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1.2.621 • Public • Published


An Angular component for Cardknox iFields


Cardknox is a developer-friendly payment gateway integration provider for in-store, online, or mobile transactions

Sandbox: https://www.cardknox.com/sandbox/

iFields: https://www.cardknox.com/ifields/

A sandbox or live account is required to use this component


There are 2 basic inputs required to get this up and running.

1. Type

There are three types of payment data iFields supports:

  • Credit Card
  • CVV
  • ACH
    <cardknox-ifields [type]="CARD"></cardknox-ifields>

The possible values for this property are

  • card
  • cvv
  • ach

These can be imported from the component

    import { ACH_TYPE, CARD_TYPE, CVV_TYPE, AngularIfieldsComponent } from '@cardknox/angular-ifields';



2. Account

Pass your iFields key to the component in the account input like this:

    <cardknox-ifields [account]="account"></cardknox-ifields>

    account = {
        xKey: '{Your iFields key}',
        xSoftwareName: '{The name of your app}',
        xSoftwareVersion: '{Your app's version}'


There are 2 lifecycle events and 7 user events.

Lifecycle events

1. Load

Is emitted when the iframe has loaded

      <cardknox-ifields (load)="onLoad"></cardknox-ifields>

2. Token

Is emitted when a token is received from the iField

      <cardknox-ifields (token)="onToken"></cardknox-ifields>

User events

User events are events passed along from iFields when the user interacts with it.

The available events are

  1. click
  2. dblclick
  3. focus
  4. blur
  5. input
  6. change
  7. submit*

* the submit event works slightly differently, see below.


Aside from submit, the above events can be collected on a single event update. This is not recommended as it will cause an unnecessary amount of function calls. Instead subscribe only to the events you want to act on.

The event payload is in e.data. The data also contains the event so you can subscribe to multiple events with a single function and a switch statement like this:

    <cardknox-ifields (update)="onUpdate($event)"></cardknox-ifields>


    onUpdate({ data }) {
        switch (data.event) {
            case 'input':
                console.log("input event received");
            case 'click':
                console.log("click event received");


This event is triggered when the user submits the form from within the iFrame.

This event works differently than other user events.

  • This event is only emitted if prop options.autoSubmit is true. (This is the default.)
  • Subscribing to update will not work as mentioned above.
  • The data passed along with this event is slightly different, (see below).
    <form id="form">
        <cardknox-ifields [options]="options" (submit)="onSubmit"></cardknox-ifields>


    onSubmit() {
            new Event("submit", {
                bubbles: true,
                cancelable: true
    options = {
        autoSubmit: true

It is also possible to have the component automatically submit the form for you when submit is triggered from the iFrame.If autoSubmitFormId is set on the options prop the component will call submit on the element with that ID. This is useful for smaller applications relying on the form element to handle submission.

    <form id="form">
        <cardknox-ifields [options]="options"></cardknox-ifields>

    options = {
        autoSubmit: true,
        autoSubmitFormId: 'form'


There is also an error event that can be subscribed to.


There are 3 actions available on this component as well



This action will set the focus to the ifield when called



This action will clear the data from the ifield when called

Get Token


This action will load the token for the ifield when called.

  <cardknox-ifields #card></cardknox-ifields>

  @ViewChild('card') cardIfield?: AngularIfieldsComponent;



Name Type Description Valid values
type String iFields type
  • card
  • cvv
  • ach
account Account
options Options
threeDS ThreeDS
issuer String Card issuer For cvv iField only


Name Type Description
xKey String iFields key
xSoftwareName String Software name
xSoftwareVersion String Software version


Name Type Description
enableLogging Boolean Turn iField logs to the console on and off
autoFormat Boolean Turn iField auto-formatting on and off. This is only used for iFields of card type. See autoFormatSeparator
autoFormatSeparator String A string to be used to auto-format card numbers when autoFormat is turned on. The default value is " " (space).
autoSubmit Boolean Turn on capturing a submit event triggered from within the iFrame. Default is true.
autoSubmitFormId String If autoSubmit is true, the ID of a form element can be set and the component will trigger submit on the form when submit is triggered in the iFrame.
placeholder String Text to be used as placeholder text for the input field.
iFieldstyle Object A style object to be used to style the iFields input element. This object is assigned to HTMLElement.style.


Name Type Description
enable3DS Boolean Turn 3DSecure on and off
waitForResponse Boolean Determine whether iFields should wait for a response from 3DSecure before getting the token
waitForResponseTimeout Number The 3DSecure response timeout in milli-seconds. The default value is 2000 (2 seconds).
amount Number The transaction amount
month Number The 2-digit card expiration month
year Number The 2-digit card expiration year

Update Event Data

Name Type Description
enable3DS Boolean Turn 3DSecure on and off
waitForResponse Boolean Determine whether iFields should wait for a response from 3DSecure before getting the token
waitForResponseTimeout Number The 3DSecure response timeout in milli-seconds. The default value is 2000 (2 seconds).
amount Number The transaction amount
month Number The 2-digit card expiration month
year Number The 2-digit card expiration year

Error Data

Name Type Description
result String This will always have the value of error
errorMessage String Contains the error message
xTokenType String Either card, cvv, or ach

iFields Version: 2.6.2006.0102

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  • mstein-ck
  • sergealt
  • rezwan-ck
  • mweisz-ck
  • ymwymw