
1.0.1 • Public • Published


Quickly generate new node projects from templates.

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Quick Start


This package requires a properly configured Git installation in order to function properly. It has been tested with Git version 2.26, but lower versions are very likely to work as well.


This package is meant to be used as an npm initializer -- no explicit installation is required.


npm init @chet.manley/node-project
# or
npx @chet.manley/create-node-project

Running with no arguments will enter interactive mode, rendering a menu that requests the minimum required options. The rest of the configuration will then be calculated from the information you provide.

Positional Arguments

<template name>

default: 'base'
type: positional #0
options: base, cjs, cli, es6, ts

Options listed are the templates provided by @chet.manley/node-project-templates. If using your own templates via the --templates-dir flag, you will be able to choose from those instead.

npm init @chet.manley/node-project cjs

<project name>

default: $CWD basename
type: positional #1
options: @project-namespace/project-name, project-name

Sets the name field in package.json, as well as the target directory (See the --target-dir flag for more information). Names containing spaces will be transformed to use dashes (E.g., "my new project" => "my-new-project"). Names are also lowercased, per the npm documentation.

npm init @chet.manley/node-project cjs my-new-project


User Config

flags: -c, --config
type: string
default: none

Provide a path to a configuration file that will override the defaults. require is used to load the file, so it must be a .json, or a .js that exports a configuration object. Config file can be any arbitrary name.

npm init @chet.manley/node-project -c path/to/my-config.json

If a relative path is provided, file location will be resolved in the following order:

  • $CWD/
  • ~/
  • ~/.create-node-project/
  • ~/.config/
  • ~/.config/create-node-project/
Available Options
key type default description
checkoutBranch string "integration" Branch to checkout after initial commit (Empty string or null to remain on master)
commitMessage string "\"chore: initial commit :feelsgood:\"" Initial commit message
gitInit boolean true --git-init flag
npmInstall boolean true --npm-install flag
paths array ["~/", "~/.create-node-project", "~/.config", "~/.config/create-node-project"] Default paths to search (Currently only used when loading user templates)
projectName string $CWD basename <project name> positional
repository string - --repository flag
targetDir string $CWD --target-dir flag
template string - <template name> positional
templatesDir string - --templates-dir flag
update boolean false --update flag
updateAll boolean false --update-all flag
yes boolean false --yes flag

Disable Git

flags: --no-git-init
type: boolean
default: false

Do not initialize a new git repository for this project.

npm init @chet.manley/node-project --no-git-init

Disable NPM Install

flags: --no-npm-install
type: boolean
default: false

Do not run npm install after installing template files.

npm init @chet.manley/node-project --no-npm-install


flags: -r, --repository
type: string
default: none

URL pointing to empty remote repository of the same project name. This adds a Git remote origin, as well as filling the appropriate fields in package.json.

npm init @chet.manley/node-project \
-r "https://gitlab.com/my-namespace/my-new-project.git"

Target Directory

flags: -t, --target-dir
type: string
default: $CWD | $CWD/<project name>

Where you want your new project to be installed. If a relative path is provided, the computed target will be relative to your current working directory.

If the basename (E.g., my-target of /home/username/projects/my-target) of the computed target path differs from the project name, the project will be created in a project-named subdirectory of the target (E.g., /home/username/projects/my-target/my-new-project).

The default behavior will create a project-named subdirectory in your current working directory if your CWD differs from the project name.

npm init @chet.manley/node-project -t ~/projects/my-target

Templates Directory

flags: --templates-dir
type: string
default: none

Load user-defined templates from this directory. If a relative path is provided, the computed path will be relative to your current working directory. Browse the @chet.manley/node-project-templates project for details regarding implementing your own templates.

The default behavior loads the templates provided by this package.

npm init @chet.manley/node-project \
--templates-dir path/to/my-templates

If a relative path is provided, directory location will be resolved in the following order (this can be overriden using the --config flag):

  • $CWD/
  • ~/
  • ~/.create-node-project/
  • ~/.config/
  • ~/.config/create-node-project/

Update Package

flags: -u, --update
type: boolean
default: false

Check the selected template's package.json for dependency updates and apply them before the npm install step.

npm init @chet.manley/node-project -u

Update All Template Packages

flags: -U, --update-all
type: boolean
default: false

If you have installed this package globally, this will check the package.json of each template for dependency updates, apply available updates, then exit. Can also be combined with the --templates-dir flag to update user-defined templates.

create-node-project -U
# or
npm init @chet.manley/node-project -U \
[--templates-dir path/to/my-templates]


flags: -V, --verbose
type: count
default: 0

Set the output verbosity of the program.

npm init @chet.manley/node-project -VVV

Accept Defaults

flags: -y, --yes
type: boolean
default: false

Explicitly enter non-interactive mode, accepting defaults with no prompts.

npm init @chet.manley/node-project -y


Interactive Mode

npm init @chet.manley/node-project
  • Prompts for minimum required options.

Interactive Mode With Options

npm init @chet.manley/node-project cjs my-new-project
  • Creates a new project named my-new-project using cjs template.
  • Prompts for any missing options.

Apply Defaults

npm init @chet.manley/node-project cjs my-new-project -y
  • Creates a new project named my-new-project using cjs template.
  • Applies defaults for missing options.

Set Target Directory

npm init @chet.manley/node-project cjs my-new-project -y \
--target-dir projects
  • Creates a new project named my-new-project using cjs template.
  • Applies defaults for missing options.
  • Installs to $CWD/projects/my-new-project.

Install in Current Directory

mkdir ./my-new-project
cd ./my-new-project
npm init @chet.manley/node-project cjs my-new-project
  • Creates a new project named my-new-project using cjs template.
  • Prompts for any missing options.
  • Installs to $CWD.

Load User Config


  "projectName": "my-new-project",
  "repository": "https://gitlab.com/name.space/my-new-project.git",
  "targetDir": "~/projects",
  "template": "mytmplname",
  "templatesDir": "~/projects/my-templates",
  "update": true
cd ~/
npm init @chet.manley/node-project -c projects/my-new-project.json
  • Loads user config from /home/<username>/projects/my-new-project.json.
  • Loads user templates from /home/<username>/projects/my-templates/.
  • Creates a new project named my-new-project using mytmplname template.
  • Installs to /home/username/projects/my-new-project/.
  • Updates package dependencies.
  • Adds remote origin URL.

User Defined Templates

See the @chet.manley/node-project-templates repository for information regarding creating your own templates.

Quick Reference

Positional Arguments

Name Position Default Short Description
template name 0 'base' Name of template to apply
project name 1 $CWD basename Name of project


Flags Type Default Short Description
-c, --config string - path/to/user-config.js[on]
--no-git-init boolean false Do not init Git repo
--no-npm-install boolean false Do not run npm install
-r, --repository string - Add Git remote repo URL
-t, --target-dir string $CWD path/to/target/dir
--templates-dir string - path/to/user/templates
-u, --update boolean false Update dependencies before npm install
-U, --update-all boolean false Update dependencies for all templates, then exit
-V, --verbose count 0 Set output verbosity
-y, --yes boolean false Accept defaults

Built with

Fedora Linux VSCode GitLab Caffeine


The community is welcome to participate in this open source project. Aspiring contributors should review the contributing guide for details on how to get started. First-time contributors are encouraged to search for issues with the ~"good first issue" label.



Copyright © 2020 Chet Manley.

Dependencies (7)

Dev Dependencies (16)

Package Sidebar


npm i @chet.manley/create-node-project

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  • chet.manley