BitShift Cipher
A homemade encryption solution
How it works
The Bitshift Cipher works by (as the name suggests) shifting over the bits of the text's ASCII. We do this using the bitwise <<
operator, which is used to shift the bits a certain number of places.
To encode the text, we loop through the text, and for each character x
, we loop through the key array, and for each key character i
x = x + 1 << i % 8
We limit the maximum shift using modulo to avoid having a bit shifted by hundreds of places
Let's imagine we are currently working on the character A
, and that our key is YO
A = 0b01000001 # ASCII for A
0b01000010 # plus 1
0b010000100 # Y is 89, 89 % 8 = 1, so we add 1 zero.
# next charachter in key: O
0b010000101 # plus 1
0b0100001010000000 # O is 79, 79 % 8 = 7, so we add 7 zeros.
After each character is encoded, we add it to an array and reverse the key to make frequency analysis harder.
Let's say the next character in our string is B
, our key now is OY
, as it was reversed.
B = 0b01000010 # ASCII for B
0b01000011 # plus 1
0b010000110000000 # O is 79, 79 % 8 = 7, so we add 7 zeros.
# next character in key: Y
0b010000110000001 # plus 1
0b0100001100000010 # Y is 89, 89 % 8 = 1, so we add 1 zero.
Our array now looks like this: [0b0100001010000000, 0b0100001100000010]
, or in decimal: [17024, 17154]
Finally, we encode the array in base64 to get the final encrypted string: b'WzE3MDI0LCAxNzE1NF0='
To decode, we start by decoding and evaluating the base64 string, and then we reverse the key. We can then loop through the text and key like for the encoding process:
x = x - 1 >> i % 8
The character A
was encoded as 0b0100001010000000
. The key was YO
, but we reversed it, so we will be using OY
A = 0b0100001010000000
= 0b0100001001111111 # minus 1
= 0b010000100 # O is 79, 79 % 8 = 7, so we remove the 7 least significant bits
# next character in key: Y
= 0b010000011 # minus 1
= 0b01000001 # Y is 89, 89 % 8 = 1, so we remove the least significant bit
is A
in ASCII, so we have successfully decoded the first letter. We carry on like this, making sure that we remember to reverse the key every time.
Pros & Cons
- Reversing the key makes frequency analysis hard.
- Key can be as long as you want (theoretically, depends on your programming language), and include special characters, making brute force harder.
- Different languages have different outputs depending on the base64 support.
- Developed at CrypTools by @arguiot, who isn't a professional cryptologist, so it might have some security issues.
Language | Encrypt | Decrypt |
Javascript | encrypt.js | decrypt.js |
Python | | |
Swift | lib.swift | lib.swift |
Package managers
npm i @cryptoolsorg/bitshiftcipher
Running the tests
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We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Arthur Guiot - Initial work & conception - @arguiot
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details