React component for generating Open Graph/etc meta tags for Blitz pages and sites. Designed for Next.js but framework-agnostic.
yarn add @blitzjs/meta
# npm i @blitzjs/meta
Example for a documentation site:
// import Head from 'next/head'
as={Head} // component to wrap tags in, defaults to React.Fragment
name="Blitz" // site name
title="Docs" // page title
description="The official Blitz documentation" // page description
image="https://.../card.png" // large summary image URL
color="#6700eb" // theme color
manifest="/site.webmanifest" // link to site manifest
All props are optional. If included multiple times, the tags from the last instance will be used.
Prior art:
- https://github.com/hackclub/theme/tree/master/packages/meta
- https://realfavicongenerator.net/
- https://joshwcomeau.com/snippets/html/html-skeleton
- https://github.com/garmeeh/next-seo
MIT License