This project based
This project is bootstrapped with the following
Getting Started
Available Scripts
In the project directory, you can run:
yarn start
and yarn storybook
Runs storybook.
Open http://localhost:6006 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make component edits.
yarn create
Help you create component or util. It will automatic generate folder
, .store.jsx
yarn lint
Runs airbnb linting config.
Please refer to .eslintrc
for more details in rules that are excluded/added from the initial Airbnb configuration, which can be found here
Notice: If developer using visual code IDE, download eslint
and prettier
extensions to help you develop.
yarn build
Builds the component library using rollup.
This runs a set of defined configurations under rollup.config.js
Index.js & index.ts will automatic generated by rollup.index.js
yarn build-storybook
Builds static files for storybook site. This is so it can be deployed as the docs source for the component library.