
1.0.3 • Public • Published


Customizable React cookie banner component.

default cookie banner


npm install --save @cuisine/cookie-banner


import React from 'react';

import CookieBanner from '@cuisine/cookie-banner';
import '@cuisine/cookie-banner/dist/index.css';

const App = () => {
  return <CookieBanner primaryColor="#FF0000" />;


Prop Type Description
primaryColor String Optional. Color that will be used for Accept all button, links & toggle buttons. Default value is #109dc1.
SelectionButton React.JSX.Element Optional. React component instance that will be used to render the Accept selected cookies button.
AllButton React.JSX.Element Optional. React component instance that will be used to render the Accept all cookies button.
selectionButtonText String Optional. If no SelectionButton is provided, or it doesn't have a text prop, this will be used as the button's text. Default value is Accept selected cookies.
allButtonText String Optional. If no AllButton is provided, or it doesn't have a text prop, this will be used as the button's text. Default value is Accept all cookies.
headlineText String Optional. Text that will be shown at the top of the banner. Default value is Cookies and the protection of your data.
bodyInnerHTML String Optional. HTML that will be shown as body of the banner. Default value is This website uses cookies to improve the functionality of the website, to offer you a better website experience, and to provide social media features. By using this website, you consent to the use of cookies.Please find detailed information on the use of cookies on this website in our <a href="/data-privacy">Data Privacy Statement</a>. You can adjust your cookie settings below..
typeOfCookies Array Optional. Array of objects {name: String, text: String, defaultValue: Boolean} that will be used as reference to know what toggle buttons should render and their respective cookie names. Default value is [{ name: 'functionalCookies',text: 'Functional cookies',defaultValue: true,},{name: 'statisticalCookies',text: 'Statistical cookies',defaultValue: false,},{name: 'marketingCookies',text: 'Marketing cookies',defaultValue: false,},]



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  • roberto.notario
  • notariorob
  • davidblumer