Civil Web
Sometimes you have to fight your own wars on the web! Anyway, this is a small library for http web error and statuses.
This yet another http web status code and http web error codes library. It's simple and clean and comprised of two parts:
- StatusCodes: these are the numbers for http status codes. Sure you could have numbers only, but at least you have some meaning to them now!
- HttpStatusError: These are your extended
objects, which are extended fromHttpStatusError
in here. If you need some specific type of error simply preprend the name in front. For example, you needI am a teapot
, it'sIAmATeapotHttpStatusError
All items are based off of Mozilla's response docs, and deprecated items are removed.
Note: if you need deprecated errors, you can do so with the
Breaking change!
is nowStatusCode
Install it!
npm i
Use it!
Yes, these are horrible examples, but hopefully they at least show you that you have meaningful status codes, meaningful error, and a way to create custom http status errors!
Also note, that I'm not going to check if your status code is w/n a range. I assume you want to be the leader of your own destiny, so here you go, and I hope you enjoy! :)
import {
} from '';
const goingPlaces = function(value){
if (typeof value === 'object' ) throw new BadRequestHttpStatusError('why did you pass an object?');
return { statusCode: StatusCodes.ok };
const custom = function(value){
if (value === 'we are jumping!' ) throw new HttpStatusError(2019, 'why did you pass an object?');
return { statusCode: StatusCodes.ok };
Lists of supported items
Status Name | Status Code | Error Type |
- | - | HttpStatusError |
continue | 100 | - |
switchingProtocol | 101 | - |
webDavProcessing | 102 | - |
earlyHints | 103 | - |
ok | 200 | - |
created | 201 | - |
accepted | 202 | - |
nonAuthoritativeInformation | 203 | - |
noContent | 204 | - |
webDaveMutliStatus7 | 207 | - |
webDaveMutliStatus8 | 208 | - |
imUsed | 226 | - |
multipleChoice | 300 | - |
movedPermanently | 301 | - |
found | 302 | - |
seeOther | 303 | - |
notModified | 304 | - |
permanentRedirect | 308 | - |
badRequest | 400 | BadRequestHttpStatusError |
unauthorized | 401 | UnauthorizedHttpStatusError |
paymentRequired | 402 | PaymentRequiredHttpStatusError |
forbidden | 403 | ForbiddenHttpStatusError |
notFound | 404 | NotFoundHttpStatusError |
methodNotAllowed | 405 | MethodNotAllowedHttpStatusError |
notAcceptable | 406 | NotAcceptableHttpStatusError |
proxyAuthenticationRequired | 407 | ProxyAuthenticationRequiredHttpStatusError |
requestTimeout | 408 | RequestTimeoutHttpStatusError |
conflict | 409 | ConflictHttpStatusError |
gone | 410 | GoneHttpStatusError |
lengthRequired | 411 | LengthRequiredHttpStatusError |
preconditionFailed | 412 | PreconditionFailedHttpStatusError |
payloadTooLarge | 413 | PayloadTooLargeHttpStatusError |
uriTooLong | 414 | UriTooLongHttpStatusError |
unsupportedMediaType | 415 | UnsupportedMediaTypeHttpStatusError |
requestedRangeNotSatisfiable | 416 | RequestedRangeNotSatisfiableHttpStatusError |
expectationFailed | 417 | ExpectationFailedHttpStatusError |
iAmATeapot | 418 | IAmATeapotHttpStatusError |
misdirectedRequest | 421 | MisdirectedRequestHttpStatusError |
webDavUnprocessableEntity | 422 | WebDavUnprocessableEntityHttpStatusError |
webDavLocked | 423 | WebDavLockedHttpStatusError |
webDavFailedDependency | 424 | WebDavFailedDependencyHttpStatusError |
tooEarly | 425 | TooEarlyHttpStatusError |
upgradeRequired | 426 | UpgradeRequiredHttpStatusError |
preconditionRequired | 428 | PreconditionRequiredHttpStatusError |
tooManyRequests | 429 | TooManyRequestsHttpStatusError |
requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge | 431 | RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeHttpStatusError |
unavailableForLegalReasons | 451 | UnavailableForLegalReasonsHttpStatusError |
internalServerError | 500 | InternalServerErrorHttpStatusError |
notImplemented | 501 | NotImplementedHttpStatusError |
badGateway | 502 | BadGatewayHttpStatusError |
serviceUnavailable | 503 | ServiceUnavailableHttpStatusError |
gatewayTimeout | 504 | GatewayTimeoutHttpStatusError |
httpVersionNotSupported | 505 | HttpVersionNotSupportedHttpStatusError |
variantAlsoNegotiates | 506 | VariantAlsoNegotiatesHttpStatusError |
insufficientStorage | 507 | InsufficientStorageHttpStatusError |
webDavLoopDetected | 508 | WebDavLoopDetectedHttpStatusError |
notExtended | 510 | NotExtendedHttpStatusError |
networkAuthenticationRequired | 511 | NetworkAuthenticationRequiredHttpStatusError |