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Page Builder

Package for FE components based on the available page builder components in admin



Displays an image or multiple images using the file ids in the settings


  • isHero: adds hero class. This will also add the hero to the sizeKey used for the responsive image
  • modifer: adds class to the wrapper This will also add the modifier to the sizeKey used for the responsive image.

Responsive sizeKey

The sizeKey is used to identifiy responsive image settings in responsive image config. It is set in a hierachy based on the options set

  • default: image
  • isHero=true: image:hero
  • modifier set: image:modifier-value
  • isHero and modifier set: image:hero:modifier-value


The following button component properties support dynamic values using handlebar templates.

  • url e.g. /search?={{ currentParent.name }}
  • text
  • after click text
  • url


The textblock renders without a wrapper unless a modifier is set OR the BLAZE_PB_TEXTBLOCK_WRAPPER_ENABLE env variable is set to true.

This env variable is depreciated so will be removed in the future.

Row / Column

Row and column components are used for general grid/layout and render their children components.


  • backgroundImage: file Id for image that should be used as background image
  • title: if set it will render a title inside the container
  • tagType: set the tag that should be used to render the container e.g. dev, article


The banner component uses react-dfp to render DFP ad slots with settings supplied by the component and size settings.

While loading it uses the responsive sizes specificed in the API to set min-heights for the adslots e.g.

    class="ad-slot ad-slot-loading banner-sizeId"

Once the adSlot has loaded the styles are removed and the wrapper class updated. The classes are

Name Description
ad-slot-loading When adslot is loading
ad-slot-loaded Adslot is loaded with and ad
ad-slot-empty Adslot is loaded but no ad was loaded from dfp


This prop can be used to indicate the posn targeting that should be used. It is useful when generating additional banner components from a base component as it allows them to be easy to target individually in DFP.


This is a helper that enables backwards compatibility for the data when banner could have sizes saved as string. Newly created banners should all have field sizeId (instead sizes), which is a select to chose from defined banner sizes.


Helper used to build key-value targetings to be set on banner based on the customTargeting field in admin. A key can be defined to have multiple values (set in array), so internally is making use of the buildTargetingValue function.


This helper is used to build the adunit correctly. The adunit will contain the base, any middle part that depend on the url & children and end part. Base can be set in admin or if not the value of the DFP_BASE_ADUNIT env variable will be used. If the specific entity where banner is placed has children, all part of the url will be used; otherwise the last part of the url will be taken out. End part can be set in admin, in case it's not the value of constant END_ADUNIT is used (maybe in the future can be set with env variable so it can be project specific).


Based on the received sizeId and the existing banner sizes from DB, the banner size array is built (array of arrays with width and height). In case it's old data, getBannerSizes will be called.


Configured in admin using propsToDisplay, for each prop a label can be set and that will be the key; the value of the key-value pair will be the value of the chosen propToDisplay on that entity. At the end, it returns an object with key-value pairs.


Returns array specifying which banner sizes should show on which viewport. Size mapping is used to make the banner responsive, to display different sizes on different screen sizes. If the viewport has value [1024, 768], it will use the sizes set for it when it goes over 1024.

Note: targetings (both contextual and custom) set for a banner can be viewed in the Network tab, in Headers -> Query String Parameters under the key prev_scp. Source for checking ads https://dfpgpt.appspot.com/.

Item List components

There are three components related to item lists

  • itemListButton: add/remove items from list
  • itemListCounter: shows a counter of items in a list
  • itemListNew: Clears the stored local list

List components are link by the "listName" property and when a new list is created the id of the list is stored in local storage.



  • displayCarousel: will wrap the card block with left and right arrows and allow users to scroll through the cards

    • If itemsPerRow is also set it will add a class to the wrapper to indicate the desired number of cards that should display e.g card-carousel__content--items-per-row-4
  • displayCategory: if true this will fetch the alternativePreHeader or category set on the record and display in the card. If the alternativePreHeader is set this takes priority over the category. If this option is not set these properties will not be included in the query.

  • displayThumbnail: if true this will fetch the default card image url to displayed the the card

  • propsToDisplay:

    • htmlAttribute: allows setting of a custom html attribute on the prop to display. The value will be escaped e.g. <span html-attribute-value="ESCAPED%20VALUE">


The code block can parse a string of HTML and render it as react components. The code block will activate script blocks in the html string by wrapping them in a <span> and then inserting the script tag into the DOM on render using appendChild.

