
    • vmNics array: The PE Network details.
    • vmProtectionState string: The protection state for the vm.
    • vmProtectionStateDescription string: The protection state description for the vm.
    • instanceType string: Gets the Instance type.


  • HyperVReplicaPolicyDetails object: Hyper-V Replica Blue specific protection profile details.
    • allowedAuthenticationType integer: A value indicating the authentication type.
    • applicationConsistentSnapshotFrequencyInHours integer: A value indicating the application consistent frequency.
    • compression string: A value indicating whether compression has to be enabled.
    • initialReplicationMethod string: A value indicating whether IR is online.
    • offlineReplicationExportPath string: A value indicating the offline IR export path.
    • offlineReplicationImportPath string: A value indicating the offline IR import path.
    • onlineReplicationStartTime string: A value indicating the online IR start time.
    • recoveryPoints integer: A value indicating the number of recovery points.
    • replicaDeletionOption string: A value indicating whether the VM has to be auto deleted. Supported Values: String.Empty, None, OnRecoveryCloud
    • replicationPort integer: A value indicating the recovery HTTPS port.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • HyperVReplicaPolicyInput object: Hyper-V Replica specific policy Input.
    • allowedAuthenticationType integer: A value indicating the authentication type.
    • applicationConsistentSnapshotFrequencyInHours integer: A value indicating the application consistent frequency.
    • compression string: A value indicating whether compression has to be enabled.
    • initialReplicationMethod string: A value indicating whether IR is online.
    • offlineReplicationExportPath string: A value indicating the offline IR export path.
    • offlineReplicationImportPath string: A value indicating the offline IR import path.
    • onlineReplicationStartTime string: A value indicating the online IR start time.
    • recoveryPoints integer: A value indicating the number of recovery points.
    • replicaDeletion string: A value indicating whether the VM has to be auto deleted.
    • replicationPort integer: A value indicating the recovery HTTPS port.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • HyperVReplicaReplicationDetails object: HyperV replica 2012 replication details.
    • initialReplicationDetails InitialReplicationDetails
    • lastReplicatedTime string: The Last replication time.
    • vMDiskDetails array: VM disk details.
    • vmId string: The virtual machine Id.
    • vmNics array: The PE Network details.
    • vmProtectionState string: The protection state for the vm.
    • vmProtectionStateDescription string: The protection state description for the vm.
    • instanceType string: Gets the Instance type.


  • HyperVSiteDetails object: HyperVSite fabric specific details.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • HyperVVirtualMachineDetails object: Single Host fabric provider specific VM settings.
    • diskDetails array: The Last successful failover time.
    • generation string: The id of the object in fabric.
    • hasFibreChannelAdapter string (values: Unknown, Present, NotPresent): A value indicating whether the VM has a fibre channel adapter attached. String value of {SrsDataContract.PresenceStatus} enum.
    • hasPhysicalDisk string (values: Unknown, Present, NotPresent): A value indicating whether the VM has a physical disk attached. String value of {SrsDataContract.PresenceStatus} enum.
    • hasSharedVhd string (values: Unknown, Present, NotPresent): A value indicating whether the VM has a shared VHD attached. String value of {SrsDataContract.PresenceStatus} enum.
    • osDetails OSDetails
    • sourceItemId string: The source id of the object.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • IPConfig object: IP configuration details.
    • lBBackendAddressPoolIds array: The backend address pools associated with the IP configuration.
      • items string
    • publicIpAddressId string: The Id of the public IP address associated with the IP configuration.
    • staticIPAddress string: The static IP address of the IP configuration.


  • IdentityProviderDetails object: Identity provider details.
    • aadAuthority string: The base authority for Azure Active Directory authentication.
    • applicationId string: The application/client Id for the service principal with which the on-premise management/data plane components would communicate with our Azure services.
    • audience string: The intended Audience of the service principal with which the on-premise management/data plane components would communicate with our Azure services.
    • objectId string: The object Id of the service principal with which the on-premise management/data plane components would communicate with our Azure services.
    • tenantId string: The tenant Id for the service principal with which the on-premise management/data plane components would communicate with our Azure services.


  • IdentityProviderInput object: Identity provider input.
    • aadAuthority required string: The base authority for Azure Active Directory authentication.
    • applicationId required string: The application/client Id for the service principal with which the on-premise management/data plane components would communicate with our Azure services.
    • audience required string: The intended Audience of the service principal with which the on-premise management/data plane components would communicate with our Azure services.
    • objectId required string: The object Id of the service principal with which the on-premise management/data plane components would communicate with our Azure services.
    • tenantId required string: The tenant Id for the service principal with which the on-premise management/data plane components would communicate with our Azure services.


  • InMageAgentDetails object: The details of the InMage agent.
    • agentExpiryDate string: Agent expiry date.
    • agentUpdateStatus string: A value indicating whether installed agent needs to be updated.
    • agentVersion string: The agent version.
    • postUpdateRebootStatus string: A value indicating whether reboot is required after update is applied.


  • InMageAgentVersionDetails object: InMage agent version details.
    • expiryDate string: Version expiry date.
    • postUpdateRebootStatus string: A value indicating whether reboot is required after update is applied.
    • status string (values: Supported, NotSupported, Deprecated, UpdateRequired, SecurityUpdateRequired): A value indicating whether security update required.
    • version string: The agent version.


  • InMageAzureV2ApplyRecoveryPointInput object: ApplyRecoveryPoint input specific to InMageAzureV2 provider.
    • vaultLocation string: The vault location where the recovery Vm resides.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • InMageAzureV2DiskInputDetails object: Disk input details.
    • diskEncryptionSetId string: The DiskEncryptionSet ARM ID.
    • diskId string: The DiskId.
    • diskType string (values: Standard_LRS, Premium_LRS, StandardSSD_LRS): The DiskType.
    • logStorageAccountId string: The LogStorageAccountId.


  • InMageAzureV2EnableProtectionInput object: VMware Azure specific enable protection input.
    • diskEncryptionSetId string: The DiskEncryptionSet ARM ID.
    • diskType string (values: Standard_LRS, Premium_LRS, StandardSSD_LRS): The DiskType.
    • disksToInclude array: The disks to include list.
    • enableRdpOnTargetOption string: The selected option to enable RDP\SSH on target vm after failover. String value of {SrsDataContract.EnableRDPOnTargetOption} enum.
    • logStorageAccountId string: The storage account to be used for logging during replication.
    • masterTargetId string: The Master target Id.
    • multiVmGroupId string: The multi vm group Id.
    • multiVmGroupName string: The multi vm group name.
    • processServerId string: The Process Server Id.
    • runAsAccountId string: The CS account Id.
    • storageAccountId string: The storage account name.
    • targetAzureNetworkId string: The selected target Azure network Id.
    • targetAzureSubnetId string: The selected target Azure subnet Id.
    • targetAzureV1ResourceGroupId string: The Id of the target resource group (for classic deployment) in which the failover VM is to be created.
    • targetAzureV2ResourceGroupId string: The Id of the target resource group (for resource manager deployment) in which the failover VM is to be created.
    • targetAzureVmName string: The target azure Vm Name.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • InMageAzureV2EventDetails object: Model class for event details of a VMwareAzureV2 event.
    • category string: InMage Event Category.
    • component string: InMage Event Component.
    • correctiveAction string: Corrective Action string for the event.
    • details string: InMage Event Details.
    • eventType string: InMage Event type. Takes one of the values of {InMageDataContract.InMageMonitoringEventType}.
    • siteName string: VMware Site name.
    • summary string: InMage Event Summary.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • InMageAzureV2FailoverProviderInput object: InMageAzureV2 provider specific input for failover.
    • recoveryPointId string: The recovery point id to be passed to failover to a particular recovery point. In case of latest recovery point, null should be passed.
    • vaultLocation string: Location of the vault.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • InMageAzureV2ManagedDiskDetails object: InMageAzureV2 Managed disk details.
    • diskId string: The disk id.
    • replicaDiskType string: The replica disk type.
    • seedManagedDiskId string: Seed managed disk Id.


  • InMageAzureV2PolicyDetails object: InMage Azure v2 specific protection profile details.
    • appConsistentFrequencyInMinutes integer: The app consistent snapshot frequency in minutes.
    • crashConsistentFrequencyInMinutes integer: The crash consistent snapshot frequency in minutes.
    • multiVmSyncStatus string: A value indicating whether multi-VM sync has to be enabled.
    • recoveryPointHistory integer: The duration in minutes until which the recovery points need to be stored.
    • recoveryPointThresholdInMinutes integer: The recovery point threshold in minutes.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • InMageAzureV2PolicyInput object: VMWare Azure specific policy Input.
    • appConsistentFrequencyInMinutes integer: The app consistent snapshot frequency (in minutes).
    • crashConsistentFrequencyInMinutes integer: The crash consistent snapshot frequency (in minutes).
    • multiVmSyncStatus required string (values: Enable, Disable): A value indicating whether multi-VM sync has to be enabled. Value should be 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'.
    • recoveryPointHistory integer: The duration in minutes until which the recovery points need to be stored.
    • recoveryPointThresholdInMinutes integer: The recovery point threshold in minutes.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • InMageAzureV2ProtectedDiskDetails object: InMageAzureV2 protected disk details.
    • diskCapacityInBytes integer: The disk capacity in bytes.
    • diskId string: The disk id.
    • diskName string: The disk name.
    • diskResized string: A value indicating whether disk is resized.
    • fileSystemCapacityInBytes integer: The disk file system capacity in bytes.
    • healthErrorCode string: The health error code for the disk.
    • lastRpoCalculatedTime string: The last RPO calculated time.
    • protectionStage string: The protection stage.
    • psDataInMegaBytes number: The PS data transit in MB.
    • resyncDurationInSeconds integer: The resync duration in seconds.
    • resyncProgressPercentage integer: The resync progress percentage.
    • resyncRequired string: A value indicating whether resync is required for this disk.
    • rpoInSeconds integer: The RPO in seconds.
    • sourceDataInMegaBytes number: The source data transit in MB.
    • targetDataInMegaBytes number: The target data transit in MB.


