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1.0.148 • Public • Published


A Micro Config Manager Package


Install the package using npm:

npm install @brainstack/config


To use the ConfigManager and ConfigManagerIntegration provided by this package, follow these steps:

  1. Import the required interfaces and functions:
import { ConfigManager, ConfigManagerIntegration } from '@brainstack/config';
  1. Create an integration that implements the ConfigManagerIntegration interface:
const myIntegration: ConfigManagerIntegration<MyValueType> = {
  get(key: string): MyValueType | undefined {
    // Your implementation to retrieve the value for the key
  set(key: string, value: MyValueType): void {
    // Your implementation to set the value for the key
  remove(key: string): void {
    // Your implementation to remove the value for the key
  1. Create a ConfigManager instance using the createConfigManager function:
const configManager: ConfigManager<MyValueType> = createConfigManager(myIntegration);
  1. Now you can use the configManager to interact with your configuration values:
// Get a configuration value
const value = configManager.get('myConfigKey');

// Set a configuration value
configManager.set('myConfigKey', newValue);

// Remove a configuration value


Here's an example of how you can use the @brainstack/config package:

import { ConfigManager, ConfigManagerIntegration, createConfigManager } from '@brainstack/config';

// Define an integration
const myIntegration: ConfigManagerIntegration<number> = {
  get(key: string): number | undefined {
    // Implementation to retrieve the value for the key
  set(key: string, value: number): void {
    // Implementation to set the value for the key
  remove(key: string): void {
    // Implementation to remove the value for the key

// Create a ConfigManager instance
const configManager: ConfigManager<number> = createConfigManager(myIntegration);

// Use the configManager to get, set, and remove configuration values
const value = configManager.get('myConfigKey');
configManager.set('myConfigKey', newValue);


Contributions are welcome! If you would like to contribute to this module, please follow these guidelines:

Fork the repository
Create a new branch for your changes
Make your changes and commit them with descriptive commit messages
Push your changes to your fork
Submit a pull request


This module is released under the MIT License.

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