Intro | Quick start | Tutorial | API | Cloudflare environments | Migrating from wrangler dev
The Cloudflare Vite plugin enables a full-featured integration between Vite and the Workers runtime. Your Worker code runs inside workerd, matching the production behavior as closely as possible and providing confidence as you develop and deploy your applications.
- Provides direct access to Workers runtime APIs and bindings
- Supports Workers Assets, enabling you to build static sites, SPAs, and full-stack applications
- Leverages Vite's hot module replacement for consistently fast updates
- Supports
vite preview
for previewing your build output in the Workers runtime prior to deployment
"name": "cloudflare-vite-quick-start",
"private": true,
"version": "0.0.0",
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"dev": "vite",
"build": "vite build",
"preview": "vite preview"
[!NOTE] Ensure that you include
"type": "module"
in order to use ES modules by default.
npm install vite @cloudflare/vite-plugin wrangler --save-dev
// vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import { cloudflare } from "@cloudflare/vite-plugin";
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [cloudflare()],
# wrangler.toml
name = "cloudflare-vite-quick-start"
compatibility_date = "2024-12-30"
main = "./src/index.ts"
// src/index.ts
export default {
fetch() {
return new Response(`Running in ${navigator.userAgent}!`);
You can now develop (npm run dev
), build (npm run build
), preview (npm run preview
), and deploy (npm exec wrangler deploy
) your application.
In this tutorial, you will create a React SPA that can be deployed as a Worker with Workers Assets. Then, you will add an API Worker that can be accessed from the front-end code. You will develop, build, and preview the application using Vite before finally deploying to Cloudflare.
Start by creating a React TypeScript project with Vite.
npm create vite@latest cloudflare-vite-tutorial -- --template react-ts
Open the cloudflare-vite-tutorial
directory in your editor of choice.
npm install @cloudflare/vite-plugin wrangler --save-dev
// vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react";
import { cloudflare } from "@cloudflare/vite-plugin";
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [react(), cloudflare()],
# wrangler.toml
name = "cloudflare-vite-tutorial"
compatibility_date = "2024-12-30"
assets = { not_found_handling = "single-page-application" }
The not_found_handling
value has been set to single-page-application
This means that all not found requests will serve the index.html
With the Cloudflare plugin, the assets
routing configuration is used in place of Vite's default behavior.
This ensures that your application's routing works the same way while developing as it does when deployed to production.
Note that the directory
field is not used when configuring assets with Vite.
The directory
in the output configuration will automatically point to the client build output.
[!NOTE] When using the Cloudflare Vite plugin, the Worker config (for example,
) that you provide is the input configuration file. A separate outputwrangler.json
file is created when you runvite build
. This output file is a snapshot of your configuration at the time of the build and is modified to reference your build artifacts. It is the configuration that is used for preview and deployment.
Run npm run dev
to verify that your application is working as expected.
For a purely front-end application, you could now build (npm run build
), preview (npm run preview
), and deploy (npm exec wrangler deploy
) your application.
However, this tutorial will show you how to go a step further and add an API Worker.
npm install @cloudflare/workers-types --save-dev
// tsconfig.worker.json
"extends": "./tsconfig.node.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"tsBuildInfoFile": "./node_modules/.tmp/tsconfig.worker.tsbuildinfo",
"types": ["@cloudflare/workers-types/2023-07-01", "vite/client"],
"include": ["api"],
// tsconfig.json
"files": [],
"references": [
{ "path": "./" },
{ "path": "./tsconfig.node.json" },
{ "path": "./tsconfig.worker.json" },
# wrangler.toml
name = "cloudflare-vite-tutorial"
compatibility_date = "2024-12-30"
assets = { not_found_handling = "single-page-application", binding = "ASSETS" }
main = "./api/index.ts"
The assets binding
defined here will allow you to access the assets functionality from your Worker.
