TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

3.0.0 • Public • Published

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See the API docs for more information about the API.


Examples can be found in the examples/ directory


To install the package, run:

npm install @cnaught/cnaught-node-sdk

Yarn, pnpm, bun will also work.


We support Node 18+. The SDK can also be used in edge environments like Next.js edge runtime - any runtime that supports fetch should work.


All you need to get started is your API Key, which can be generated on your Developers page. Create a client with the given API Key:

import { CNaughtApiClient } from "@cnaught/cnaught-node-sdk";

// Initialize your client with your CNaught API key
const apiKey = "Your API Key";
const client = new CNaughtApiClient(apiKey);

Placing an order

Once you've set up your client with your API Key, placing an Offsets Order is easy

// ride order
const order = await client.placeRideOrder({ distance_km: 10 });

// or a generic order
const order = await client.placeGenericOrder({ amount_kg: 20 });

order will contain all the information normally found in a successful response from our Place Order endpoint.

Checking your order status

You can check the status of your order using its id

const orderDetails = await client.getOrderDetails(order.id);

orderDetails will contain all information normally found in a successful response from our Get Order By Id endpoint

Getting order history

You can retrieve a list of orders with optional parameters

const orders = await client.getListOfOrders();

// limit amount of retrieved orders
const orders = await client.getListOfOrders(3);

// get orders starting after a certain orders id
const orders = await client.getListOfOrders(undefined, "Umx5c6F7pH7r");

orders will contain a list of orders details having all information normally found in a successful response from our Get List of Orders endpoint

Impact data

You can retrieve data summarizing the total impact of your orders, as well as the configuration for your account's hosted impact page

const impactData = await client.getImpactData();
const impactHostedPageConfig = await client.getImpactHostedPageConfig();
console.log(`${impactData.name} has offset a total amount of ${impactData.total_offset_kgs} kg CO2e since ${impactData.since_date}`);
console.log(`This is the same as ${impactData.equivalents.cars_off_the_road} cars off the road`);
console.log(`To see more, visit ${impactHostedPageConfig.url}`);


Subaccounts can be used to segregate your orders. For example, you could segregate orders by department.

We will need to provision your account for Subaccount support before you can create subaccounts. Please contact support@cnaught.com if you would like to use this feature.

// create a new subaccount
const subaccount = await client.createSubaccount({ name: 'Sales team travel' });

// list subaccounts in your account. pagination works the same way as for orders. 
const subaccounts = await client.getListOfSubaccounts();

// place an order for a specific subaccount
const order = await client.placeGenericOrder({ amount_kg: 20 }, { subaccountId: subaccount.id });

// retrieve the impact data for a specific subaccount 
const impactData = await client.getImpactData({ subaccountId: subaccount.id });

Customizing the API client

The API client can be customized with control where and how API requests are made:

import { CNaughtApiClient } from "@cnaught/cnaught-node-sdk";

const loggingFetch: typeof fetch = async (request, init) => {
   console.log('fetch params were', request, init);
   return fetch(request, init);
const client = new CNaughtApiClient("Your API Key", { 
    hostname: 'api.cnaught.com',
    port: 443,
    version: 'v1',
    fetch: loggingFetch 
Option Default Description
hostname 'api.cnaught.com' Host that requests are made to.
port 443 Port that requests are made to.
apiVersion 'v1' CNaught API version to be used. v1 is currently the only valid version
fetch null Allows passing a custom fetch implementation, such as a polyfill.

Passing additional per-request options to fetch

All api methods support passing additional fetch options, which are passed through to fetch. This is useful in environments that extend fetch with framework-specific options, like Next.js:

import { CNaughtApiClient } from "@cnaught/cnaught-node-sdk";

const client = new CNaughtApiClient("Your API Key");
const impactData = client.getImpactData({ 
   extraRequestOptions: {
       next: { revalidate: 10000 }

For CNaught Node SDK Developers

After cloning and installing required npm modules, you should follow these practices when developing:

  1. Use the scripts defined in package.json in this manner npm run [command_name]:
    • lint checks that you are not violating any code style standards. This ensures our code's style quality stays high improving readability and reducing room for errors.
    • build transpiles the Typescript into Javascript with the options specified in tsconfig.json
    • unit-test runs our unit tests which live in the unit test directory.
    • integration-test runs our integration tests which live in the integration test directory. Integration tests expect to run against the Sandbox.
  2. Add any relevant tests if you add or modify any features in the source code and check that the tests pass using the scripts mentioned above.
  3. Update the examples provided to illustrate any relevant changes you made, and check that they work properly with your changed local cnaught-node-sdk.
    • Examples are configured to automatically use the local version of the package.
  4. Update the documentation to reflect any relevant changes.

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