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0.1.4 • Public • Published

Changelog Generator

A simple and efficient tool to generate a CHANGELOG.md file for your Git repository. This tool lists all the commits between two specified commits, formatted by date and including commit messages and bodies.


  • Generates a CHANGELOG.md file with commit details.
  • Supports specifying a range of commits.
  • Option to reverse the order of commits.
  • Customizable repository URL, file name, changelog path, and title format.
  • Supports multiple range operators ("...", "..", "space") for specifying commit ranges.


Install the package globally via npm:

npm install -g @bhaireshm/gencl


Using the generateChangelog Function

You can use the generateChangelog function in your Node.js scripts to generate a changelog programmatically.

Function Signature

generateChangelog(fromHash = '', toHash = 'HEAD'): void


import ChangelogGenerator from "@bhaireshm/gencl";

const config = {
  repoUrl: "https://github.com/username/repo",
  fileName: "MY_CHANGELOG.md",
  changelogPath: "/path/to/save",
  reverse: true,
  title: "My Changelog",
  remoteName: "origin",
  rangeOperator: "...",

const changelogGenerator = new ChangelogGenerator(config);
changelogGenerator.generateChangelog({ fromHash: "abc1234", toHash: "def5678" });

Using the CLI

You can also use the CLI to generate a changelog. The available options are:

Option Alias Description Default
--from -f The starting commit hash. empty string
--to -t The ending commit hash. HEAD
--reverse -r Reverse the order of commits. false
--repoUrl -u The repository URL. remote.{remoteName}.url
--fileName -n The name of the changelog file. CHANGELOG.md
--changelogPath -p The path to save the changelog file. current working directory
--title -l The title of the changelog. Timeline: {day}-{month}-{year}
--remoteName -m The name of the remote. origin
--rangeOperator -o The range operator to use. space

CLI Examples

Simple Example

Generate a changelog from the last commit to the current commit:

gencl -f HEAD~1 -t HEAD

Custom Repository URL and File Name

Generate a changelog with a custom repository URL and file name:

gencl -f abc1234 -t def5678 -u https://github.com/username/repo -n MY_CHANGELOG.md

Reverse Order and Custom Title

Generate a changelog with the commits in reverse order and a custom title:

gencl -f abc1234 -t def5678 -r -l "My Changelog"

Custom Range Operator

Generate a changelog using a custom range operator:

gencl -f abc1234 -t def5678 -o "..."



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  • bhaireshm