React lifecycle turned into dev friendly hooks
🚀 Simple, fast and light -
🏭 No external dependencies
npm install --save @better-typed/react-lifecycle-hooks
yarn add @better-typed/react-lifecycle-hooks
import React from "react";
import { useDidMount, useDidRender, useDidUpdate, useWillUnmount,useIsMounted, useWillMount } from "@better-typed/react-lifecycle-hooks";
const MyComponent: React.FC = () => {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = React.useState(false)
// returns ref with the mounted boolean state
const mounted = useIsMounted()
// Called before mount
useWillMount(() => {
// ...
// Called on component mount
useDidMount(() => {
// ...
// Called second, when initial DOM changes are triggered
useDidRender(() => {
// ...
// Called when isOpen change
useDidUpdate(() => {
// ...
}, [isOpen])
// Called when isOpen change but also on mount
useDidUpdate(() => {
// ...
}, [isOpen], true)
// Called last
useWillUnmount(() => {
// ...
return (
// ...