
2020.8.5 • Public • Published

Cam.TV Video Player

A video player component for playing a variety of URLs, including HLS and YouTube. It can be installed via NPM or as a standalone library.


Installation through NPM

npm install @camtv/video-player --save
import { RenderVideoCamTV, PlayerManager } from "@camtv/video-player";

const player = RenderVideoCamTV({
	id: "my-container-id",
	videoURL: "https://camtv.ams3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/original/CID000016/video/VID0048A6",
	posterURL: "https://media.cam.tv/CID000016/video/VID0048A6/cover.jpg?t=1561462730",
	// ...other options
player.on("init", () => {

Installation as Standalone

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js" integrity="sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="video-player.standalone.min.js"></script>
<link href="video-player.standalone.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />

	var player = RenderVideoCamTV({
		id: "my-container-id",
		videoURL: "https://camtv.ams3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/original/CID000016/video/VID0048A6",
		posterURL: "https://media.cam.tv/CID000016/video/VID0048A6/cover.jpg?t=1561462730",
		// ...other options
	player.on("init", () => {


The player can be configured with an object, as you can see below

var player = RenderVideoCamTV({
	id: "",
	videoURL: "",
	posterURL: "",
	autoplay: false,
	muted: false,
	preload: "auto",
	small: false,
	bookmarks: false,
	overlays: false,
	headers: {
		Authorization: "Bearer xxxxx",
	floatingControls: {
		playToggle: true,
		audioToggle: {
			restart: false,
			html: "",
	controls: {
		playToggle: true,
		seekButtons: {
			forward: 30,
			back: 30,
		volumePanel: {
			inline: false,
			vertical: false,
		currentTimeDisplay: true,
		timeDivider: true,
		durationDisplay: true,
		rotation: false,
		videoFit: true,
		sourceMenu: true,
		fullscreenToggle: true,
		pictureInPictureToggle: false,

Main video parameters

The first parameters defines all base options about video, such as autoplay or preload. You can find all possible values in the table below:

Name Props Default Description
id string none Container id
videoURL string none Video URL
posterURL string none Cover URL
autoplay bool/string false true, false, "muted"
muted bool false true, false
preload string auto "auto", "metadata", "none"
small bool false Small controls
bookmarks bool false Stores and shows bookmarks dialog which allow the resume of video
overlays bool/array false Overlays object. Includes specific controls' elements. To disable controlBar use false
headers object null Http request headers
floatingControls bool/object object Floating controls object. Includes specific controls that are not inside the controls' bar
controls bool/object object Controls object. Includes specific controls' elements. To disable controlBar use false

Floating controls

This options refers to all controls that are not inside the controls' bar, such as big play button or volume toggle button. Setting floatingControls to false will disable all floating buttons.

To enable fine tuning, you have to set an object. Here, you can find all the options:

Name Props Description
playToggle bool Show play/pause big center button.
audioToggle bool/object Show and configure mute/unmute top right button. Object includes restart (restarts video if unmuted), html (inner html content)

Controls' bar

The controls bar can be completely disabled or fine tuned through an object. To disable controls' bar you have to set controls: false. This will display only play and mute overlay buttons on the video, but disables entirely the control bar.

To enable fine tuning for bar, you have to set an object in order to express wich component you want to show or hide. Here, you can find all the options:

Name Props Description
playToggle bool Show play/puase button.
seekButtons bool/object Show and configure seek buttons. Object includes forward: seconds, back: seconds
volumePanel bool/object Show and configure volume panel.
currentTimeDisplay bool Show played time indicator
timeDivider bool Show / time divider.
durationDisplay bool Show video duration.
rotation bool Show rotation button.
videoFit bool Show video fit (cover/contain) button.
sourceMenu bool Show video quality source selector if available by video stream (hls only).
fullscreenToggle bool Show fullscreen button.
pictureInPictureToggle bool Show picture-in-picure mode button.

Overlay elements

This options enables some overlay elements during playing, pause, timeupdate or any other event. This options inherits from videojs-overlay library and you could have a looke at that options. This is basically an array of objects. You can set content (inner html), start/end time in seconds or event, div's classes and optionally alignment

overlays: [
		content: "<span>The video is playing</span>",
		start: "play",
		end: "pause",
		class: "my-css-class overlayA",
		align: "bottom-right",
		content: "<span>The video is paused</span>",
		start: "pause",
		end: "play",
		class: "my-css-class overlayE",
		align: "top",
		content: "<span>The video is ended</span>",
		start: "ended",
		end: "play",
		class: "my-css-class overlayD",
		align: "bottom-right",
		content: "<span>The video is 0-40</span>",
		start: 0,
		end: 40,
		class: "my-css-class overlayB",
		align: "top-left",
		content: "<span>The video is 15-30</span>",
		start: 15,
		end: 30,
		class: "my-css-class overlayC",
		align: "bottom-left",

Here, you can find all the options:

Name Props Default Description
content string null Html string content
start int/string null Seconds or events to show overlay.
end int/string null Seconds or events to hide overlay.
class string null Overlay div's class to merge
align string top-left Alignment of the balloon.

If you want to simply show a full-player overlay, seta custom css class and overlay css properties.


This is a list of all public methods for player instance.

Method Description
destroy() Removes player events and instance
addEvents() Add player events. This is done automatically on player init constructor
removeEvents() Removes player events
playVideo(seconds) Start playing video. If seconds is passed it start from the given seconds amount
pauseVideo() Pauses video
setMute(toMute) Set mute
getStateVideo() Retrurns the state of video in string format: not_ready, buffering, playing, paused, ended
getBufferPercent() Returns the buffering amount in percent
getVideoDuration() Returns video total duration if available, zero otherwise
getVideoCurrentTime() Returns the number of seconds that have been played.
getFullscreen() Returns if player is in fullscreen
setFullscreen(val) Enables or disables fullscreen mode
isInViewport() Returns if player is visible in viewport

Events and errors handling

You can access player events like a jQuery "on" / "off" method. Replace "eventname" with one of the following names. Props means the elements passed through callback.

player.on("eventname", (evt, ...props) => {
	/*...do something*/

Here, you can find all the events:

Name Props Description
init null The player is initialized and the video is ready
ready null Video is ready
play null Video is playing
pause null Video is in pause
ended null Video is ended
buffering null Video is buffering
tracking object Tracking played chunks and effectively amount of time. Returns an object like { seconds, chunks }
error int: errorCode There was an error. The events pass an error code. See below.




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  • camtv.dev
  • releases.camtv
  • ivpcode