React PDF Tailwind
Use Tailwind CSS to style PDFs created with react-pdf.
import React from "react";
import { Document, Page, Text, View, StyleSheet } from "@react-pdf/renderer";
import createTw from "react-pdf-tailwind";
// The 'theme' object is your Tailwind theme config
const tw = createTw({
theme: {
fontFamily: {
sans: ["Comic Sans"],
extend: {
colors: {
custom: "#bada55",
export default function MyPdf() {
return (
<Page size="A4" style={tw("p-12 font-sans")}>
<View style={tw("p-20 bg-gray-100")}>
<Text style={tw("text-custom text-3xl")}>Section #1</Text>
<View style={tw("mt-12 px-8 rotate-2")}>
<Text style={tw("text-amber-600 text-2xl")}>Section #2</Text>
npm install @chrissantamaria/react-pdf-tailwind
- Supports most of the CSS properties that make sense in a PDF context, and are supported by react-pdf (see this list)
- Default font family classes are excluded, since you have to include your own fonts anyway
- Internally uses
as the default unit (supported units can be found here), using the convention1rem = 12pt
- Modifiers like breakpoints (which could technically make sense) aren't supported yet