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1.0.4 • Public • Published

Thrift Server Hapi

Hapi plugin for processing Thrift requests.


As of v0.9.x we have updated to use Hapi 17.


Adding Thrift support to Hapi is as easy as just including the provided plugin. Because we are just including a plugin it is easy for the same server to support APIs beyond Thrift RPC, such as REST.


Requires @creditkarma/thrift-typescript >= v3.0.0

The easiest way to get started is to generate your Thrift services using @creditkarma/thrift-typescript.

npm install --save-dev @creditkarma/thrift-typescript

Add a script to your package.json to codegen. The 'target' option is important to make thrift-typescript generate for this library instead of the Apache libraries.

"scripts": {
  "codegen": "thrift-typescript --target thrift-server --sourceDir thrift --outDir codegen

Example Service

service Calculator {
  i32 add(1: i32 left, 2: i32 right)
  i32 subtract(1: i32 left, 2: i32 right)


npm install --save hapi
npm install --save thrift
npm install --save @creditkarma/thrift-server-hapi


To get things working you need to register the Thrift plugin and define handlers for your service methods.

The ThriftServerHapi function creates a Hapi route at the given path on which to serve this Thrift service.

import * as Hapi from 'hapi'
import { ThriftServerHapi } from '@creditkarma/thrift-server-hapi'
import { Calculator } from './codegen/calculator'

const PORT: number = 8080

const server = new Hapi.Server({ debug: { request: [ 'error' ] } })

server.connection({ port: PORT })

 * Implementation of our Thrift service.
 * Notice the second parameter, "context" - this is the Hapi request object,
 * passed along to our service by the Hapi Thrift plugin. Thus, you have access to
 * all HTTP request data from within your service implementation.
const serviceHandlers: Calculator.IHandler<Hapi.Request> = {
    add(left: number, right: number, context?: express.Request): number {
        return left + right
    subtract(left: number, right: number, context?: express.Request): number {
        return left - right

const processor: Calculator.Processor<Hapi.Request> = new Calculator.Processor(serviceHandlers)

 * Register the Thrift plugin.
 * This plugin adds a route to your server for handling Thrift requests. The path
 * option is the path to attach the route handler to and the handler is the
 * Thrift service processor instance.
    path: '/thrift',
    thriftOptions: {
        serviceName: 'calculator-service',
        handler: processor,
}).then(() => {
     * Start your hapi server
    server.start((err) => {
        if (err) {
            throw err
        server.log('info', `Server running on port ${port}`)


  • path (required): The path on which to server your Thrift service. Defaults to '/thrift'.
  • auth (optional): Authentication strategy for Thrift route as defined by Hapi.
  • thriftOptions.serviceName (required): The name of your service. Used for logging and tracing.
  • thriftOptions.handler (required): The service Processor instance to handle service method calls.
  • thriftOptions.transport (optional): The kind of Thrift transport to use. Only 'buffered' is currently supported.
  • thriftOptions.protocol (optional): The kind of Thrift protocol to use, either 'binary' or 'compact'.

Thrift Server Factory

In the event that you will be creating a Hapi server only to serve Thrift, you can use the createThriftServer factory function to create a Hapi.Server and register the Thrift plugin in one step.

The factory function takes all of the same configuration options as the plugin with the addition of port. What port do you want your server to run on?

import * as Hapi from 'hapi'
import { createThriftServer } from '@creditkarma/thrift-server-hapi'
import { Calculator } from './codegen/calculator'

const PORT: number = 8080

async function startServer(): Promise<void> {
    const server: Hapi.Server = await createThriftServer<Calculator.Processor>({
        path: '/thrift',
        port: PORT,
        thriftOptions: {
            serviceName: 'calculator-service',
            handler: new Calculator.Processor({
                add(left: number, right: number, context?: express.Request): number {
                    return left + right
                subtract(left: number, right: number, context?: express.Request): number {
                    return left - right

     * Start your hapi server
    server.start((err) => {
        if (err) {
            throw err
        server.log('info', `Server running on port ${port}`)


For more information about contributing new features and bug fixes, see our Contribution Guidelines. External contributors must sign Contributor License Agreement (CLA)


This project is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0

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