Country code (3166-1 alpha-2) to Country name (ISO 3166 mappings used by the Brixtol Textiles internal API when dealing with Localization and i18n operations.
Mappings returned in the English Language.
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pnpm add @brixtol/country-names
npm install @brixtol/country-names
yarn add @brixtol/country-names
You can pass in a 2 letter country code that is lowercase, uppercase or a mixture of both.
import { getCountryName } from '@brixtol/country-names';
const sweden = getCountryName('SE'); // Sweden
const netherlands = getCountryName('nl'); // Netherlands
const usa = getCountryName('uS'); // United States of America
The module also exposes the raw mappings and interface on the export. The mappings object is provided read only using Object.freeze. In addition to the raw mappings a ISO code union export is also exposed.
import { Countries, ICountries, CountryCodes, Country } from '@brixtol/country-names';
// Mapping Object
Countries.SE; // Sweden
Countries.NL; // Netherlands
Countries.RU; // Russian Federation
// Interface
ICountries.SE; // Sweden
ICountries.NL; // Netherlands
ICountries.RU; // Russian Federation
// Country Code Union
CountryCodes<'SE' | 'NL' | 'RU'>; // etc etc
The interface is identical to the mapping
Static GeoIP utility
Country code to currency code mappings:
Currency code to currency symbol mappings:
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