
5.0.2 • Public • Published

Parse, serialize, and manipulate media types

This package will parse MIME types into a structured format, which can then be manipulated and serialized:

This version is using ES Modules instead of commonJS.

import MediaType from '@d1g1tal/media-type';

const mediaType = new MediaType('Text/HTML;Charset="utf-8"');

console.assert(mediaType.toString() == 'text/html;charset=utf-8');

console.assert(mediaType.type == 'text');
console.assert(mediaType.subtype == 'html');
console.assert(mediaType.essence == 'text/html');
console.assert(mediaType.parameters.get('charset') == 'utf-8');

mediaType.parameters.set('charset', 'windows-1252');
console.assert(mediaType.parameters.get('charset') == 'windows-1252');
console.assert(mediaType.toString() == 'text/html;charset=windows-1252');
// Still considering changing this to maybe 'includes' or 'contains'
console.assert(mediaType.matches('html') == true);
console.assert(mediaType.matches('xml') == false);

Parsing is a fairly complex process; see the specification for details (and similarly for serialization).

This package's algorithms conform to those of the WHATWG MIME Sniffing Standard, and is aligned up to commit 8e9a7dd.

MediaType API

This package's main module's export is a class, MediaType. Its constructor takes a string which it will attempt to parse into a media type; if parsing fails, an Error will be thrown.

The parse() static factory method

As an alternative to the constructor, you can use MediaType.parse(string). The only difference is that parse() will return null on failed parsing, whereas the constructor will throw. It thus makes the most sense to use the constructor in cases where unparsable MIME types would be exceptional, and use parse() when dealing with input from some unconstrained source.


  • type: the media type's type, e.g. 'text'
  • subtype: the media type's subtype, e.g. 'html'
  • essence: the media type's essence, e.g. 'text/html'
  • parameters: an instance of MediaTypeParameters, containing this media type's parameters

type and subtype can be changed. They will be validated to be non-empty and only contain HTTP token code points.

essence is only a getter, and cannot be changed.

parameters is also a getter, but the contents of the MediaTypeParameters object are mutable, as described below.


  • toString() serializes the media type to a string
  • matches(MediaType|string): Checks if the media type matches the specified type.

MediaTypeParameters API

The MediaTypeParameters class, instances of which are returned by MediaType.parameters, extends a JavaScript Map with both the keys and values being strings. The keys are parameter names, and the values are parameter values.

However, MediaTypeParameters methods will always interpret their arguments as appropriate for media types, so e.g. parameter names will be lowercased, and attempting to set invalid characters will throw.

Some examples:

const mediaType = new MediaType(`x/x;a=b;c=D;E='F'`);

// Logs:
// a b
// c D
// e F
for (const [ name, value ] of mediaType.parameters) {
  console.log(name, value);

console.assert(mediaType.parameters.get('A') === 'b');

mediaType.parameters.set('Q', 'X');
console.assert(mediaType.parameters.get('q') === 'X');
console.assert(mediaType.toString() === 'x/x;a=b;c=d;e=F;q=X');

// Throws:
mediaType.parameters.set('@', 'x');

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