Spring based animations for Dark
- 🎉 Smooth natural animations with max FPS based on spring physics
- ⏱️ No durations and curves, only physic parameters
- 🔄 No rerenders
- 🛸 Can use for web, native and desktop
- 💽 SSR
- 🎊 Includes trails and transitions support
- 🎢 Animation sequences
- 🔀 Concurrent support
- ✂️ No deps
- 📦 Small size (5 kB gzipped)
npm install @dark-engine/animations
yarn add @dark-engine/animations
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@dark-engine/animations/dist/umd/dark-animations.production.min.js"></script>
import { type SpringValue, Animated, useSpring } from '@dark-engine/animations';
const App = component(() => {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
const [spring] = useSpring(
from: { opacity: val(isOpen) },
to: { opacity: val(isOpen) },
return (
<button onClick={() => setIsOpen(x => !x)}>toggle</button>
<Animated spring={spring} fn={styleFn}>
const val = (isOpen: boolean) => isOpen ? 1 : 0;
const styleFn = (e: HTMLElement, x: SpringValue<'opacity'>) => e.style.setProperty('opacity', `${x.opacity}`);
import {
type Spring,
type SpringValue,
} from '@dark-engine/animations'
In the library, animations are grounded in the principles of spring physics. To achieve the desired effect, it’s necessary to fine-tune parameters such as mass, tension, and friction. The animation comes to life using an appropriate hook. The transmission of property values is facilitated through a special Animated
component, which serves as a conduit between the hook and the animated element. The entire process unfolds via a subscription, eliminating the need for component rerenders. This approach ensures a seamless and efficient animation experience.
The hook that allows you to animate multiple values at once.
const App = component(() => {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
const [spring] = useSpring(
from: { opacity: val(isOpen), scale: val(isOpen) },
to: { opacity: val(isOpen), scale: val(isOpen) },
config: key => ({ tension: key === 'scale' ? 200 : isOpen ? 100 : 400, precision: 4 }),
return (
<button onClick={() => setIsOpen(x => !x)}>toggle</button>
<Animated spring={spring} fn={styleFn}>
<div class='box'>Hello world</div>
const val = (isOpen: boolean) => (isOpen ? 1 : 0);
const styleFn = (element: HTMLDivElement, value: SpringValue<'opacity' | 'scale'>) => {
element.style.setProperty('opacity', `${value.opacity}`);
element.style.setProperty('transform', `scale(${value.scale}) translate(-50%, -50%)`);
What's going on here?
- First, the animation hook is called, to which a config is passed with the
parameters, which change depending on the flag in the state. - The
component is taking a spring object and a function describing how it should change styles during the animation process. - When the state changes, physical parameters are calculated and styles are applied 1 time per 1 frame until the parameters reach the value
depending on the flag.
A generalized version of useSpring
takes as input the number of elements that need to be animated, as well as a function that creates a config depending on the index of the element. Needed for creating complex animations where elements are processed taking into account the position and other parameters of other elements.
const [springs, api] = useSprings(4, idx => createConfig(idx));
const handleDragStart = (idx: number) => e => {
return (
<div class='content'>
{springs.map((spring, idx) => {
return (
<Animated spring={spring} fn={styleFn}>
<div class='item' onPointerDown={handleDragStart(idx)}>{idx}</div>
The hook is also based on useSprings
, but with minor changes that allow you to apply animations with a slight delay relative to other animated elements. In this case, the delay is not based on timeout, but on events. Can be useful for creating synchronously moving components.
const [size, setSize] = useState(10);
const [springs, api] = useTrail(size, () => ({
from: { x: -100, y: -100 },
config: () => preset('gentle'),
return (
{springs.map((spring, idx) => {
return (
<Animated spring={spring} fn={styleFn(idx)}>
<Item />
The hook that animates any manipulations with the tree: adding, moving, replacing and deleting nodes. It works on the basis of an array of data, each element of which has a unique key, which allows you to compare diff elements. Returns a special transition
function within which it manages the keys.
const [items, setItems] = useState(['A']);
const [transition] = useTransition(
x => x,
() => ({
from: { opacity: 0, x: isNext ? 100 : -100 },
enter: { opacity: 1, x: 0 },
leave: { opacity: 0, x: isNext ? -50 : 50 },
return (
{transition(({ spring, item }) => {
return (
<Animated spring={spring} fn={styleFn}>
<Item $color={colors[item]}>{item}</Item>
Allows you to create chains of heterogeneous animations (springs, trails, transitions), which are launched in a certain sequence. Can be used to create complex animations of the appearance or disappearance of interface elements.
const [spring, springApi] = useSpring(
from: { size: 20, green: 105, blue: 180 },
to: { size: isOpen ? 100 : 20, green: isOpen ? 255 : 105, blue: isOpen ? 255 : 180 },
config: () => preset('stiff'),
const [transition, transitionApi] = useTransition(
isOpen ? data : [],
x => x.name,
() => ({
from: { opacity: 0, scale: 0 },
enter: { opacity: 1, scale: 1 },
leave: { opacity: 0, scale: 0 },
trail: 400 / data.length,
useChain(isOpen ? [springApi, transitionApi] : [transitionApi, springApi], [0, isOpen ? 0.1 : 0.6]);
return (
<Animated spring={spring} fn={springStyleFn}>
<div class='container' onClick={() => setIsOpen(x => !x)}>
{transition(({ spring, item }) => {
return (
<Animated spring={spring} fn={transitionStyleFn(item)}>
<div class='item' />
MIT © Alex Plex