  • InMageAzureV2RecoveryPointDetails object: InMage Azure V2 provider specific recovery point details.
    • isMultiVmSyncPoint string: A value indicating whether the recovery point is multi VM consistent.
    • instanceType string: Gets the provider type.


  • InMageAzureV2ReplicationDetails object: InMageAzureV2 provider specific settings
    • agentExpiryDate string: Agent expiry date.
    • agentVersion string: The agent version.
    • azureVMDiskDetails array: Azure VM Disk details.
    • compressedDataRateInMB number: The compressed data change rate in MB.
    • datastores array: The data stores of the on-premise machine. Value can be list of strings that contain data store names.
      • items string
    • discoveryType string: A value indicating the discovery type of the machine. Value can be vCenter or physical.
    • diskResized string: A value indicating whether any disk is resized for this VM.
    • enableRdpOnTargetOption string: The selected option to enable RDP\SSH on target vm after failover. String value of {SrsDataContract.EnableRDPOnTargetOption} enum.
    • infrastructureVmId string: The infrastructure VM Id.
    • ipAddress string: The source IP address.
    • isAgentUpdateRequired string: A value indicating whether installed agent needs to be updated.
    • isRebootAfterUpdateRequired string: A value indicating whether the source server requires a restart after update.
    • lastHeartbeat string: The last heartbeat received from the source server.
    • lastRpoCalculatedTime string: The last RPO calculated time.
    • lastUpdateReceivedTime string: The last update time received from on-prem components.
    • licenseType string: License Type of the VM to be used.
    • masterTargetId string: The master target Id.
    • multiVmGroupId string: The multi vm group Id.
    • multiVmGroupName string: The multi vm group name.
    • multiVmSyncStatus string: A value indicating whether multi vm sync is enabled or disabled.
    • osDiskId string: The id of the disk containing the OS.
    • osType string: The type of the OS on the VM.
    • osVersion string: The OS Version of the protected item.
    • processServerId string: The process server Id.
    • protectedDisks array: The list of protected disks.
    • protectedManagedDisks array: The list of protected managed disks.
    • protectionStage string: The protection stage.
    • recoveryAvailabilitySetId string: The recovery availability set Id.
    • recoveryAzureLogStorageAccountId string: The ARM id of the log storage account used for replication. This will be set to null if no log storage account was provided during enable protection.
    • recoveryAzureResourceGroupId string: The target resource group Id.
    • recoveryAzureStorageAccount string: The recovery Azure storage account.
    • recoveryAzureVMName string: Recovery Azure given name.
    • recoveryAzureVMSize string: The Recovery Azure VM size.
    • replicaId string: The replica id of the protected item.
    • resyncProgressPercentage integer: The resync progress percentage.
    • rpoInSeconds integer: The RPO in seconds.
    • selectedRecoveryAzureNetworkId string: The selected recovery azure network Id.
    • selectedSourceNicId string: The selected source nic Id which will be used as the primary nic during failover.
    • sourceVmCpuCount integer: The CPU count of the VM on the primary side.
    • sourceVmRamSizeInMB integer: The RAM size of the VM on the primary side.
    • targetVmId string: The ARM Id of the target Azure VM. This value will be null until the VM is failed over. Only after failure it will be populated with the ARM Id of the Azure VM.
    • uncompressedDataRateInMB number: The uncompressed data change rate in MB.
    • useManagedDisks string: A value indicating whether managed disks should be used during failover.
    • vCenterInfrastructureId string: The vCenter infrastructure Id.
    • validationErrors array: The validation errors of the on-premise machine Value can be list of validation errors.
    • vhdName string: The OS disk VHD name.
    • vmId string: The virtual machine Id.
    • vmNics array: The PE Network details.
    • vmProtectionState string: The protection state for the vm.
    • vmProtectionStateDescription string: The protection state description for the vm.
    • instanceType string: Gets the Instance type.


  • InMageAzureV2ReprotectInput object: InMageAzureV2 specific provider input.
    • disksToInclude array: The disks to include list.
      • items string
    • logStorageAccountId string: The storage account to be used for logging during replication.
    • masterTargetId string: The Master target Id.
    • policyId string: The Policy Id.
    • processServerId string: The Process Server Id.
    • runAsAccountId string: The CS account Id.
    • storageAccountId string: The storage account id.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • InMageAzureV2UpdateReplicationProtectedItemInput object: InMage Azure V2 input to update replication protected item.
    • recoveryAzureV1ResourceGroupId string: The recovery Azure resource group Id for classic deployment.
    • recoveryAzureV2ResourceGroupId string: The recovery Azure resource group Id for resource manager deployment.
    • useManagedDisks string: A value indicating whether managed disks should be used during failover.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • InMageBasePolicyDetails object: Base class for the policies of providers using InMage replication.
    • appConsistentFrequencyInMinutes integer: The app consistent snapshot frequency in minutes.
    • multiVmSyncStatus string: A value indicating whether multi-VM sync has to be enabled.
    • recoveryPointHistory integer: The duration in minutes until which the recovery points need to be stored.
    • recoveryPointThresholdInMinutes integer: The recovery point threshold in minutes.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • InMageDisableProtectionProviderSpecificInput object: InMage disable protection provider specific input.
    • replicaVmDeletionStatus string: A value indicating whether the replica VM should be destroyed or retained. Values from Delete and Retain.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • InMageDiskDetails object: VMware/Physical specific Disk Details
    • diskConfiguration string: Whether disk is dynamic disk or basic disk.
    • diskId string: The disk Id.
    • diskName string: The disk name.
    • diskSizeInMB string: The disk size in MB.
    • diskType string: Whether disk is system disk or data disk.
    • volumeList array: Volumes of the disk.


  • InMageDiskExclusionInput object: DiskExclusionInput when doing enable protection of virtual machine in InMage provider.


  • InMageDiskSignatureExclusionOptions object: Guest disk signature based disk exclusion option when doing enable protection of virtual machine in InMage provider.
    • diskSignature string: The guest signature of disk to be excluded from replication.


  • InMageEnableProtectionInput object: VMware Azure specific enable protection input.
    • datastoreName string: The target data store name.
    • diskExclusionInput InMageDiskExclusionInput
    • disksToInclude array: The disks to include list.
      • items string
    • masterTargetId required string: The Master Target Id.
    • multiVmGroupId required string: The multi vm group Id.
    • multiVmGroupName required string: The multi vm group name.
    • processServerId required string: The Process Server Id.
    • retentionDrive required string: The retention drive to use on the MT.
    • runAsAccountId string: The CS account Id.
    • vmFriendlyName string: The Vm Name.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • InMageFailoverProviderInput object: Provider specific input for InMage failover.
    • recoveryPointId string: The recovery point id to be passed to failover to a particular recovery point. In case of latest recovery point, null should be passed.
    • recoveryPointType string (values: LatestTime, LatestTag, Custom): The recovery point type. Values from LatestTime, LatestTag or Custom. In the case of custom, the recovery point provided by RecoveryPointId will be used. In the other two cases, recovery point id will be ignored.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • InMagePolicyDetails object: InMage specific protection profile details.
    • appConsistentFrequencyInMinutes integer: The app consistent snapshot frequency in minutes.
    • multiVmSyncStatus string: A value indicating whether multi-VM sync has to be enabled.
    • recoveryPointHistory integer: The duration in minutes until which the recovery points need to be stored.
    • recoveryPointThresholdInMinutes integer: The recovery point threshold in minutes.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • InMagePolicyInput object: VMWare Azure specific protection profile Input.
    • appConsistentFrequencyInMinutes integer: The app consistent snapshot frequency (in minutes).
    • multiVmSyncStatus required string (values: Enable, Disable): A value indicating whether multi-VM sync has to be enabled. Value should be 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'.
    • recoveryPointHistory integer: The duration in minutes until which the recovery points need to be stored.
    • recoveryPointThresholdInMinutes integer: The recovery point threshold in minutes.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • InMageProtectedDiskDetails object: InMage protected disk details.
    • diskCapacityInBytes integer: The disk capacity in bytes.
    • diskId string: The disk id.
    • diskName string: The disk name.
    • diskResized string: A value indicating whether disk is resized.
    • fileSystemCapacityInBytes integer: The file system capacity in bytes.
    • healthErrorCode string: The health error code for the disk.
    • lastRpoCalculatedTime string: The last RPO calculated time.
    • protectionStage string: The protection stage.
    • psDataInMB number: The PS data transit in MB.
    • resyncDurationInSeconds integer: The resync duration in seconds.
    • resyncProgressPercentage integer: The resync progress percentage.
    • resyncRequired string: A value indicating whether resync is required for this disk.
    • rpoInSeconds integer: The RPO in seconds.
    • sourceDataInMB number: The source data transit in MB.
    • targetDataInMB number: The target data transit in MB.


