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Boethius - Music Notation

A Line is one-dimentional. Indexed by time.

A Staff is two-dimentional. Indexed by line and time.

A Score is three-dimentional. Indexed by Staff, Line, and time.

A score may potentially have pages as well.

Should view render methods return a paper group, or should they return themselves and set this.group?

  • If they have this.group then they are a direct representation of the paper group and have to be responsible for removing it on being rendered again.
  • If a view doesn't have this.group then it is more like a template.
  • Rendering ofter requires multiple render methods for various parts intertwined with render method calls on other "templates".
  • subsequent render method calls require both the view and the group. Hard to keep explicit reference between view and group without group property on the view.


# High priority
- Voices crossing lines.
- placement.commonShortestDuration implementation.
- Repeats
- Da Capo / Dal Segno
- Anacrusis
- Minimum stem heights.
- Tie inflection points.
- Clef change markings at end of system.
- Fingerings
- Ghost notes
- Plugin system for rendering 'time' nodes.
- How to catch plugin system errors.
- Plugin options
- Whole measure rests when measure is not 4/4

# Plugins
- Page plugin
- Plugin for displaying a cursor when playing music to score. (Cursor Plugin)
- Plugin for configuring decorations.

# Lower priority
- MusicXML
- Score title, tempo, composer.
- There should be a segregation between files that require paper.js and those that do not.
- Implement different staff type rendering. StaffGroup, ChoirStaff, GrandStaff, and PianoStaff.
- Line/Instrument Names.
- Instrument transpositions.
- optional rendering of measure numbers.
- Logger
- Remove "magic" strings/numbers.
- Vary stem direction of beamed notes. aka kneed beams
- Stricter ES6 Linting
- Better articulation placement
- Additional articulations/ornaments
- improved dynamic positioning
- Ability to turn features on/off for performance reasons.
- Fix double rendering of ledger lines.
- Lyrics
- Ability to specify horizontal position of systems.
- How to handle non-standard note durations? ex. a4/6


Plugin System

Plugins are objects that have certain functions that will be envoked in the boethius lifecycle. The functions are passed an object that is an accumulation of all previous executed functions. The functions can return either an object or a Promise. If an object is returned it will be merged into the accumulation. If a promise is returned the object passed to resolve will be merged into the accumulation.

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  • srmullen