The script tags will then appear in the places they are supposed to other than the span wrapper.

Note Script tags won't get rendered on the server just in the browser.


The iframe component renders an iframe based on the src property with dynamic height/width resizing. It accepts the following properties:

  • src (required to render)
  • modifier
  • height
  • width


The url field is used to know if by clicking on the search button (or by interacting with some filter types that are trigerring the search immediately - checkbox & select, when no url is set) the filter will be applied on the same page (if no url set) or on another page (specified in that url). Search filter is applied only to list page builder element. In packages/blaze-nextjs-tools/src/containers/ContentContainer.js we are checking (recursively, using getSearchFilter) if there is a search filter present on the page, if there is it put the filter's config inside the options object under the searchFilter key. That way it can be read and checked if exists on list component and apply the filter on its items. Search filter works by appending the query params to the url, this way you can link to a search result page directly if you set the params correctly and the page will open with the filters already applied.

In the admin, different filter types can be set - text search, checkbox, select, range. Some fields are shown just for specific fitler types. Checkbox and select have a limit in the propsToDisplay to one, so only one propsToDisplay can be selected. Range can have multiple props, in cases where there is a prop that can be represented with different values (e.g. price: $/€/£, length: m/inch etc.). Then in addition to the range slider, a select is also displayed for the user to choose the unit. Range interval field is displayed only if range filter chosen. Operator is used only for checkbox and text-search filter. Checkbox takes advantage of the operator in case there are more values checked (but for the same prop), operator sets the connections between them (is it OR or AND). While the text-search uses the operator as well, it does in the opposite way - user can choose multiple props in admin but enter only one value in FE so the operator defines the connections between the value for one and the other chosen prop.



Helper to return all query params for the applied filters. Text search filter is the easiest, it just takes the values and sets it to search_term - that's the query param used for the text search. For the other filter, it calls the getSearchValues internally and finally it joins all the params with &.


Returns JSON.stringified object to be passed to the searchPublishedContent query when creating the values for the checkbox, range and select filters. It is needed to get all the unique values of the chosen field among the published records of the entity. For this query, ELKS aggregations are used. The values from the query are then used within the checkbox/select to display the different options to check/select and to define the ranges (min/max) of the range filter.


Used to calculate step to be added to be max range value. It can happen that in the case of range interval being some value different than 1, the min & max range values need to be updated. E.g. min value 13, max value 37 and step 3, means min value needs to be the highest value lower than 13 that is divisible by 3 -> 12 and max needs to be the lowest value higer than 37 divisible by 39. To get the value to be added on the set max value, calculateStep is called calculateStep(37, 3) = rangeInterval - 1 = 2; max = max + 2 = 39.


Checks the current min/max values are different from the initial, meaning the range was interacted with (it was updated).


Contains functions to decode and encode the passed value.


Used for range filter, in the case of multiple props. Check for existance of unit property for the chosen prop to display from the select.


Returns any specific prop, available for the range filter and present in the query params.


Builds the checkbox, select and range query params. For checkbox it checks whether the value for the prop is an array, that would mean multiple checkbox have been selected for the same prop. For the range, it gets the values from the DOM elements (only for the updated ranges, ones set in localStorage).


Returns select options to display in case of range filter with multiple props so that it calls the getDisplayValue function to display the unit value if it exists.


Returns the updated ranges from the localStorage.


Updates the localStorage value of updated ranges to exclude the passed props.


Clears the value of updated ranges from localStorage.


Gets called from setUpdatedRanges function and is where the actual saving in the localStorage happens.


In case there are query params for the range filter, it selects the prop and sets its value to the localStorage.

Note: if the issue Text fields are not optimised for operations that require per-document field data like aggregations and sorting, so these operations are disabled by default. Please use a keyword field instead. Alternatively, set fielddata=true on [salary] in order to load field data by uninverting the inverted index. Note that this can use significant memory. happens, it means that somewhere the keyword word is not put for the text field.