  • InMageReplicationDetails object: InMage provider specific settings
    • activeSiteType string: The active location of the VM. If the VM is being protected from Azure, this field will take values from { Azure, OnPrem }. If the VM is being protected between two data-centers, this field will be OnPrem always.
    • agentDetails InMageAgentDetails
    • azureStorageAccountId string: A value indicating the underlying Azure storage account. If the VM is not running in Azure, this value shall be set to null.
    • compressedDataRateInMB number: The compressed data change rate in MB.
    • consistencyPoints object: The collection of Consistency points.
    • datastores array: The data stores of the on-premise machine Value can be list of strings that contain data store names
      • items string
    • discoveryType string: A value indicating the discovery type of the machine.
    • diskResized string: A value indicating whether any disk is resized for this VM.
    • infrastructureVmId string: The infrastructure VM Id.
    • ipAddress string: The source IP address.
    • lastHeartbeat string: The last heartbeat received from the source server.
    • lastRpoCalculatedTime string: The last RPO calculated time.
    • lastUpdateReceivedTime string: The last update time received from on-prem components.
    • masterTargetId string: The master target Id.
    • multiVmGroupId string: The multi vm group Id, if any.
    • multiVmGroupName string: The multi vm group name, if any.
    • multiVmSyncStatus string: A value indicating whether the multi vm sync is enabled or disabled.
    • osDetails OSDiskDetails
    • osVersion string: The OS Version of the protected item.
    • processServerId string: The process server Id.
    • protectedDisks array: The list of protected disks.
    • protectionStage string: The protection stage.
    • rebootAfterUpdateStatus string: A value indicating whether the source server requires a restart after update.
    • replicaId string: The replica id of the protected item.
    • resyncDetails InitialReplicationDetails
    • retentionWindowEnd string: The retention window end time.
    • retentionWindowStart string: The retention window start time.
    • rpoInSeconds integer: The RPO in seconds.
    • sourceVmCpuCount integer: The CPU count of the VM on the primary side.
    • sourceVmRamSizeInMB integer: The RAM size of the VM on the primary side.
    • uncompressedDataRateInMB number: The uncompressed data change rate in MB.
    • vCenterInfrastructureId string: The vCenter infrastructure Id.
    • validationErrors array: The validation errors of the on-premise machine Value can be list of validation errors
    • vmId string: The virtual machine Id.
    • vmNics array: The PE Network details.
    • vmProtectionState string: The protection state for the vm.
    • vmProtectionStateDescription string: The protection state description for the vm.
    • instanceType string: Gets the Instance type.


  • InMageReprotectInput object: InMageAzureV2 specific provider input.
    • datastoreName string: The target data store name.
    • diskExclusionInput InMageDiskExclusionInput
    • disksToInclude array: The disks to include list.
      • items string
    • masterTargetId required string: The Master Target Id.
    • processServerId required string: The Process Server Id.
    • profileId required string: The Policy Id.
    • retentionDrive required string: The retention drive to use on the MT.
    • runAsAccountId string: The CS account Id.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • InMageVolumeExclusionOptions object: Guest disk signature based disk exclusion option when doing enable protection of virtual machine in InMage provider.
    • onlyExcludeIfSingleVolume string: The value indicating whether to exclude multi volume disk or not. If a disk has multiple volumes and one of the volume has label matching with VolumeLabel this disk will be excluded from replication if OnlyExcludeIfSingleVolume is false.
    • volumeLabel string: The volume label. The disk having any volume with this label will be excluded from replication.


  • InconsistentVmDetails object: This class stores the monitoring details for consistency check of inconsistent Protected Entity.
    • cloudName string: The Cloud name.
    • details array: The list of details regarding state of the Protected Entity in SRS and On prem.
      • items string
    • errorIds array: The list of error ids.
      • items string
    • vmName string: The Vm name.


  • InitialReplicationDetails object: Initial replication details.
    • initialReplicationProgressPercentage string: The initial replication progress percentage.
    • initialReplicationType string: Initial replication type.


  • InlineWorkflowTaskDetails object: This class represents the inline workflow task details.
    • workflowIds array: The list of child workflow ids.
      • items string
    • childTasks array: The child tasks.
    • instanceType string: The type of task details.


  • InnerHealthError object: Implements InnerHealthError class. HealthError object has a list of InnerHealthErrors as child errors. InnerHealthError is used because this will prevent an infinite loop of structures when Hydra tries to auto-generate the contract. We are exposing the related health errors as inner health errors and all API consumers can utilize this in the same fashion as Exception -> InnerException.
    • creationTimeUtc string: Error creation time (UTC)
    • entityId string: ID of the entity.
    • errorCategory string: Category of error.
    • errorCode string: Error code.
    • errorLevel string: Level of error.
    • errorMessage string: Error message.
    • errorSource string: Source of error.
    • errorType string: Type of error.
    • possibleCauses string: Possible causes of error.
    • recommendedAction string: Recommended action to resolve error.
    • recoveryProviderErrorMessage string: DRA error message.
    • summaryMessage string: Summary message of the entity.


  • InputEndpoint object: Azure VM input endpoint details.
    • endpointName string: The input endpoint name.
    • privatePort integer: The input endpoint private port.
    • protocol string: The input endpoint protocol.
    • publicPort integer: The input endpoint public port.


  • Job object: Job details.
    • properties JobProperties
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type


  • JobCollection object: Collection of jobs.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The list of jobs.


  • JobDetails object: Job details based on specific job type.
    • affectedObjectDetails object: The affected object properties like source server, source cloud, target server, target cloud etc. based on the workflow object details.
    • instanceType string: Gets the type of job details (see JobDetailsTypes enum for possible values).


  • JobEntity object: This class contains the minimal job details required to navigate to the desired drill down.
    • jobFriendlyName string: The job display name.
    • jobId string: The job id.
    • jobScenarioName string: The job name. Enum type ScenarioName.
    • targetInstanceType string: The workflow affected object type.
    • targetObjectId string: The object id.
    • targetObjectName string: The object name.


  • JobErrorDetails object: This class contains the error details per object.
    • creationTime string: The creation time of job error.
    • errorLevel string: Error level of error.
    • providerErrorDetails ProviderError
    • serviceErrorDetails ServiceError
    • taskId string: The Id of the task.


  • JobProperties object: Job custom data details.
    • activityId string: The activity id.
    • allowedActions array: The Allowed action the job.
      • items string
    • customDetails JobDetails
    • endTime string: The end time.
    • errors array: The errors.
    • friendlyName string: The DisplayName.
    • scenarioName string: The ScenarioName.
    • startTime string: The start time.
    • state string: The status of the Job. It is one of these values - NotStarted, InProgress, Succeeded, Failed, Cancelled, Suspended or Other.
    • stateDescription string: The description of the state of the Job. For e.g. - For Succeeded state, description can be Completed, PartiallySucceeded, CompletedWithInformation or Skipped.
    • targetInstanceType string: The type of the affected object which is of {Microsoft.Azure.SiteRecovery.V2015_11_10.AffectedObjectType} class.
    • targetObjectId string: The affected Object Id.
    • targetObjectName string: The name of the affected object.
    • tasks array: The tasks.


  • JobQueryParameter object: Query parameter to enumerate jobs.
    • affectedObjectTypes string: The type of objects.
    • endTime string: Date time to get jobs up to.
    • fabricId string: The Id of the fabric to search jobs under.
    • jobStatus string: The states of the job to be filtered can be in.
    • startTime string: Date time to get jobs from.


  • JobStatusEventDetails object: Model class for event details of a job status event.
    • affectedObjectType string: AffectedObjectType for the event.
    • jobFriendlyName string: JobName for the Event.
    • jobId string: Job arm id for the event.
    • jobStatus string: JobStatus for the Event.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • JobTaskDetails object: This class represents a task which is actually a workflow so that one can navigate to its individual drill down.
    • jobTask JobEntity
    • instanceType string: The type of task details.


  • KeyEncryptionKeyInfo object: Key Encryption Key (KEK) information.
    • keyIdentifier string: The key url / identifier.
    • keyVaultResourceArmId string: The KeyVault resource ARM id for key.


  • LogicalNetwork object: Logical network data model.
    • properties LogicalNetworkProperties
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type


  • LogicalNetworkCollection object: List of logical networks.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The Logical Networks list details.


  • LogicalNetworkProperties object: Logical Network Properties.
    • friendlyName string: The Friendly Name.
    • logicalNetworkDefinitionsStatus string: A value indicating whether logical network definitions are isolated.
    • logicalNetworkUsage string: A value indicating whether logical network is used as private test network by test failover.
    • networkVirtualizationStatus string: A value indicating whether Network Virtualization is enabled for the logical network.


  • ManualActionTaskDetails object: This class represents the manual action task details.
    • instructions string: The instructions.
    • name string: The name.
    • observation string: The observation.
    • instanceType string: The type of task details.


  • MasterTargetServer object: Details of a Master Target Server.
    • agentExpiryDate string: Agent expiry date.
    • agentVersion string: The version of the scout component on the server.
    • agentVersionDetails VersionDetails
    • dataStores array: The list of data stores in the fabric.
    • diskCount integer: Disk count of the master target.
    • healthErrors array: Health errors.
    • id string: The server Id.
    • ipAddress string: The IP address of the server.
    • lastHeartbeat string: The last heartbeat received from the server.
    • marsAgentExpiryDate string: MARS agent expiry date.
    • marsAgentVersion string: MARS agent version.
    • marsAgentVersionDetails VersionDetails
    • name string: The server name.
    • osType string: The OS type of the server.
    • osVersion string: OS Version of the master target.
    • retentionVolumes array: The retention volumes of Master target Server.
    • validationErrors array: Validation errors.
    • versionStatus string: Version status




  • MigrateProviderSpecificInput object: Migrate provider specific input.
    • instanceType required string: The class type.


