CLI, experimental.
$ npm install -g
$ builder COMMAND
$ builder COMMAND
Import your space to the local filesystem.
$ builder import -k [PRIVATE KEY] -o [OUTPUT DIRECTORY]
-k, --key Private key of the space you want to import
-d, --debug Optionally print debug information and progress bars.
-o, --output Optionally output directory, default to ./builder
This command will download a self-contained clone ( new IDs) from the target space and save it on the filesystem.
Create a new space from your local builder directory, as a space under the root organization you specify.
$ builder create -k [PRIVATE KEY] -i [INPUT DIRECTORY]
-n, --name The new space name
-k, --key Private key of the root organization you want to import
-d, --debug Optionally print debug information and progress bars.
-o, --input Optionally input directory, default to ./builder
This command will create a new space clone from your local builder directory.
Integrates Builder with an existing Next.js project. Currently supports "page" models by creating a catchall route that fetches Builder content that matches the current path.
If you want don't want the catch-all at the route of your pages
directory, you can add a --pathPrefix
to nest the route under a different path.
$ builder integrate [options]
integrate with an existing codebase, currently supports Next.js
-d,--debug print debugging information
-s,--stack <stack> currently supports nextjs (default: "nextjs")
-m,--model <model> name of the model you want to integrate
-a,--apiKey <apiKey> you can find your apiKey on
-p,--pathPrefix <prefix> URL path prefix where all your landing pages will be nested under (default: "")
-h, --help output usage information
npm run dev
Runs npm build
whenever files change.
npm run clean
Removes any built code and any built executables.
npm run build
Cleans, then builds the TypeScript code.
Your built code will be in the ./dist/
npm run test
Cleans, then builds, and tests the built code.
npm run bundle
Cleans, then builds, then bundles into native executables for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Your shareable executables will be in the ./exec/