// api/index.ts
interface Env {
ASSETS: Fetcher;
export default {
fetch(request, env) {
const url = new URL(request.url);
if (url.pathname.startsWith("/api/")) {
return Response.json({
name: "Cloudflare",
return env.ASSETS.fetch(request);
} satisfies ExportedHandler<Env>;
The Worker above will be invoked for any request not matching a static asset.
It returns a JSON response if the pathname
starts with /api/
and otherwise passes the incoming request through to the assets binding.
This means that for paths that do not start with /api/
, the not_found_handling
behavior defined in the Worker config will be evaluated and the index.html
file will be returned, enabling SPA navigations.
Edit src/App.tsx
so that it includes an additional button that calls the API and sets some state.
Replace the file contents with the following code:
// src/App.tsx
import { useState } from "react";
import reactLogo from "./assets/react.svg";
import viteLogo from "/vite.svg";
import "./App.css";
function App() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const [name, setName] = useState("unknown");
return (
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src={viteLogo} className="logo" alt="Vite logo" />
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src={reactLogo} className="logo react" alt="React logo" />
<h1>Vite + React</h1>
<div className="card">
onClick={() => setCount((count) => count + 1)}
count is {count}
Edit <code>src/App.tsx</code> and save to test HMR
<div className="card">
onClick={() => {
.then((res) => res.json() as Promise<{ name: string }>)
.then((data) => setName(;
aria-label="get name"
Name from API is: {name}
Edit <code>api/index.ts</code> to change the name
<p className="read-the-docs">
Click on the Vite and React logos to learn more
export default App;
Now, if you click the button, it will display 'Name from API is: Cloudflare'.
Increment the counter to update the application state in the browser.
Next, edit api/index.ts
by changing the name
it returns to 'Cloudflare Workers'
If you click the button again, it will display the new name
while preserving the previously set counter value.
With Vite and the Cloudflare plugin, you can iterate on the client and server parts of your app quickly without losing UI state between edits.
Run npm run build
to build your application.
If you inspect the dist
directory, you will see that it contains two subdirectories: client
and cloudflare-vite-tutorial
The cloudflare-vite-tutorial
directory contains your Worker code and the output wrangler.json
Run npm run preview
to validate that your application runs as expected.
This command will run your build output locally in the Workers runtime, closely matching its behaviour in production.
Run npm exec wrangler deploy
to deploy your application to Cloudflare.
This command will automatically use the output wrangler.json
that was included in the build output.
In this tutorial, we created an SPA that could be deployed as a Worker with Workers Assets. We then added an API Worker that could be accessed from the front-end code and deployed to Cloudflare. Possible next steps include:
- Adding a binding to another Cloudflare service such as a KV namespace or D1 database
- Expanding the API to include additional routes
- Using a library, such as tRPC or Hono, in your API Worker
The cloudflare
plugin should be included in the Vite plugins
// vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import { cloudflare } from "@cloudflare/vite-plugin";
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [cloudflare()],
It accepts an optional PluginConfig
configPath?: string
An optional path to your Worker config file. By default, a
, orwrangler.jsonc
file in the root of your application will be used as the Worker config. -
viteEnvironment?: { name?: string }
Optional Vite environment options. By default, the environment name is the Worker name with
characters replaced with_
. Setting the name here will override this. -
persistState?: boolean | { path: string }
An optional override for state persistence. By default, state is persisted to
in av3
subdirectory. A custompath
can be provided or, alternatively, persistence can be disabled by setting the value tofalse
. -
auxiliaryWorkers?: Array<AuxiliaryWorkerConfig>
An optional array of auxiliary workers. You can use service bindings to call auxiliary workers from your main (entry) Worker. All requests are routed through your entry Worker. During the build, each Worker is output to a separate subdirectory of
[!NOTE] When running
wrangler deploy
, only your main (entry) Worker will be deployed. If using multiple Workers, each must be deployed individually. You can inspect thedist
directory and then runwrangler deploy -c path-to-worker-output-config
for each.
configPath: string
A required path to your Worker config file.
viteEnvironment?: { name?: string }
Optional Vite environment options. By default, the environment name is the Worker name with
characters replaced with_
. Setting the name here will override this.
