is component that parses Markdown and renders markdown with Material/Covalent components for a more appealing look.
This component uses <td-markdown>
to render the markdown. See <td-markdown>
's documentation for more details on the markdown rendering and various inputs.
- content?: string
- Markdown format content to be parsed as material/covalent markup.
- simpleLineBreaks?: string
- Sets whether newline characters inside paragraphs and spans are parsed as
. - Defaults to false.
- Sets whether newline characters inside paragraphs and spans are parsed as
- hostedUrl?: string
- If markdown contains relative paths, this is required to generate correct urls.
- anchor?: string
- Anchor to jump to.
- copyCodeToClipboard?: boolean
- Display copy button on code snippets to copy code to clipboard.
- copyCodeTooltips?: ICopyCodeTooltips
- Tooltips for copy button to copy and upon copying.
- fileLinkExtensions?: string[]
- The file extensions to monitor within anchor tags.
- Clicking links that end with these extensions will prevent the default action and emit 'fileClicked' event.
For reference:
interface ICopyCodeTooltips {
copy?: string;
copied?: string;
- buttonClicked: ITdFlavoredMarkdownButtonClickEvent
- Emitted when a button is clicked
- fileLinkClicked: URL
- Emitted when an anchor tag is clicked and its 'href' matches one of the extensions in 'fileLinkExtensions'.
- contentReady: undefined
- Event emitted after the markdown content rendering is finished.
This component can be installed as npm package.
npm i -save @angular/cdk
npm i -save @angular/material
npm i -save @covalent/core
npm i -save @covalent/markdown
npm i -save @covalent/highlight
npm i -save @covalent/flavored-markdown
Then, import the CovalentFlavoredMarkdownModule in your NgModule:
import { CovalentFlavoredMarkdownModule } from '@covalent/flavored-markdown';
imports: [
export class MyModule {}
This module comes with its own Covalent theme which uses the material theme which is used by importing our theme scss file. It also depends on all the covalent themes since the components being rendered by this module are from other packages.
@use '@angular/material' as mat;
@use '@covalent/core/theming/all-theme' as cov;
@use '@covalent/markdown/markdown-theme' as markdown;
@use '@covalent/highlight/highlight-theme' as highlight;
@use '@covalent/flavored-markdown/flavored-markdown-theme' as markdown-flavored;
@include mat.core();
$primary: mat.define-palette($mat-orange, 800);
$accent: mat.define-palette($mat-light-blue, 600, A100, A400);
$warn: mat.define-palette($mat-red, 600);
$theme: mat.define-light-theme($primary, $accent, $warn);
@include mat.all-component-themes($theme);
@include cov.covalent-theme($theme);
@include markdown.covalent-markdown-theme($theme);
@include highlight.covalent-highlight-theme();
@include markdown-flavored.covalent-flavored-markdown-theme($theme);
<td-flavored-markdown> - [x] checked action - [ ] unchecked action + list item + list item </td-flavored-markdown>
A component that fetches markdown from a GitHub url and renders it using <td-flavored-markdown>
url: string
- The url of the markdown file.
httpOptions?: object
- HTTP options that can be part of the request.
anchor?: string
- Anchor to jump to.
- buttonClicked: ITdFlavoredMarkdownButtonClickEvent
- Emitted when a button is clicked
contentReady: void
- Emitted when markdown rendering is finished.
loadFailed: Error
- Emitted when loading of markdown file fails.
<td-flavored-markdown-loader [url]="'https://github.com/Teradata/covalent/blob/main/README.md'"> </td-flavored-markdown-loader>