  • MigrationItem object: Migration item.
    • properties MigrationItemProperties
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type


  • MigrationItemCollection object: Migration item collection.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The list of migration items.


  • MigrationItemProperties object: Migration item properties.
    • allowedOperations array: The allowed operations on the migration item, based on the current migration state of the item.
      • items string (values: DisableMigration, TestMigrate, TestMigrateCleanup, Migrate)
    • currentJob CurrentJobDetails
    • health string: The consolidated health.
    • healthErrors array: The list of health errors.
    • machineName string: The on-premise virtual machine name.
    • migrationState string (values: None, EnableMigrationInProgress, EnableMigrationFailed, DisableMigrationInProgress, DisableMigrationFailed, InitialSeedingInProgress, InitialSeedingFailed, Replicating, MigrationInProgress, MigrationSucceeded, MigrationFailed): The migration status.
    • migrationStateDescription string: The migration state description.
    • policyFriendlyName string: The name of policy governing this item.
    • policyId string: The ARM Id of policy governing this item.
    • providerSpecificDetails MigrationProviderSpecificSettings
    • recoveryServicesProviderId string: The recovery services provider ARM Id.
    • testMigrateState string (values: None, TestMigrationInProgress, TestMigrationSucceeded, TestMigrationFailed, TestMigrationCleanupInProgress): The test migrate state.
    • testMigrateStateDescription string: The test migrate state description.


  • MigrationItemsQueryParameter object: Query parameter to enumerate migration items.
    • instanceType string: The replication provider type.
    • sourceFabricName string: The source fabric name filter.


  • MigrationProviderSpecificSettings object: Migration provider specific settings.
    • instanceType string: Gets the instance type.


  • MigrationRecoveryPoint object: Recovery point for a migration item.


  • MigrationRecoveryPointCollection object: Collection of migration recovery points.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The migration recovery point details.


  • MigrationRecoveryPointProperties object: Migration item recovery point properties.
    • recoveryPointTime string: The recovery point time.
    • recoveryPointType string (values: NotSpecified, ApplicationConsistent, CrashConsistent): The recovery point type.


  • MobilityServiceUpdate object: The Mobility Service update details.
    • osType string: The OS type.
    • rebootStatus string: The reboot status of the update - whether it is required or not.
    • version string: The version of the latest update.


  • Network object: Network model.
    • properties NetworkProperties
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type


  • NetworkCollection object: List of networks.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The Networks list details.


  • NetworkMapping object: Network Mapping model. Ideally it should have been possible to inherit this class from prev version in InheritedModels as long as there is no difference in structure or method signature. Since there were no base Models for certain fields and methods viz NetworkMappingProperties and Load with required return type, the class has been introduced in its entirety with references to base models to facilitate extensions in subsequent versions.
    • properties NetworkMappingProperties
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type


  • NetworkMappingCollection object: List of network mappings. As with NetworkMapping, it should be possible to reuse a prev version of this class. It doesn't seem likely this class could be anything more than a slightly bespoke collection of NetworkMapping. Hence it makes sense to override Load with Base.NetworkMapping instead of existing CurrentVersion.NetworkMapping.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The Network Mappings list.


  • NetworkMappingFabricSpecificSettings object: Network Mapping fabric specific settings.
    • instanceType string: Gets the Instance type.


  • NetworkMappingProperties object: Network Mapping Properties.
    • fabricSpecificSettings NetworkMappingFabricSpecificSettings
    • primaryFabricFriendlyName string: The primary fabric friendly name.
    • primaryNetworkFriendlyName string: The primary network friendly name.
    • primaryNetworkId string: The primary network id for network mapping.
    • recoveryFabricArmId string: The recovery fabric ARM id.
    • recoveryFabricFriendlyName string: The recovery fabric friendly name.
    • recoveryNetworkFriendlyName string: The recovery network friendly name.
    • recoveryNetworkId string: The recovery network id for network mapping.
    • state string: The pairing state for network mapping.


  • NetworkProperties object: Network Properties
    • fabricType string: The Fabric Type.
    • friendlyName string: The Friendly Name.
    • networkType string: The Network Type.
    • subnets array: The List of subnets.


  • OSDetails object: Disk Details.
    • oSMajorVersion string: The OS Major Version.
    • oSMinorVersion string: The OS Minor Version.
    • oSVersion string: The OS Version.
    • osEdition string: The OSEdition.
    • osType string: VM Disk details.
    • productType string: Product type.


  • OSDiskDetails object: Details of the OS Disk.
    • osType string: The type of the OS on the VM.
    • osVhdId string: The id of the disk containing the OS.
    • vhdName string: The OS disk VHD name.


  • OSVersionWrapper object: Wrapper model for OSVersion to include version and service pack info.
    • servicePack string: Service pack.
    • version string: The version.


  • Object object: Base of all objects.


  • OperationsDiscovery object: Operations discovery class.
    • display Display
    • name string: Name of the API. The name of the operation being performed on this particular object. It should match the action name that appears in RBAC / the event service. Examples of operations include: * Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachine/capture/action * Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachine/restart/action * Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachine/write * Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachine/read * Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachine/delete Each action should include, in order: (1) Resource Provider Namespace (2) Type hierarchy for which the action applies (e.g. server/databases for a SQL Azure database) (3) Read, Write, Action or Delete indicating which type applies. If it is a PUT/PATCH on a collection or named value, Write should be used. If it is a GET, Read should be used. If it is a DELETE, Delete should be used. If it is a POST, Action should be used. As a note: all resource providers would need to include the "{Resource Provider Namespace}/register/action" operation in their response. This API is used to register for their service, and should include details about the operation (e.g. a localized name for the resource provider + any special considerations like PII release)
    • origin string: Origin. The intended executor of the operation; governs the display of the operation in the RBAC UX and the audit logs UX. Default value is "user,system"
    • properties OperationsDiscoveryProperties


  • OperationsDiscoveryCollection object: Collection of ClientDiscovery details.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The ClientDiscovery details.


  • OperationsDiscoveryProperties object: ClientDiscovery properties.



  • PlannedFailoverInputProperties object: Input definition for planned failover input properties.


  • Policy object: Protection profile details.
    • properties PolicyProperties
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type


  • PolicyCollection object: Protection Profile Collection details.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The policy details.


  • PolicyProperties object: Protection profile custom data details.


  • PolicyProviderSpecificDetails object: Base class for Provider specific details for policies.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • PolicyProviderSpecificInput object: Base class for provider specific input
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • ProcessServer object: Details of the Process Server.
    • agentExpiryDate string: Agent expiry date.
    • agentVersion string: The version of the scout component on the server.
    • agentVersionDetails VersionDetails
    • availableMemoryInBytes integer: The available memory.
    • availableSpaceInBytes integer: The available space.
    • cpuLoad string: The percentage of the CPU load.
    • cpuLoadStatus string: The CPU load status.
    • friendlyName string: The Process Server's friendly name.
    • healthErrors array: Health errors.
    • hostId string: The agent generated Id.
    • id string: The Process Server Id.
    • ipAddress string: The IP address of the server.
    • lastHeartbeat string: The last heartbeat received from the server.
    • machineCount string: The servers configured with this PS.
    • memoryUsageStatus string: The memory usage status.
    • mobilityServiceUpdates array: The list of the mobility service updates available on the Process Server.
    • osType string: The OS type of the server.
    • osVersion string: OS Version of the process server. Note: This will get populated if user has CS version greater than
    • psServiceStatus string: The PS service status.
    • replicationPairCount string: The number of replication pairs configured in this PS.
    • spaceUsageStatus string: The space usage status.
    • sslCertExpiryDate string: The PS SSL cert expiry date.
    • sslCertExpiryRemainingDays integer: CS SSL cert expiry date.
    • systemLoad string: The percentage of the system load.
    • systemLoadStatus string: The system load status.
    • totalMemoryInBytes integer: The total memory.
    • totalSpaceInBytes integer: The total space.
    • versionStatus string: Version status


  • ProtectableItem object: Replication protected item
    • properties ProtectableItemProperties
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type


  • ProtectableItemCollection object: Protectable item collection.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The Protectable item details.


  • ProtectableItemProperties object: Replication protected item custom data details.
    • customDetails ConfigurationSettings
    • friendlyName string: The name.
    • protectionReadinessErrors array: The Current protection readiness errors.
      • items string
    • protectionStatus string: The protection status.
    • recoveryServicesProviderId string: The recovery provider ARM Id.
    • replicationProtectedItemId string: The ARM resource of protected items.
    • supportedReplicationProviders array: The list of replication providers supported for the protectable item.
      • items string


  • ProtectableItemQueryParameter object: Query parameter to enumerate Protectable items.
    • state string: State of the Protectable item query filter.


  • ProtectedItemsQueryParameter object: Query parameter to enumerate protected items.
    • instanceType string: The replication provider type.
    • multiVmGroupCreateOption string (values: AutoCreated, UserSpecified): Whether Multi VM group is auto created or specified by user.
    • recoveryPlanName string: The recovery plan filter.
    • sourceFabricName string: The source fabric name filter.
    • vCenterName string: The vCenter name filter.


  • ProtectionContainer object: Protection container details.
    • properties ProtectionContainerProperties
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type


  • ProtectionContainerCollection object: Protection Container collection.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The Protection Container details.


  • ProtectionContainerFabricSpecificDetails object: Base class for fabric specific details of container.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • ProtectionContainerMapping object: Protection container mapping object.


