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0.0.1 • Public • Published

Block Protocol – Action Module

This package implements the Block Protocol Action module for blocks and embedding applications.

To get started:

  1. yarn add @blockprotocol/action or npm install @blockprotocol/action
  2. Follow the instructions to use the action module as a block or an embedding application


To create a ActionBlockHandler, pass the constructor:

  1. An element in the block
  2. callbacks to respond to messages from the embedder
    • You should register a callback for the updateAction message, which allows embedding application to set new `labels for block actions.

To tell the embedding application what elements will dispatch actions, call the availableActions function. Send this message again if the available actions change.

To send an action message, you call the action function.

Embedding applications

To create a ActionEmbedderHandler, pass the constructor:

  1. An element wrapping the block
  2. callbacks to respond to messages from the block
    • you should register callbacks for availableActions to do something with the actions the block advises are possible
    • action to process individual action reports

To update the label in an action, call updateAction. The block should respond with the updated availableActions.

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  • hashdotai
  • nonparibus
  • cmorinan