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8.14.3 • Public • Published

CSpell ESLint Plugin

A spell checker plugin for ESLint based upon CSpell.

Feedback Welcome

This plugin is still in active development as part of the CSpell suite of tools and applications.

Quick Setup

Configuration (new: eslint.config.js)

eslint.config.js using recommended.

import cspellESLintPluginRecommended from '@cspell/eslint-plugin/recommended';

export default [
  // other config imports
  // other configs


eslint.config.js using configs.

import cspellConfigs from '@cspell/eslint-plugin/configs';

export default [
  // other config imports
  // other configs


eslint.config.js using plugins

import cspellPlugin from '@cspell/eslint-plugin';

export default [
  // other config imports
    plugins: { '@cspell': cspellPlugin },
    rules: {
      '@cspell/spellchecker': ['warn', {}]
  // other configs

Configuration (Legacy: .eslintrc)

Add "plugin:@cspell/recommended" to the extends section of the configuration.


  "extends": ["plugin:@cspell/recommended"]


interface Options {
   * Automatically fix common mistakes.
   * This is only possible if a single preferred suggestion is available.
   * @default false
  autoFix: boolean;
   * Number of spelling suggestions to make.
   * @default 8
  numSuggestions: number;
   * Generate suggestions
   * @default true
  generateSuggestions: boolean;
   * Ignore import and require names
   * @default true
  ignoreImports?: boolean;
   * Ignore the properties of imported variables, structures, and types.
   * Example:
   * ```
   * import { example } from 'third-party';
   * const msg = example.property; // `property` is not spell checked.
   * ```
   * @default true
  ignoreImportProperties?: boolean;
   * Spell check identifiers (variables names, function names, and class names)
   * @default true
  checkIdentifiers?: boolean;
   * Spell check strings
   * @default true
  checkStrings?: boolean;
   * Spell check template strings
   * @default true
  checkStringTemplates?: boolean;
   * Spell check JSX Text
   * @default true
  checkJSXText?: boolean;
   * Spell check comments
   * @default true
  checkComments?: boolean;
   * Path to the cspell configuration file.
   * Relative paths, will be relative to the current working directory.
   * @since 8.8.0
  configFile?: string;
   * Some CSpell Settings
  cspell?: {
     * The language locale to use, i.e. `en-US,en-GB` to enable both
     * American and British English.
    language?: string;
    /** List of words to be considered correct. */
    words?: string[];
     * List of words to be ignored.
     * An ignored word will not show up as an error, even if it is also
     * in the `flagWords`.
    ignoreWords?: string[];
     * List of words to always be considered incorrect.
     * Words found in `flagWords` override `words`.
     * Format of `flagWords`
     * - single word entry - `word`
     * - with suggestions - `word:suggestion` or `word->suggestion, suggestions`
    flagWords?: string[];
     * List of regular expression patterns or pattern names to exclude
     * from spell checking.
    ignoreRegExpList?: string[];
     * List of regular expression patterns or defined pattern names to
     * match for spell checking.
     * If this property is defined, only text matching the included
     * patterns will be checked.
    includeRegExpList?: string[];
    /** Allows words to be glued together. */
    allowCompoundWords?: boolean;
    /** Import cspell config file. */
    import?: string[];
    /** List of dictionaries to enable */
    dictionaries?: string[];
    /** Define dictionaries. */
    dictionaryDefinitions?: DictionaryDefinition[];

   * Specify the root path of the cspell configuration.
   * It is used to resolve `imports` found in {@link cspell}.
   * example:
   * ```js
   * cspellOptionsRoot: import.meta.url
   * // or
   * cspellOptionsRoot: __filename
   * ```
   * @default cwd
  cspellOptionsRoot?: string | URL;

   * Specify a path to a custom word list file.
   * example:
   * ```js
   * customWordListFile: "./myWords.txt"
   * ```
  customWordListFile?: string | { path: string };

   * Scope selectors to spell check.
   * This is a list of scope selectors to spell check.
   * Example:
   * ```js
   * checkScope: [
   *     ['YAMLPair[key] YAMLScalar', true],
   *     ['YAMLPair[value] YAMLScalar', true],
   *     ['YAMLSequence[entries] YAMLScalar', true],
   *     ['JSONProperty[key] JSONLiteral', true],
   *     ['JSONProperty[value] JSONLiteral', true],
   *     ['JSONArrayExpression JSONLiteral', true],
   * ],
   * ```
   * To turn off checking JSON keys, use the following:
   * ```js
   * checkScope: [
   *     ['JSONProperty[key] JSONLiteral', false],
   * ],
   * ```
   * @since 8.9.0
  checkScope?: ScopeSelectorList;

