The Contentstack CLI’s “Migration” plugin allows developers to automate the content migration process and easily migrate your content from your system to Contentstack.
$ npm install -g @contentstack/cli-migration
$ csdx COMMAND
running command...
$ csdx (--version)
@contentstack/cli-migration/1.6.4 darwin-arm64 node-v22.8.0
$ csdx --help [COMMAND]
$ csdx COMMAND
csdx cm:stacks:migration [-k <value>] [-a <value>] [--file-path <value>] [--branch <value>] [--config-file <value>] [--config <value>] [--multiple]
csdx cm:stacks:migration [-k <value>] [-a <value>] [--file-path <value>] [--branch <value>] [--config-file <value>] [--config <value>] [--multiple]
csdx cm:stacks:migration [-k <value>] [-a <value>] [--file-path <value>] [--branch <value>] [--config-file <value>] [--config <value>] [--multiple]
Contentstack migration script.
$ csdx cm:stacks:migration [-k <value>] [-a <value>] [--file-path <value>] [--branch <value>] [--config-file <value>]
[--config <value>] [--multiple]
-B, --branch=<value> Use this flag to add the branch name where you want to perform the migration. (target
branch name)
-a, --alias=<value> Use this flag to add the management token alias. You must use either the --alias flag or
the --stack-api-key flag.
-k, --stack-api-key=<value> Use this flag to add the API key of your stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key
flag or the --alias flag.
--config=<value>... [optional] Inline configuration, <key1>:<value1>. Passing an external configuration makes
the script re-usable.
--config-file=<value> [optional] Path of the JSON configuration file.
--file-path=<value> Use this flag to provide the path of the file of the migration script.
--multiple This flag helps you to migrate multiple content files in a single instance. Mention the
folder path where your migration script files are stored.
Contentstack migration script.
$ csdx cm:migration
$ csdx cm:migration --file-path <migration/script/file/path> -k <api-key>
$ csdx cm:migration --file-path <migration/script/file/path> -k <api-key> --branch <target branch name>
$ csdx cm:migration --config <key1>:<value1> <key2>:<value2> ... --file-path <migration/script/file/path>
$ csdx cm:migration --config-file <path/to/json/config/file> --file-path <migration/script/file/path>
$ csdx cm:migration --multiple --file-path <migration/scripts/dir/path>
$ csdx cm:migration --alias --file-path <migration/script/file/path> -k <api-key>
csdx cm:stacks:migration [-k <value>] [-a <value>] [--file-path <value>] [--branch <value>] [--config-file <value>] [--config <value>] [--multiple]
Contentstack migration script.
$ csdx cm:stacks:migration [-k <value>] [-a <value>] [--file-path <value>] [--branch <value>] [--config-file <value>]
[--config <value>] [--multiple]
-B, --branch=<value> Use this flag to add the branch name where you want to perform the migration. (target
branch name)
-a, --alias=<value> Use this flag to add the management token alias. You must use either the --alias flag or
the --stack-api-key flag.
-k, --stack-api-key=<value> Use this flag to add the API key of your stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key
flag or the --alias flag.
--config=<value>... [optional] Inline configuration, <key1>:<value1>. Passing an external configuration makes
the script re-usable.
--config-file=<value> [optional] Path of the JSON configuration file.
--file-path=<value> Use this flag to provide the path of the file of the migration script.
--multiple This flag helps you to migrate multiple content files in a single instance. Mention the
folder path where your migration script files are stored.
Contentstack migration script.
$ csdx cm:migration
$ csdx cm:migration --file-path <migration/script/file/path> -k <api-key>
$ csdx cm:migration --file-path <migration/script/file/path> -k <api-key> --branch <target branch name>
$ csdx cm:migration --config <key1>:<value1> <key2>:<value2> ... --file-path <migration/script/file/path>
$ csdx cm:migration --config-file <path/to/json/config/file> --file-path <migration/script/file/path>
$ csdx cm:migration --multiple --file-path <migration/scripts/dir/path>
$ csdx cm:migration --alias --file-path <migration/script/file/path> -k <api-key>
See code: src/commands/cm/stacks/migration.js
- Currently, you can pass a custom schema to the createField method to migrate group fields.
- You can migrate global fields by creating an SDK instance and adding it to content types using the createField method.
- Currently, you can migrate entries by creating an SDK instance to create/update/delete entries for your content type.