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Welcome to @daoyi/leaflet-map 👋

Version License: ISC

React leaflet-map with cluster feature.


Installing as a package

npm install @daoyi/leaflet-map

Peer dependencies

We use hook of React. So be sure react version >= 16.8 and react-dom version >= 16.8.

npm install react@">=16.8" react-dom@">=16.8" 

And we use leaflet@^1.6.0 and react-leaflet@^2.6.1 as peer dependencies.

npm install leaflet@^1.6.0 react-leaflet@^2.6.1


loaded leaflet css in head of index.html

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.7.1/dist/leaflet.css"

use MapBox in your functional component

import React from "react";
import {MapBox} from "@daoyi/leaflet-map";

// point of points must be GeoJSON form
const points = [
        type: "Feature",  // type must be "Feature"
        // you can put some properties of point in the properties key
        properties: {
          id: 1,
          city: 'Tokyo',
          intensity: 10  // intensity will affect bg color of marker
        geometry: {
          // type must be "Point"
          type: "Point",  
          // [Longitude, Latitude]
          coordinates: [
            35.705034, 139.780242
const YourComponent = () => {

    const options = {
        height:"100vh"  // e.g. "800px"
        width:"100vw",  // e.g. "1000px"
    return (<MapBox points={points} {...options} />)


Type of cluster: cluster is the parameter of function in the table column "value".

Points provided will be transformed to cluster with property "cluster"(true/false). Whether it is a cluster depended on zoom level and point's coordinates. Intensity in a cluster's properties is the same as point provided, if intensity is not provided, intensity will be point_count (cluster type) or 1 (point type).

// cluster type
    type: "Feature",
    properties: {
        cluster: true,  // whether it is cluster or not
        point_count: 5,
        intensity: 56,  // intensity will affect color of marker
    geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [-1.135171, 52.6376] }

// point type
    type: "Feature",
    properties: {
        cluster: false,  // whether it is cluster or not
        intensity: 56,
    geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [-1.135171, 52.6376] }
Name Value Description
points array GeoJSON of points
height string Height of map container.
width string Width of map container.
center array ([long, lat]) Map center's long and lat.
tileLayerInfo array tileLayerSource.
paletteStyle string paletteStyle is for style marker color. Use it with pointMarkerPalette.
pointMarkerPalette object pointMarkerPalette is for style marker color. Use it with paletteStyle.
clusterMap function Mapping function when generate cluster.
clusterReduce function Reducing function when generate cluster.
makeClusterIcon (cluster) => leafletIcon | leafletDivIcon Make cluster marker icon. See more info to generate leafletIcon and leafletDivIcon.
clusterMarkerClassName string ClassName of cluster marker.
clusterTooltipClassName string ClassName of cluster marker tooltip.
clusterBgColor (cluster) => string Set cluster marker background-color.
clusterFontColor (cluster) => string Set cluster marker font-color.
useDefaultPointIcon boolean Whether to use default point icon.
pointPopupLabel (cluster) => string Set point popup label text.
onPointClick (cluster) => void Action when click point.
makePointIcon (cluster) => leafletIcon | leafletDivIcon Make point icon. See more info to generate leafletIcon and leafletDivIcon.
pointMarkerClassName string ClassName of point marker.
pointTooltipClassName string ClassName of point tooltip.
onPointPopupOpen (cluster) => void Action when point popup open.
pointBgColor (cluster) => string Set point background-color.
pointFontColor (cluster) => string Set point font-color.