Responsive Images config keys

component sizeKey
card card
carousel carousel
image image
globalLightbox globalLightbox
lighbox lighbox
textBlock textBlock
headerSocial socialMeta



If the helper getInheritedFilters (explained below) returns values - it means that the filter values returned will need to be inherited from the parent entity where the page builder item is placed. If we got an array with category.name/category in the card/list, we need to check the category { name } of the parent entity (entity where the PB item is placed). If there is no category set, we return nothing. In case there is a category set, we need to add it to the filter values (the values to filter on get merged with the filter values set directly in admin - the ones that are properly set in filterByProperty & filterBy fields).


Function used to build the selection to be requested on a query, specifically the searchPublishedContent queries used for cards and lists. We are getting the results and total; results will have a subselection that is a fragment with the necessary fields, __typename (since we are using the fragment), id and pageBuilderComponents in case the query is done for a list of type full.


Used by card directly (as cards use Elasticsearch for queries but the search filter doesnt need to be applied so only the base is needed) and the buildRawQuery helper calls it internally to build the object for the rawQueryStringified query variable. Based on the operator that can be chosen for the filterByProperty and filterBy fields, object differs. Also depends if there are any itemsToDisplay chosen.


This function uses the buildRawQueryBase to build the base of the object (the values based on the filter fields in card/list). In the case where itemsToDisplay are chosen, it builds correctly that part and also applies the sort on the itemsToDisplay in case set - otherwise records are sorted how they get returned from ELKS. The rest of the logic is to get the applied search filter and build the value. From the filter we can have checkbox-select-range values (for checkbox the values are grouped with the rest in case the operator selected is AND), if some checkbox filter has OR operator values will be already in another variable and dealt separately. Also for text search, the operator is checked so the final value can consist of different combinations of AND/OR filters grouped accordingly (under the ELKS operators must/should).


Goes over the applied search filter (reads query param) and builds the variables to be used in query that can be grouped under the MUST (values) or SHOULD (valuesOr) filter. For checkbox, range and select filters their names are used in building the query param key-value pairs and for text-search the key is always search_term. If the query param is a string, it can be checkbox, range or select. For the range the logic is slightly different so it's separated in an if. If the query param value is an array, that can be only from a checkbox filter, we need to get the operator (AND/OR) and finally we build the object to return.


Returns array with correctly built text search filter values in the format for ELKS. The search filter values will always have the following es options fuzziness: 'AUTO', prefix_length: 3. fuzzines: AUTO allows for the search text to be edited for circumventing typos prefix_length: 3 leaves the beginning characters unchanged to have more acurate results


Helper to build the filters that are set on the list/card directly (in the filterByProperty, filterBy fields and filterByFeatured, filterBySponsored toggles). Returns object with checkboxFilters that contain featured/sponsored keyword in case set in admin and listFilterValues that contains object for each field we want to filter on and the array of chosen values for that specific field.


Based on the selected operator in admin (AND/OR) for the text-search search filter, it will return the correct Elasticsearch operator (MUST for AND, SHOULD for OR).


For the entity name passed, return the docType (prepend the keyword published_) and entityType (prepend the keyword Published and change entity name that has underscores to become camelcased with first letter in upper case). E.g. page -> docType: published_page, entityType: PublishedPage; some_other_entity -> docType: published_some_other_entity, entityType: PublishedSomeOtherEntity


Function used in cards and lists to build and set all the variables needed for the query (limit, offset, sort, rawQueryStringified). Limit and offset can be set in admin, otherwise a default value is applied. Sort is build based on the admin config; in the case there is a text search filter applied, no sort is applied. Otherwise sort is built based on the values set in sort & sortby fields. It needs to be taken into consideration that we are using Elasticsearch queries for cards/lists which treats text fields and the rest of the fields differently so in the case of text fields (fields of type string) to append .keyword to the field name. That is explained in more details in getSortbyFieldName.


For the page builder items that have the filterBy and filterByProperty fields, it checks if there is a filterByProperty set but there is no specific record set to filter on. For example, if there is a filterByProperty set (category.name/category) but in the filterBy field there is no category.name specified.


Returns the correct id of the image that needs to be fetched from the API using getFile query. If it supposed to be an image from relation, the imageId set on the relation is being read. In case the relation has an array of image ids, the first image id will be used. In the default case, the image id of the uploaded/chosen image in admin is used.