A Worker config file may contain configuration for multiple Cloudflare environments.
With the Cloudflare Vite plugin, you select a Cloudflare environment at dev or build time by providing the CLOUDFLARE_ENV
environment variable.
Consider the following example wrangler.toml
# wrangler.toml
name = "my-worker"
compatibility_date = "2024-12-30"
main = "./src/index.ts"
vars = { MY_VAR = "Top-level var" }
vars = { MY_VAR = "Staging var" }
vars = { MY_VAR = "Production var" }
If you run CLOUDFLARE_ENV=production vite build
then the output wrangler.json
file generated by the build will be a flattened configuration for the 'production' Cloudflare environment.
This combines top-level only, inheritable, and non-inheritable keys.
The value of MY_VAR
will therefore be 'Production var'
The name of the Worker will be 'my-worker-production'
This is because the environment name is automatically appended to the top-level Worker name.
[!NOTE] The default Vite environment name for a Worker is always the top-level Worker name. This enables you to reference the Worker consistently in your Vite config when using multiple Cloudflare environments.
Cloudflare environments can also be used in development.
For example, you could run CLOUDFLARE_ENV=development vite dev
It is common to use the default top-level environment as the development environment and then add additional environments as necessary.
[!NOTE] Running
vite dev
orvite build
without providingCLOUDFLARE_ENV
will use the default top-level Cloudflare environment. The value ofMY_VAR
will therefore be'Top-level var'
. As Cloudflare environments are applied at dev and build time, specifyingCLOUDFLARE_ENV
when runningvite preview
orwrangler deploy
will have no effect.
You may wish to combine the concepts of Cloudflare environments and Vite modes. With this approach, the Vite mode can be used to select the Cloudflare environment and a single method can be used to determine environment specific configuration and code. Consider again the previous example:
# wrangler.toml
name = "my-worker"
compatibility_date = "2024-12-30"
main = "./src/index.ts"
vars = { MY_VAR = "Top-level var" }
vars = { MY_VAR = "Staging var" }
vars = { MY_VAR = "Production var" }
Next, provide .env.staging
and .env.production
# .env.staging
# .env.production
By default, vite build
uses the 'production' Vite mode.
Vite will therefore load the .env.production
file to get the environment variables that are used in the build.
Since the .env.production
file contains CLOUDFLARE_ENV=production
, the Cloudflare Vite plugin will select the 'production' Cloudflare environment.
The value of MY_VAR
will therefore be 'Production var'
If you run vite build --mode staging
then the 'staging' Vite mode will be used and the 'staging' Cloudflare environment will be selected.
The value of MY_VAR
will therefore be 'Staging var'
Secrets can be provided to your Worker in local development using a .dev.vars
file. If you are using Cloudflare Environments then the relevant .dev.vars
file will be selected. For example, CLOUDFLARE_ENV=staging vite dev
will load .dev.vars.staging
if it exists and fall back to .dev.vars
[!NOTE] The
vite build
command copies the[.env-name]
file to the output directory. This is only used when runningvite preview
and is not deployed with your Worker.
Migrating from wrangler dev
is a simple process and you can follow the instructions in the Quick start to get started.
There are a few key differences to highlight:
In the Vite integration, your Worker config file (for example, wrangler.toml
) is the input configuration and a separate output configuration is created as part of the build.
This output file is a snapshot of your configuration at the time of the build and is modified to reference your build artifacts.
It is the configuration that is used for preview and deployment.
There are various options in the Worker config file that are ignored when using Vite, as they are either no longer applicable or are replaced by Vite equivalents.
If these options are provided, then warnings will be printed to the console with suggestions for how to proceed.
Examples where the Vite configuration should be used instead include alias
and define