  • ProtectionContainerMappingCollection object: Protection container mapping collection class.


  • ProtectionContainerMappingProperties object: Protection container mapping properties.
    • health string: Health of pairing.
    • healthErrorDetails array: Health error.
    • policyFriendlyName string: Friendly name of replication policy.
    • policyId string: Policy ARM Id.
    • providerSpecificDetails ProtectionContainerMappingProviderSpecificDetails
    • sourceFabricFriendlyName string: Friendly name of source fabric.
    • sourceProtectionContainerFriendlyName string: Friendly name of source protection container.
    • state string: Association Status
    • targetFabricFriendlyName string: Friendly name of target fabric.
    • targetProtectionContainerFriendlyName string: Friendly name of paired container.
    • targetProtectionContainerId string: Paired protection container ARM ID.


  • ProtectionContainerMappingProviderSpecificDetails object: Container mapping provider specific details.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • ProtectionContainerProperties object: Protection profile custom data details.
    • fabricFriendlyName string: Fabric friendly name.
    • fabricSpecificDetails ProtectionContainerFabricSpecificDetails
    • fabricType string: The fabric type.
    • friendlyName string: The name.
    • pairingStatus string: The pairing status of this cloud.
    • protectedItemCount integer: Number of protected PEs
    • role string: The role of this cloud.


  • ProviderError object: This class contains the error details per object.
    • errorCode integer: The Error code.
    • errorId string: The Provider error Id.
    • errorMessage string: The Error message.
    • possibleCauses string: The possible causes for the error.
    • recommendedAction string: The recommended action to resolve the error.


  • ProviderSpecificFailoverInput object: Provider specific failover input.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • ProviderSpecificRecoveryPointDetails object: Replication provider specific recovery point details.
    • instanceType string: Gets the provider type.


  • RcmAzureMigrationPolicyDetails object: RCM based Azure migration specific policy details.
    • appConsistentFrequencyInMinutes integer: The app consistent snapshot frequency in minutes.
    • crashConsistentFrequencyInMinutes integer: The crash consistent snapshot frequency in minutes.
    • multiVmSyncStatus string (values: Enabled, Disabled): A value indicating whether multi-VM sync has to be enabled.
    • recoveryPointHistory integer: The duration in minutes until which the recovery points need to be stored.
    • recoveryPointThresholdInMinutes integer: The recovery point threshold in minutes.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • RecoveryPlan object: Recovery plan details.
    • properties RecoveryPlanProperties
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type


  • RecoveryPlanA2AFailoverInput object: Recovery plan A2A failover input.
    • cloudServiceCreationOption string: A value indicating whether to use recovery cloud service for TFO or not.
    • multiVmSyncPointOption string (values: UseMultiVmSyncRecoveryPoint, UsePerVmRecoveryPoint): A value indicating whether multi VM sync enabled VMs should use multi VM sync points for failover.
    • recoveryPointType required string (values: Latest, LatestApplicationConsistent, LatestCrashConsistent, LatestProcessed): The recovery point type.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • RecoveryPlanAction object: Recovery plan action details.
    • actionName required string: The action name.
    • customDetails required RecoveryPlanActionDetails
    • failoverDirections required array: The list of failover directions.
      • items string (values: PrimaryToRecovery, RecoveryToPrimary)
    • failoverTypes required array: The list of failover types.
      • items string (values: ReverseReplicate, Commit, PlannedFailover, UnplannedFailover, DisableProtection, TestFailover, TestFailoverCleanup, Failback, FinalizeFailback, ChangePit, RepairReplication, SwitchProtection, CompleteMigration)


  • RecoveryPlanActionDetails object: Recovery plan action custom details.
    • instanceType string: Gets the type of action details (see RecoveryPlanActionDetailsTypes enum for possible values).


  • RecoveryPlanAutomationRunbookActionDetails object: Recovery plan Automation runbook action details.
    • fabricLocation required string (values: Primary, Recovery): The fabric location.
    • runbookId string: The runbook ARM Id.
    • timeout string: The runbook timeout.
    • instanceType string: Gets the type of action details (see RecoveryPlanActionDetailsTypes enum for possible values).


  • RecoveryPlanCollection object: Recovery plan collection details.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The list of recovery plans.


  • RecoveryPlanGroup object: Recovery plan group details.
    • endGroupActions array: The end group actions.
    • groupType required string (values: Shutdown, Boot, Failover): The group type.
    • replicationProtectedItems array: The list of protected items.
    • startGroupActions array: The start group actions.


  • RecoveryPlanGroupTaskDetails object: This class represents the recovery plan group task.
    • groupId string: The group identifier.
    • name string: The name.
    • rpGroupType string: The group type.
    • childTasks array: The child tasks.
    • instanceType string: The type of task details.


  • RecoveryPlanHyperVReplicaAzureFailbackInput object: Recovery plan HVR Azure failback input.
    • dataSyncOption required string (values: ForDownTime, ForSynchronization): The data sync option.
    • recoveryVmCreationOption required string (values: CreateVmIfNotFound, NoAction): The ALR option.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • RecoveryPlanHyperVReplicaAzureFailoverInput object: Recovery plan HVR Azure failover input.
    • primaryKekCertificatePfx string: The primary KEK certificate PFX.
    • recoveryPointType string (values: Latest, LatestApplicationConsistent, LatestProcessed): The recovery point type.
    • secondaryKekCertificatePfx string: The secondary KEK certificate PFX.
    • vaultLocation string: The vault location.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • RecoveryPlanInMageAzureV2FailoverInput object: Recovery plan InMageAzureV2 failover input.
    • recoveryPointType required string (values: Latest, LatestApplicationConsistent, LatestCrashConsistent, LatestProcessed): The recovery point type.
    • useMultiVmSyncPoint string: A value indicating whether multi VM sync enabled VMs should use multi VM sync points for failover.
    • vaultLocation required string: The vault location.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • RecoveryPlanInMageFailoverInput object: Recovery plan InMage failover input.
    • recoveryPointType required string (values: LatestTime, LatestTag, Custom): The recovery point type.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • RecoveryPlanManualActionDetails object: Recovery plan manual action details.
    • description string: The manual action description.
    • instanceType string: Gets the type of action details (see RecoveryPlanActionDetailsTypes enum for possible values).



  • RecoveryPlanPlannedFailoverInputProperties object: Recovery plan planned failover input properties.
    • failoverDirection required string (values: PrimaryToRecovery, RecoveryToPrimary): The failover direction.
    • providerSpecificDetails array: The provider specific properties.


  • RecoveryPlanProperties object: Recovery plan custom details.
    • allowedOperations array: The list of allowed operations.
      • items string
    • currentScenario CurrentScenarioDetails
    • currentScenarioStatus string: The recovery plan status.
    • currentScenarioStatusDescription string: The recovery plan status description.
    • failoverDeploymentModel string: The failover deployment model.
    • friendlyName string: The friendly name.
    • groups array: The recovery plan groups.
    • lastPlannedFailoverTime string: The start time of the last planned failover.
    • lastTestFailoverTime string: The start time of the last test failover.
    • lastUnplannedFailoverTime string: The start time of the last unplanned failover.
    • primaryFabricFriendlyName string: The primary fabric friendly name.
    • primaryFabricId string: The primary fabric Id.
    • recoveryFabricFriendlyName string: The recovery fabric friendly name.
    • recoveryFabricId string: The recovery fabric Id.
    • replicationProviders array: The list of replication providers.
      • items string


  • RecoveryPlanProtectedItem object: Recovery plan protected item.
    • id string: The ARM Id of the recovery plan protected item.
    • virtualMachineId string: The virtual machine Id.


  • RecoveryPlanProviderSpecificFailoverInput object: Recovery plan provider specific failover input base class.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • RecoveryPlanScriptActionDetails object: Recovery plan script action details.
    • fabricLocation required string (values: Primary, Recovery): The fabric location.
    • path required string: The script path.
    • timeout string: The script timeout.
    • instanceType string: Gets the type of action details (see RecoveryPlanActionDetailsTypes enum for possible values).


  • RecoveryPlanShutdownGroupTaskDetails object: This class represents the recovery plan shutdown group task details.
    • groupId string: The group identifier.
    • name string: The name.
    • rpGroupType string: The group type.
    • childTasks array: The child tasks.
    • instanceType string: The type of task details.



  • RecoveryPlanTestFailoverCleanupInputProperties object: Recovery plan test failover cleanup input properties.
    • comments string: The test failover cleanup comments.



  • RecoveryPlanTestFailoverInputProperties object: Recovery plan test failover input properties.
    • failoverDirection required string (values: PrimaryToRecovery, RecoveryToPrimary): The failover direction.
    • networkId string: The Id of the network to be used for test failover.
    • networkType required string: The network type to be used for test failover.
    • providerSpecificDetails array: The provider specific properties.
    • skipTestFailoverCleanup string: A value indicating whether the test failover cleanup is to be skipped.



  • RecoveryPlanUnplannedFailoverInputProperties object: Recovery plan unplanned failover input properties.
    • failoverDirection required string (values: PrimaryToRecovery, RecoveryToPrimary): The failover direction.
    • providerSpecificDetails array: The provider specific properties.
    • sourceSiteOperations required string (values: Required, NotRequired): A value indicating whether source site operations are required.


  • RecoveryPoint object: Base class representing a recovery point.
    • properties RecoveryPointProperties
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type


  • RecoveryPointCollection object: Collection of recovery point details.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The recovery point details.