Returns the object with the correctly set array of filter values that need to be under the MUST elasticsearch operator (valuesAnd) and the ones for SHOULD (valuesOr). Internally it makes use of the getSearchFilterType function to get range, select and checkbox filters and buildSearchValuesCheckboxSelect function.


Helper for building query props from the filters that need to be inherited from the parent entity. Goes over the array of inheritedFilters that can have the format [categoryId/category, tagIds/tag]. It will set the queryProps to contain categoryId and tagIds.


Returns any filters of the type specified as the second argument passed to the function.


Returns the value for the sort, based on the chosen field - we check if the field is in the stringProps array (if it's a relation field category.name we need to check it with the correct entityIdentifier so we are passing the relations array as well). If it's a string type prop, we need to append .keyword. In the case of a relation it can happen that the chosen field is authors.name but the actual entity name is author and stringProps array contains the field names like this author.name, author.firstname etc so we need to update the value for sort to use the actual entityIdentifier (author.name). In admin you can also choose the type of sort (ASC/DESC) so the final value we return could be something like this author.name.keyword:ASC.


Returns the unpublished version of the entity's name (E.g. published_page -> page; published_some_name -> some_name).



Function used in Button, Layout (column/row) and Modal in order to check if the specific element has children nested since some of the elements should not be rendered in case they dont have nexted elements/children (in addition to some other condition in the case of Button and Layout).


Helper to check if the window is undefined, to know if the code executing is in the client or server side.


In the case where the filterByProperty has a value like: categoryId/category, check if the itemEntity (we get it from the parent and then get the unpublished version of the name) is actually the chosen relation. In the case of categoryId/category and itemEntity is category the functon will return true meaning that the actual value to use in the filter is the id of the entity (itemId) in the buildInheritedFilters function. When it's called in the getQueryProps helper it means it will add the id to the query props and not categoryId because the query will break as it will actually requesting categoryId on itself (getCategory { categoryId }) but in that case all we need is the actual entity's id (getCategory { id }).


Helper that checks if the image component has it set to fetch the image from a relation. It needs to have an entity selected, the toggle fetchFromRelation set to true and a value in the imageRelation field.


When rendering card item and card item's children they should know that its parent entity is the card item's entity and not the entity where the card is placed. Meaning if a card is placed on a page, but it's rendering children, those children will have the card's entity (e.g. yacht_for_sale instead of page) and the id of that specific entity record for the parent itemEntity and itemId.


When rendering cards in order to make the queries as cacheable as possible if the card entity is the same as the current entity we increase the limit by 1. Then use this function to remove the current item if it is in the results or reduce the array to the correct size.



The variantHandler is a Map object responsible for loading all existing variants within the project. It uses a key, variant validation to make sure the variant exists before loading Has the following internal functions that can be accessed get getAll add




Main function to build the list of components to render. The other logic found here is used for the banner repetitions that is explained in the next 3 functions below.


If the component has children (component.items), check for banner component and if it has the interval set. The check will be done just on the children at the first level. Return the banner if the conditions match.


If helper checkBannerInsertionSet returned a banner, use this function to get the exact index of the banner component among the component's first level children. Assumption: there is only one banner that should be interscrollar at the same level.


This helper goes over component's first level children and based on the banner's settings (interval & repeat) inserts the banner at specific places (on the same level).

The number(s) in the interval field = the position(s) after which the banner should be inserted.

There are four cases to deal with:

  1. repeat toggle ON, interval is just one number
  • E.g. repeat: true; interval: '2'



  1. repeat toggle ON, interval has more numbers separated by commas
  • E.g. repeat: true; interval: '2,5,7'



  1. repeat toggle OFF, interval is just one number
  • E.g. repeat: false; interval: '2'



  1. repeat toggle OFF, interval has more numbers separated by commas
  • E.g. repeat: false; interval: '2,5,7'



Environment variables

Env Description Default
BLAZE_PB_TEXTBLOCK_WRAPPER_ENABLE Render legacy texblock component wrapper false
BLAZE_SCROLL_OFFSET Offest to use when scrolling after an event. Can be set if there are sticky elements on the page to take them into account false
BLAZE_PB_SEARCH_FILETER_AGG_SIZE Override default size property for search filter aggregations 500
BLAZE_PB_ADD_CLICK_TO_CARDS Add click handler to card parent false




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