Cerbos + Prisma ORM Adapter
An adapter library that takes a Cerbos Query Plan (PlanResources API) response and converts it into a Prisma where class object. This is designed to work alongside a project using the Cerbos Javascript SDK.
The following conditions are supported: and
, or
, eq
, ne
, lt
, gt
, lte
, gte
and in
, as well as relational filters some
, none
, is
and isNot
Not Supported:
- Scalar filters
- Atomic number operations
- Composite keys
- Cerbos > v0.16
npm install @cerbos/orm-prisma
This package exports a function:
import { queryPlanToPrisma, PlanKind } from "@cerbos/orm-prisma";
queryPlanToPrisma({ queryPlan, fieldNameMapper, relationMapper }): {
kind: PlanKind,
filters?: any // a filter to pass to the findMany() function of Prisma
where PlanKind
export enum PlanKind {
* The specified action is always allowed for the principal on resources matching the input.
* The specified action is always denied for the principal on resources matching the input.
* The specified action is conditionally allowed for the principal on resources matching the input.
The function reqiures the full query plan from Cerbos to be passed in an object along with a fieldNameMapper
and option relationMapper
if the model has relations.
A basic implementation can be as simple as:
import { GRPC as Cerbos } from "@cerbos/grpc";
import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";
import { queryPlanToPrisma, PlanKind } from "@cerbos/orm-prisma";
const prisma = new PrismaClient();
const cerbos = new Cerbos("localhost:3592", { tls: false });
// Fetch the query plan from Cerbos passing in the principal
// resource type and action
const queryPlan = await cerbos.planResources({
principal: {....},
resource: { kind: "resourceKind" },
action: "view"
// Generate the prisma filter from the query plan
const result = queryPlanToPrisma({
fieldNameMapper: {
"request.resource.attr.aFieldName": "prismaModelFieldName"
relationMapper: {
"request.resource.attr.aRelatedModel": {
"relation": "aRelatedModel",
"field": "id" // the column it is joined on
// The query plan says the user would always be denied
// return empty or throw an error depending on your app.
if(result.kind == PlanKind.ALWAYS_DENIED) {
return console.log([]);
// Pass the filters in as where conditions
// If you have prexisting where conditions, you can pass them in an AND clause
const result = await prisma.myModel.findMany({
where: {
AND: result.filters
The fieldNameMapper
is used to convert the field names in the query plan response to names of fields in the Prisma model - this can be done as a map or a function:
const filters = queryPlanToPrisma({
fieldNameMapper: {
"request.resource.attr.aFieldName": "prismaModelFieldName",
const filters = queryPlanToPrisma({
fieldNameMapper: (fieldName: string): string => {
if (fieldName.indexOf("request.resource.") > 0) {
return fieldName.replace("request.resource.attr", "");
if (fieldName.indexOf("request.principal.") > 0) {
return fieldName.replace("request.principal.attr", "");
The relationMapper
is used to convert references to fields which are joins at the database level
const filters = queryPlanToPrisma({
fieldNameMapper: {},
relationMapper: {
"request.resource.attr.aRelatedModel": {
relation: "aRelatedModel",
field: "id", // the column it is joined on
const filters = queryPlanToPrisma({
fieldNameMapper: {},
relationMapper: (fieldName: string): string => {
if (fieldName.indexOf("request.resource.") > 0) {
return {
relation: fieldName.replace("request.resource.attr.", ""),
field: "id", // the column it is joined on
Full Example
A full Prisma application making use of this adapater can be found at https://github.com/cerbos/express-prisma-cerbos