More info of props


  • deafult: "100vh"


  • deafult: "100vw"


  • deafult: [50, 50]


  • deafult: [ ]
  • Point must be GeoJSON format (with 3 key: type, properties and geometry). You can provide points with custom properties.
  • intensity of properties: intensity will affect color of marker. Combined usage with paletteStyle and pointMarkerPalette.
const points = [
		type: "Feature",
		properties: {
			intensity: 10,  // intensity will affect color of marker
			//...other properties
		geometry: { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-1.135171, 52.6376] }
		type: "Feature",
		properties: {
			intensity: 8, // intensity will affect color of marker
			//...other properties
		geometry: { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-10.135171, 40.6376] }


  • deafult: "cluster-marker"


  • deafult: "cluster-marker__tooltip",


  • deafult: "point-marker"


  • deafult: "point-marker__tooltip"


// default tileLayerInfo
const tileLayerInfo = [
      '&amp;copy <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',
    url: "https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
    checked: true
      "Tiles &copy; Esri &mdash; Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, iPC, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community",
    url: "https://tiles.stadiamaps.com/tiles/alidade_smooth/{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png",
    checked: false
      '&copy; <a href="https://stadiamaps.com/">Stadia Maps</a>, &copy; <a href="https://openmaptiles.org/">OpenMapTiles</a> &copy; <a href="http://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',
    url: "https://tiles.stadiamaps.com/tiles/outdoors/{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png",
    checked: false


 const clusterMap = (props) => {
        cost: props.cost,
        intensity: props.intensity,
        count: 1,


const clusterReduce = (acc, props) => {
	acc.count += 1;
	acc.intensity = Math.max(acc.intensity, props.intensity);
	return acc;


  • default: "primary"
  • combined useage with pointMarkerPalette
// paletteStyle is the key of pointMarkerPalette
const paletteStyle = "primary" // or "secondary"


  • Combined useage with paletteStyle.
  • You can provide more than 2 types of pointMarkerPalette, e.g. primary, secondary, ....
  • Please define color, min and max in range setting of every type.
  • default: see below
const pointMarkerPalette = {
  primary: [
      id: "color-primary-01",
      color: "#C0FA6D",
      min: 0, // If point's intensity property is 0 ~ 3 or less than 0, point's color will be "#C0FA6D"
      max: 3
      id: "color-primary-02",
      color: "#e5fa6d",
      min: 4, // If point's intensity property is 4 ~ 6, point's color will be "#e5fa6d"
      max: 6
      id: "color-primary-03",
      color: "#fae06d",
      min: 7,
      max: 10
      id: "color-primary-04",
      color: "#fabf6d",
      min: 11,
      max: 15
      id: "color-primary-05",
      color: "#fa766d",
      min: 16, // If point's intensity property is 16 ~ 1000 or greater than 1000, point's color will be "#fa766d"
      max: 1000
  secondary: [
      id: "color-secondary-01",
      color: "#e5fa6d",
      min: 0,
      max: 3
      id: "color-secondary-02",
      color: "#EDC79B",
      min: 4,
      max: 6
      id: "color-secondary-03",
      color: "#D57A66",
      min: 7,
      max: 10
      id: "color-secondary-04",
      color: "#CA6680",
      min: 11,
      max: 15
      id: "color-secondary-05",
      color: "#b05487",
      min: 16,
      max: 1000


  • default: null
  • example: see below
const onPointClick = (cluster) => {
    // fetch API
    // ...


  • default: null
  • example: see below
const onPointPopupOpen = (cluster) => {
    // fetch API
    // ...


  • default: null
  • example: see below
import L from "leaflet";

const makeClusterIcon = (cluster) => {
    const iconHtml = `<div style="width: 40px; height: 40px; border: 2px red solid; background-color: orange; border-radius: 100%">
        <span style="font-size: 10px">
    return L.divIcon({
        html: iconHtml


  • default: null
  • example: see below
import L from "leaflet";

const makePointIcon = (cluster) => {
    const iconHtml = `<div style="width: 40px; height: 40px; border: 2px #fff solid; background-color: greenyellow; border-radius: 100%">
        <span style="font-size: 10px">
    return L.divIcon({
        html: iconHtml


👤 DaoYi Technology


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  • ronald2493
  • flintyang
  • peridai
  • benniswu
  • maysongla
  • vincentcheng
  • garywumara
  • eddypan617