  • RecoveryPointProperties object: Recovery point properties.
    • providerSpecificDetails ProviderSpecificRecoveryPointDetails
    • recoveryPointTime string: The recovery point time.
    • recoveryPointType string: The recovery point type: ApplicationConsistent, CrashConsistent.


  • RecoveryServicesProvider object: Provider details.


  • RecoveryServicesProviderCollection object: Collection of providers.


  • RecoveryServicesProviderProperties object: Recovery services provider properties.
    • allowedScenarios array: The scenarios allowed on this provider.
      • items string
    • authenticationIdentityDetails IdentityProviderDetails
    • connectionStatus string: A value indicating whether DRA is responsive.
    • draIdentifier string: The DRA Id.
    • fabricFriendlyName string: The fabric friendly name.
    • fabricType string: Type of the site.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the DRA.
    • healthErrorDetails array: The recovery services provider health error details.
    • lastHeartBeat string: Time when last heartbeat was sent by the DRA.
    • protectedItemCount integer: Number of protected VMs currently managed by the DRA.
    • providerVersion string: The provider version.
    • providerVersionDetails VersionDetails
    • providerVersionExpiryDate string: Expiry date of the version.
    • providerVersionState string: DRA version status.
    • resourceAccessIdentityDetails IdentityProviderDetails
    • serverVersion string: The fabric provider.




  • RemoveDisksProviderSpecificInput object: Remove Disk provider specific input.
    • instanceType string: The class type.





  • RenewCertificateInputProperties object: Renew Certificate input properties.
    • renewCertificateType string: Renew certificate type.


  • ReplicationEligibilityResults object: Replication eligibility results response model.


  • ReplicationEligibilityResultsCollection object: Replication eligibility results collection response model.


  • ReplicationEligibilityResultsErrorInfo object: Error model that can be exposed to the user.
    • code string: The error code.
    • message string: The error message.
    • possibleCauses string: The possible causes.
    • recommendedAction string: The recommended action.
    • status string: The error status.


  • ReplicationEligibilityResultsProperties object: Properties model for replication eligibility results API.


  • ReplicationGroupDetails object: Replication group details. This will be used in case of San and Wvr.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • ReplicationProtectedItem object: Replication protected item.


  • ReplicationProtectedItemCollection object: Replication protected item collection.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The Replication protected item details.


  • ReplicationProtectedItemProperties object: Replication protected item custom data details.
    • activeLocation string: The Current active location of the PE.
    • allowedOperations array: The allowed operations on the Replication protected item.
      • items string
    • currentScenario CurrentScenarioDetails
    • failoverHealth string: The consolidated failover health for the VM.
    • failoverRecoveryPointId string: The recovery point ARM Id to which the Vm was failed over.
    • friendlyName string: The name.
    • healthErrors array: List of health errors.
    • lastSuccessfulFailoverTime string: The Last successful failover time.
    • lastSuccessfulTestFailoverTime string: The Last successful test failover time.
    • policyFriendlyName string: The name of Policy governing this PE.
    • policyId string: The ID of Policy governing this PE.
    • primaryFabricFriendlyName string: The friendly name of the primary fabric.
    • primaryFabricProvider string: The fabric provider of the primary fabric.
    • primaryProtectionContainerFriendlyName string: The name of primary protection container friendly name.
    • protectableItemId string: The protected item ARM Id.
    • protectedItemType string: The type of protected item type.
    • protectionState string: The protection status.
    • protectionStateDescription string: The protection state description.
    • providerSpecificDetails ReplicationProviderSpecificSettings
    • recoveryContainerId string: The recovery container Id.
    • recoveryFabricFriendlyName string: The friendly name of recovery fabric.
    • recoveryFabricId string: The Arm Id of recovery fabric.
    • recoveryProtectionContainerFriendlyName string: The name of recovery container friendly name.
    • recoveryServicesProviderId string: The recovery provider ARM Id.
    • replicationHealth string: The consolidated protection health for the VM taking any issues with SRS as well as all the replication units associated with the VM's replication group into account. This is a string representation of the ProtectionHealth enumeration.
    • testFailoverState string: The Test failover state.
    • testFailoverStateDescription string: The Test failover state description.


  • ReplicationProviderContainerUnmappingInput object: Provider specific input for unpairing operations.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • ReplicationProviderSpecificContainerCreationInput object: Provider specific input for container creation operation.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • ReplicationProviderSpecificContainerMappingInput object: Provider specific input for pairing operations.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • ReplicationProviderSpecificSettings object: Replication provider specific settings.
    • instanceType string: Gets the Instance type.


  • ReplicationProviderSpecificUpdateContainerMappingInput object: Provider specific input for update pairing operations.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • ResolveHealthError object: Resolve health errors input properties.
    • healthErrorId string: Health error id.



  • ResolveHealthInputProperties object: Resolve health input properties.


  • Resource object: Azure resource.
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type


  • ResourceHealthSummary object: Base class to define the health summary of the resources contained under an Arm resource.
    • issues array: The list of summary of health errors across the resources under the container.
    • resourceCount integer: The count of total resources under the container.



  • ResumeJobParamsProperties object: Resume job properties.
    • comments string: Resume job comments.


  • RetentionVolume object: The retention details of the MT.
    • capacityInBytes integer: The volume capacity.
    • freeSpaceInBytes integer: The free space available in this volume.
    • thresholdPercentage integer: The threshold percentage.
    • volumeName string: The volume name.




  • ReverseReplicationProviderSpecificInput object: Provider specific reverse replication input.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • RoleAssignment object: Azure role assignment details.
    • id string: The ARM Id of the role assignment.
    • name string: The name of the role assignment.
    • principalId string: Principal Id.
    • roleDefinitionId string: Role definition id.
    • scope string: Role assignment scope.


  • RunAsAccount object: CS Accounts Details.
    • accountId string: The CS RunAs account Id.
    • accountName string: The CS RunAs account name.


  • SanEnableProtectionInput object: San enable protection provider specific input.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • ScriptActionTaskDetails object: This class represents the script action task details.
    • isPrimarySideScript boolean: A value indicating whether it is a primary side script or not.
    • name string: The name.
    • output string: The output.
    • path string: The path.
    • instanceType string: The type of task details.


  • ServiceError object: ASR error model
    • activityId string: Activity Id.
    • code string: Error code.
    • message string: Error message.
    • possibleCauses string: Possible causes of error.
    • recommendedAction string: Recommended action to resolve error.


  • StorageClassification object: Storage object definition.
    • properties StorageClassificationProperties
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type


  • StorageClassificationCollection object: Collection of storage details.


  • StorageClassificationMapping object: Storage mapping object.


  • StorageClassificationMappingCollection object: Collection of storage mapping details.



  • StorageClassificationMappingProperties object: Storage mapping properties.
    • targetStorageClassificationId string: Target storage object Id.


  • StorageClassificationProperties object: Storage object properties.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the Storage classification.


  • StorageMappingInputProperties object: Storage mapping input properties.
    • targetStorageClassificationId string: The ID of the storage object.


  • Subnet object: Subnets of the network.
    • addressList array: The list of addresses for the subnet.
      • items string
    • friendlyName string: The subnet friendly name.
    • name string: The subnet name.


  • SupportedOSDetails object: Supported Operating system details.
    • osName string: The name.
    • osType string: The type.
    • osVersions array: List of version for OS.


  • SupportedOSProperties object: Properties model for supported OS API.


  • SupportedOSProperty object: Property object for supported OS api.
    • instanceType string: Gets the replication provider type.
    • supportedOs array: List of supported OS.


  • SupportedOperatingSystems object: Response object for supported operating systems API.
    • properties SupportedOSProperties
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type



  • SwitchProtectionInputProperties object: Switch protection input properties.


  • SwitchProtectionJobDetails object: This class represents details for switch protection job.
    • newReplicationProtectedItemId string: ARM Id of the new replication protected item.
    • affectedObjectDetails object: The affected object properties like source server, source cloud, target server, target cloud etc. based on the workflow object details.
    • instanceType string: Gets the type of job details (see JobDetailsTypes enum for possible values).


  • SwitchProtectionProviderSpecificInput object: Provider specific switch protection input.
    • instanceType string: Gets the Instance type.


  • TargetComputeSize object: Represents applicable recovery vm sizes.


  • TargetComputeSizeCollection object: Target compute size collection.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The list of target compute sizes.


  • TargetComputeSizeProperties object: Represents applicable recovery vm sizes properties.
    • cpuCoresCount integer: The maximum cpu cores count supported by target compute size.
    • errors array: The reasons why the target compute size is not applicable for the protected item.
    • friendlyName string: Target compute size display name.
    • highIopsSupported string: The value indicating whether the target compute size supports high Iops.
    • maxDataDiskCount integer: The maximum data disks count supported by target compute size.
    • maxNicsCount integer: The maximum Nics count supported by target compute size.
    • memoryInGB number: The maximum memory in GB supported by target compute size.
    • name string: Target compute size name.


  • TaskTypeDetails object: Task details based on specific task type.
    • instanceType string: The type of task details.



  • TestFailoverCleanupInputProperties object: Input definition for test failover cleanup input properties.
    • comments string: Test failover cleanup comments.



  • TestFailoverInputProperties object: Input definition for planned failover input properties.
    • failoverDirection string: Failover direction.
    • networkId string: The id of the network to be used for test failover
    • networkType string: Network type to be used for test failover.
    • providerSpecificDetails ProviderSpecificFailoverInput
    • skipTestFailoverCleanup string: A value indicating whether the test failover cleanup is to be skipped.


