Job queuing plugin for Cardstack
This plugin is for queueing jobs with cardstack hub. It uses pg-boss and by extension, postgresql, to manage queued jobs,
Required database configuration
The test suite is configured to talk to a PostgreSQL docker container. You can start it like:
docker run --name cardstack-postgres -d --rm -p 5432:5432 cardstack/pg-test
And stop it like:
docker stop cardstack-postgres
Assuming you've looked up the queues feature from DI etc, e.g.
let queue = env.lookup('hub:queues');
You can subscribe to a job by passing in a handler:
queue.subscribe('my-job', handler, options);
Options are passed directly to pg boss.
Handlers can be sync or async:
queue.subscribe('my-job', () => console.log("sync handler") );
queue.subscribe('my-job', () => { return new Promise() } );
queue.subscribe('my-job', async () => { await stuff(); console.log('done') });
You can then publish jobs to the named queues.
To publish without waiting for the job to complete, use the publish
let jobId = await queue.publish('my-job', {someDataForJob: 123}, options);
// this line executes after the job gets to the db, but before it is executed
To publish and wait for the job to complete, use the publishAndWait
let jobResult = await queue.publishAndWait('my-job', {someDataForJob: 123}, options);
// this line executes after the job is completed