This library archives data events, status events, and general records from data emitters to a sql database. Supported database types include MariaDB, MySQL, Postgres, Sqlite, and SQL Server. It's intended to be included in a project as a library, see https://github.com/curium-rocks/maestro for an example of emitter and chronicler usage.
How to install
npm install --save @curium.rocks/sql-chronicler
How to create a chronicler
// create a factory and register it with the provider
const factory = new SqlChroniclerFactory();
ProviderSingleton.getInstance().registerChroniclerFactory(SqlChronicler.TYPE, factory);
const description: IChroniclerDescription = {
id: 'test-id',
name: 'test-name',
description: 'test-description',
type: SqlChronicler.TYPE,
chroniclerProperties: {
type: 'sqlite'
const chronicler = await ProviderSingleton.getInstance().buildChronicler(description);
How to connect an emitter to a chronicler