  • TestFailoverJobDetails object: This class represents the details for a test failover job.
    • comments string: The test failover comments.
    • networkFriendlyName string: The test network friendly name.
    • networkName string: The test network name.
    • networkType string: The test network type (see TestFailoverInput enum for possible values).
    • protectedItemDetails array: The test VM details.
    • testFailoverStatus string: The test failover status.
    • affectedObjectDetails object: The affected object properties like source server, source cloud, target server, target cloud etc. based on the workflow object details.
    • instanceType string: Gets the type of job details (see JobDetailsTypes enum for possible values).



  • TestMigrateCleanupInputProperties object: Test migrate cleanup input properties.
    • comments string: Test migrate cleanup comments.




  • TestMigrateProviderSpecificInput object: Test migrate provider specific input.
    • instanceType required string: The class type.



  • UnplannedFailoverInputProperties object: Input definition for planned failover input properties.
    • failoverDirection string: Failover direction.
    • providerSpecificDetails ProviderSpecificFailoverInput
    • sourceSiteOperations string: Source site operations status




  • UpdateMigrationItemProviderSpecificInput object: Update migration item provider specific input.
    • instanceType string: The class type.



  • UpdateMobilityServiceRequestProperties object: The properties of an update mobility service request.
    • runAsAccountId string: The CS run as account Id.



  • UpdateNetworkMappingInputProperties object: Common input details for network mapping operation.







  • UpdateRecoveryPlanInputProperties object: Recovery plan update properties.



  • UpdateReplicationProtectedItemInputProperties object: Update protected item input properties.
    • enableRdpOnTargetOption string: The selected option to enable RDP\SSH on target vm after failover. String value of {SrsDataContract.EnableRDPOnTargetOption} enum.
    • licenseType string (values: NotSpecified, NoLicenseType, WindowsServer): License type.
    • providerSpecificDetails UpdateReplicationProtectedItemProviderInput
    • recoveryAvailabilitySetId string: The target availability set id.
    • recoveryAzureVMName string: Target azure VM name given by the user.
    • recoveryAzureVMSize string: Target Azure Vm size.
    • selectedRecoveryAzureNetworkId string: Target Azure Network Id.
    • selectedSourceNicId string: The selected source nic Id which will be used as the primary nic during failover.
    • selectedTfoAzureNetworkId string: The Azure Network Id for test failover.
    • vmNics array: The list of vm nic details.


  • UpdateReplicationProtectedItemProviderInput object: Update replication protected item provider specific input.
    • instanceType string: The class type.



  • UpdateVCenterRequestProperties object: The properties of an update vCenter request.
    • friendlyName string: The friendly name of the vCenter.
    • ipAddress string: The IP address of the vCenter to be discovered.
    • port string: The port number for discovery.
    • processServerId string: The process server Id from where the update can be orchestrated.
    • runAsAccountId string: The CS account Id which has privileges to update the vCenter.


  • VCenter object: vCenter definition.
    • properties VCenterProperties
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type


  • VCenterCollection object: Collection of vCenter details.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The vCenter details.


  • VCenterProperties object: vCenter properties.
    • discoveryStatus string: The VCenter discovery status.
    • fabricArmResourceName string: The ARM resource name of the fabric containing this VCenter.
    • friendlyName string: Friendly name of the vCenter.
    • healthErrors array: The health errors for this VCenter.
    • infrastructureId string: The infrastructure Id of vCenter.
    • internalId string: VCenter internal ID.
    • ipAddress string: The IP address of the vCenter.
    • lastHeartbeat string: The time when the last heartbeat was received by vCenter.
    • port string: The port number for discovery.
    • processServerId string: The process server Id.
    • runAsAccountId string: The account Id which has privileges to discover the vCenter.


  • VMNicDetails object: Hyper V VM network details.
    • enableAcceleratedNetworkingOnRecovery boolean: A value indicating whether the NIC has accelerated networking enabled.
    • enableAcceleratedNetworkingOnTfo boolean: Whether the test failover NIC has accelerated networking enabled.
    • ipAddressType string: Ip address type.
    • nicId string: The nic Id.
    • primaryNicStaticIPAddress string: Primary nic static IP address.
    • recoveryLBBackendAddressPoolIds array: The target backend address pools for the NIC.
      • items string
    • recoveryNetworkSecurityGroupId string: The id of the NSG associated with the NIC.
    • recoveryNicIpAddressType string: IP allocation type for recovery VM.
    • recoveryPublicIpAddressId string: The id of the public IP address resource associated with the NIC.
    • recoveryVMNetworkId string: Recovery VM network Id.
    • recoveryVMSubnetName string: Recovery VM subnet name.
    • replicaNicId string: The replica nic Id.
    • replicaNicStaticIPAddress string: Replica nic static IP address.
    • selectionType string: Selection type for failover.
    • sourceNicArmId string: The source nic ARM Id.
    • tfoIPConfigs array: The IP configurations to be used by NIC during test failover.
    • tfoNetworkSecurityGroupId string: The NSG to be used by NIC during test failover.
    • tfoVMNetworkId string: The network to be used by NIC during test failover.
    • tfoVMSubnetName string: The subnet to be used by NIC during test failover.
    • vMNetworkName string: VM network name.
    • vMSubnetName string: VM subnet name.


  • VMNicInputDetails object: Hyper V VM network input details.
    • enableAcceleratedNetworkingOnRecovery boolean: Whether the NIC has accelerated networking enabled.
    • enableAcceleratedNetworkingOnTfo boolean: Whether the test NIC has accelerated networking enabled.
    • nicId string: The nic Id.
    • recoveryLBBackendAddressPoolIds array: The target backend address pools for the NIC.
      • items string
    • recoveryNetworkSecurityGroupId string: The id of the NSG associated with the NIC.
    • recoveryPublicIpAddressId string: The id of the public IP address resource associated with the NIC.
    • recoveryVMSubnetName string: Recovery VM subnet name.
    • replicaNicStaticIPAddress string: Replica nic static IP address.
    • selectionType string: Selection type for failover.
    • tfoIPConfigs array: The IP configurations to be used by NIC during test failover.
    • tfoNetworkSecurityGroupId string: The NSG to be used by NIC during test failover.
    • tfoVMSubnetName string: The subnet to be used by NIC during test failover.


  • VMwareCbtContainerCreationInput object: VMwareCbt container creation input.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • VMwareCbtContainerMappingInput object: VMwareCbt container mapping input.
    • keyVaultId required string: The target key vault ARM Id.
    • keyVaultUri required string: The target key vault URL.
    • serviceBusConnectionStringSecretName required string: The secret name of the service bus connection string.
    • storageAccountId required string: The storage account ARM Id.
    • storageAccountSasSecretName required string: The secret name of the storage account.
    • targetLocation required string: The target location.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • VMwareCbtDiskInput object: VMwareCbt disk input.
    • diskId required string: The disk Id.
    • diskType string (values: Standard_LRS, Premium_LRS, StandardSSD_LRS): The disk type.
    • isOSDisk required string: A value indicating whether the disk is the OS disk.
    • logStorageAccountId required string: The log storage account ARM Id.
    • logStorageAccountSasSecretName required string: The key vault secret name of the log storage account.


  • VMwareCbtEnableMigrationInput object: VMwareCbt specific enable migration input.
    • dataMoverRunAsAccountId required string: The data mover RunAs account Id.
    • disksToInclude required array: The disks to include list.
    • licenseType string (values: NotSpecified, NoLicenseType, WindowsServer): License type.
    • snapshotRunAsAccountId required string: The snapshot RunAs account Id.
    • targetAvailabilitySetId string: The target availability set ARM Id.
    • targetBootDiagnosticsStorageAccountId string: The target boot diagnostics storage account ARM Id.
    • targetNetworkId required string: The target network ARM Id.
    • targetResourceGroupId required string: The target resource group ARM Id.
    • targetSubnetName string: The target subnet name.
    • targetVmName string: The target VM name.
    • targetVmSize string: The target VM size.
    • vmwareMachineId required string: The ARM Id of the VM discovered in VMware.
    • instanceType required string: The class type.


  • VMwareCbtMigrateInput object: VMwareCbt specific migrate input.
    • performShutdown required string: A value indicating whether VM is to be shutdown.
    • instanceType required string: The class type.


  • VMwareCbtMigrationDetails object: VMwareCbt provider specific settings
    • dataMoverRunAsAccountId string: The data mover RunAs account Id.
    • lastRecoveryPointReceived string: The last recovery point received time.
    • licenseType string: License Type of the VM to be used.
    • migrationRecoveryPointId string: The recovery point Id to which the VM was migrated.
    • osType string: The type of the OS on the VM.
    • protectedDisks array: The list of protected disks.
    • snapshotRunAsAccountId string: The snapshot RunAs account Id.
    • targetAvailabilitySetId string: The target availability set Id.
    • targetBootDiagnosticsStorageAccountId string: The target boot diagnostics storage account ARM Id.
    • targetLocation string: The target location.
    • targetNetworkId string: The target network Id.
    • targetResourceGroupId string: The target resource group Id.
    • targetVmName string: Target VM name.
    • targetVmSize string: The target VM size.
    • vmNics array: The network details.
    • vmwareMachineId string: The ARM Id of the VM discovered in VMware.
    • instanceType string: Gets the instance type.