   * Output debug logs
   * @default false
  debugMode?: boolean;



import cspellPlugin from '@cspell/eslint-plugin';

export default [
    plugins: { '@cspell': cspellPlugin },
    rules: {
      '@cspell/spellchecker': ['warn', { checkComments: false, autoFix: true }]


import cspellConfigs from '@cspell/eslint-plugin/configs';

export default [
    rules: {
      '@cspell/spellchecker': ['warn', { checkComments: false, autoFix: true }]


  "plugins": ["@cspell"],
  "rules": {
    "@cspell/spellchecker": ["warn", { "checkComments": false, "autoFix": true }]


When enabled, autoFix corrects any spelling issues that have a single "preferred" suggestion. It attempts to match case and style, but it cannot guarantee correctness of code.

Preferred Suggestions

CSpell offers the ability to flag words as incorrect and to provide suggestions.


  - allowlist
  - blacklist->allowlist
  - colour->color

With this configuration, blacklist is flagged as forbidden and allowlist is the "preferred" suggestion. When autoFix is enabled, all instances of blacklist will be replaced with allowlist.

When spell checking, if colour is not in one of the dictionaries, then color will be offered as the preferred suggestion. suggestWords are used to provide preferred suggestions, but will not flag any words as incorrect.

CSpell will match case, but not word stems. blacklist and Blacklist will get replaced, but not blacklists.

configFile - Using a CSpell Configuration File


rules: {
    '@cspell/spellchecker': [
            configFile: new URL('./cspell.config.yaml', import.meta.url).toString(),

cspell and cspellOptionsRoot - CSpell Configuration

It is possible to send cspell configuration to the spell checker. Where possible, use a cspell configuration file and set configFile. But there are cases where this is not possible or desired (like fewer configuration files).

  • Option cspell is used to pass along configuration to the spell checker.
  • Option cspellOptionsRoot is used to tell the spell checker how to find cspell.imports.

Example: eslint.config.mjs

rules: {
    '@cspell/spellchecker': [
            cspell: {
              import: ['./cspell.config.yaml', '@cspell/dict-de-de']
            cspellOptionsRoot: import.meta.url,

Assuming import.meta.url is file:///Users/ci/project/app/eslint.config.mjs, this tells the spell checker to import cspell.config.yaml from file:///Users/ci/project/app/cspell.config.yaml and to search for package @cspell/dict-de-de starting at file:///Users/ci/project/app/.

If cspellOptionsRoot is not specified, the current working directory is used.

Checking Custom AST Nodes

The checkScope setting is used to enable / disable checking AST Nodes. ESLint uses parsers to generate the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) to evaluate a document. Each PlugIn gets access to the AST. checkScope can be used to handle new AST nodes when a custom parser is added. Some knowledge of the AST output by the parser is necessary.

rules: {
  '@cspell/spellchecker': ['warn', { checkScope: [
    ['JSONLiteral': true],  // will match AST Nodes of type `JSONLiteral` and spell check the value.
    ['JSONProperty[key] JSONLiteral', false]  // will turn off checking the JSON Property keys.
    ['JSONProperty JSONLiteral', false]  // will turn off checking the JSON Property keys and values.
    ['JSONProperty[value] JSONLiteral', true]  // will turn on checking the JSON Property values.
    ['YAMLPair[key] YAMLScalar', true],
    ['YAMLPair[value] YAMLScalar', true],
    ['YAMLSequence YAMLScalar', true],
  ] }],

In Combination with CSpell

Due to the nature of how files are parsed, the cspell command line tool and this ESLint plugin will give different results. It is recommended that either ESLint or cspell checks a file, but not both. Use ignorePaths setting in cspell.json to tell the cspell command line tool to ignore files checked by ESLint.


  • The CSpell parser is generic across all file types. It just breaks an entire document into words and tests them against the dictionaries. Everything is checked, comments, code, strings, etc.

  • The CSpell ESLint plugin uses the AST (a way to identify the meaning of the individual parts of your code) provided by ESLint to only check literal strings, identifiers, and comments. See Options on selecting what to check.

Example spell checked with ESLint CSpell Plugin: image

Example spell checked with just cspell: image

CSpell for Enterprise

Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription.

The maintainers of cspell and thousands of other packages are working with Tidelift to deliver commercial support and maintenance for the open source packages you use to build your applications. Save time, reduce risk, and improve code health, while paying the maintainers of the exact packages you use. Learn more.

Brought to you byStreet Side Software Logo Street Side Software

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  • jason-dent