  • VMwareCbtNicDetails object: VMwareCbt NIC details.
    • isPrimaryNic string: A value indicating whether this is the primary NIC.
    • isSelectedForMigration string: A value indicating whether this NIC is selected for migration.
    • nicId string: The NIC Id.
    • sourceIPAddress string: The source IP address.
    • sourceIPAddressType string (values: Dynamic, Static): The source IP address type.
    • sourceNetworkId string: Source network Id.
    • targetIPAddress string: The target IP address.
    • targetIPAddressType string (values: Dynamic, Static): The target IP address type.
    • targetSubnetName string: Target subnet name.


  • VMwareCbtNicInput object: VMwareCbt NIC input.
    • isPrimaryNic required string: A value indicating whether this is the primary NIC.
    • isSelectedForMigration string: A value indicating whether this NIC is selected for migration.
    • nicId required string: The NIC Id.
    • targetStaticIPAddress string: The static IP address.
    • targetSubnetName string: Target subnet name.


  • VMwareCbtPolicyCreationInput object: VMware Cbt policy creation input.
    • appConsistentFrequencyInMinutes integer: The app consistent snapshot frequency (in minutes).
    • crashConsistentFrequencyInMinutes integer: The crash consistent snapshot frequency (in minutes).
    • recoveryPointHistoryInMinutes integer: The duration in minutes until which the recovery points need to be stored.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • VMwareCbtProtectedDiskDetails object: VMwareCbt protected disk details.
    • capacityInBytes integer: The disk capacity in bytes.
    • diskId string: The disk id.
    • diskName string: The disk name.
    • diskPath string: The disk path.
    • diskType string (values: Standard_LRS, Premium_LRS, StandardSSD_LRS): The disk type.
    • isOSDisk string: A value indicating whether the disk is the OS disk.
    • logStorageAccountId string: The log storage account ARM Id.
    • logStorageAccountSasSecretName string: The key vault secret name of the log storage account.
    • seedManagedDiskId string: The ARM Id of the seed managed disk.
    • targetManagedDiskId string: The ARM Id of the target managed disk.


  • VMwareCbtProtectionContainerMappingDetails object: VMwareCbt provider specific container mapping details.
    • keyVaultId string: The target key vault ARM Id.
    • keyVaultUri string: The target key vault URI.
    • serviceBusConnectionStringSecretName string: The secret name of the service bus connection string.
    • storageAccountId string: The storage account ARM Id.
    • storageAccountSasSecretName string: The secret name of the storage account.
    • targetLocation string: The target location.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • VMwareCbtTestMigrateInput object: VMwareCbt specific test migrate input.
    • networkId required string: The test network Id.
    • recoveryPointId required string: The recovery point Id.
    • instanceType required string: The class type.


  • VMwareCbtUpdateMigrationItemInput object: VMwareCbt specific update migration item input.
    • licenseType string (values: NotSpecified, NoLicenseType, WindowsServer): The license type.
    • targetAvailabilitySetId string: The target availability set ARM Id.
    • targetBootDiagnosticsStorageAccountId string: The target boot diagnostics storage account ARM Id.
    • targetNetworkId string: The target network ARM Id.
    • targetResourceGroupId string: The target resource group ARM Id.
    • targetVmName string: The target VM name.
    • targetVmSize string: The target VM size.
    • vmNics array: The list of NIC details.
    • instanceType string: The class type.


  • VMwareDetails object: Store the fabric details specific to the VMware fabric.
    • agentCount string: The number of source and target servers configured to talk to this CS.
    • agentExpiryDate string: Agent expiry date.
    • agentVersion string: The agent Version.
    • agentVersionDetails VersionDetails
    • availableMemoryInBytes integer: The available memory.
    • availableSpaceInBytes integer: The available space.
    • cpuLoad string: The percentage of the CPU load.
    • cpuLoadStatus string: The CPU load status.
    • csServiceStatus string: The CS service status.
    • databaseServerLoad string: The database server load.
    • databaseServerLoadStatus string: The database server load status.
    • hostName string: The host name.
    • ipAddress string: The IP address.
    • lastHeartbeat string: The last heartbeat received from CS server.
    • masterTargetServers array: The list of Master Target servers associated with the fabric.
    • memoryUsageStatus string: The memory usage status.
    • processServerCount string: The number of process servers.
    • processServers array: The list of Process Servers associated with the fabric.
    • protectedServers string: The number of protected servers.
    • psTemplateVersion string: PS template version.
    • replicationPairCount string: The number of replication pairs configured in this CS.
    • runAsAccounts array: The list of run as accounts created on the server.
    • spaceUsageStatus string: The space usage status.
    • sslCertExpiryDate string: CS SSL cert expiry date.
    • sslCertExpiryRemainingDays integer: CS SSL cert expiry date.
    • systemLoad string: The percentage of the system load.
    • systemLoadStatus string: The system load status.
    • totalMemoryInBytes integer: The total memory.
    • totalSpaceInBytes integer: The total space.
    • versionStatus string: Version status
    • webLoad string: The web load.
    • webLoadStatus string: The web load status.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • VMwareV2FabricCreationInput object: VMwareV2 fabric provider specific settings.
    • migrationSolutionId required string: The ARM Id of the migration solution.
    • vmwareSiteId required string: The ARM Id of the VMware site.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type.


  • VMwareV2FabricSpecificDetails object: VMwareV2 fabric specific details.
    • migrationSolutionId string: The Migration solution ARM Id.
    • serviceEndpoint string: The service endpoint.
    • serviceResourceId string: The service resource Id.
    • vmwareSiteId string: The ARM Id of the VMware site.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • VMwareVirtualMachineDetails object: VMware provider specific settings
    • agentGeneratedId string: The ID generated by the InMage agent after it gets installed on guest. This is the ID to be used during InMage CreateProtection.
    • agentInstalled string: The value indicating if InMage scout agent is installed on guest.
    • agentVersion string: The agent version.
    • discoveryType string: A value indicating the discovery type of the machine. Value can be vCenter or physical.
    • diskDetails array: The disk details.
    • ipAddress string: The IP address.
    • osType string: The OsType installed on VM.
    • poweredOn string: The value indicating whether VM is powered on.
    • vCenterInfrastructureId string: The VCenter infrastructure Id.
    • validationErrors array: The validation errors.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • VaultHealthDetails object: Vault health details definition.
    • properties VaultHealthProperties
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type



  • VaultSetting object: Vault setting.
    • properties VaultSettingProperties
    • id string: Resource Id
    • location string: Resource Location
    • name string: Resource Name
    • type string: Resource Type


  • VaultSettingCollection object: Vault setting collection.
    • nextLink string: The value of next link.
    • value array: The list of vault setting.



  • VaultSettingCreationInputProperties object: Input to create vault setting.
    • migrationSolutionId required string: The migration solution Id.


  • VaultSettingProperties object: Vault setting properties.
    • migrationSolutionId string: The migration solution ARM Id.


  • VersionDetails object: Version related details.
    • expiryDate string: Version expiry date.
    • status string (values: Supported, NotSupported, Deprecated, UpdateRequired, SecurityUpdateRequired): A value indicating whether security update required.
    • version string: The agent version.


  • VirtualMachineTaskDetails object: This class represents the virtual machine task details.
    • jobTask JobEntity
    • skippedReason string: The skipped reason.
    • skippedReasonString string: The skipped reason string.
    • instanceType string: The type of task details.


  • VmNicUpdatesTaskDetails object: This class represents the vm NicUpdates task details.
    • name string: Name of the Nic.
    • nicId string: Nic Id.
    • vmId string: Virtual machine Id.
    • instanceType string: The type of task details.


  • VmmDetails object: VMM fabric specific details.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • VmmToAzureCreateNetworkMappingInput object: Create network mappings input properties/behavior specific to Vmm to Azure Network mapping.
    • instanceType string: The instance type.


  • VmmToAzureNetworkMappingSettings object: E2A Network Mapping fabric specific settings.
    • instanceType string: Gets the Instance type.


  • VmmToAzureUpdateNetworkMappingInput object: Update network mappings input properties/behavior specific to vmm to azure.
    • instanceType string: The instance type.


  • VmmToVmmCreateNetworkMappingInput object: Create network mappings input properties/behavior specific to vmm to vmm Network mapping.
    • instanceType string: The instance type.


  • VmmToVmmNetworkMappingSettings object: E2E Network Mapping fabric specific settings.
    • instanceType string: Gets the Instance type.


  • VmmToVmmUpdateNetworkMappingInput object: Update network mappings input properties/behavior specific to vmm to vmm.
    • instanceType string: The instance type.


  • VmmVirtualMachineDetails object: VMM fabric provider specific VM settings.
    • diskDetails array: The Last successful failover time.
    • generation string: The id of the object in fabric.
    • hasFibreChannelAdapter string (values: Unknown, Present, NotPresent): A value indicating whether the VM has a fibre channel adapter attached. String value of {SrsDataContract.PresenceStatus} enum.
    • hasPhysicalDisk string (values: Unknown, Present, NotPresent): A value indicating whether the VM has a physical disk attached. String value of {SrsDataContract.PresenceStatus} enum.
    • hasSharedVhd string (values: Unknown, Present, NotPresent): A value indicating whether the VM has a shared VHD attached. String value of {SrsDataContract.PresenceStatus} enum.
    • osDetails OSDetails
    • sourceItemId string: The source id of the object.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.


  • VmwareCbtPolicyDetails object: VMware Cbt specific policy details.
    • appConsistentFrequencyInMinutes integer: The app consistent snapshot frequency in minutes.
    • crashConsistentFrequencyInMinutes integer: The crash consistent snapshot frequency in minutes.
    • recoveryPointHistoryInMinutes integer: The duration in minutes until which the recovery points need to be stored.
    • instanceType string: Gets the class type. Overridden in derived classes.

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