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1.2.4 • Public • Published

Cupertino Panes is multi-functional panes & boards with touch technologies

Cupertino Panes

CircleCI npm npm NPM Code Style Code Style Financial Contributors on Open Collective

Cupertino Panes is multi-functional panes & boards with touch technologies.

  • Small. 5kb (minified and gzipped). No dependencies.
  • Accelerated. Hardware accelerated transitions and amazing native behavior.
  • Progressive. Useful for mobile/web/hybrid applications.

Right like in Apple Maps, Apple Stocks, Apple Music and other modern apps.

We appreciate your star, it helps!

Financial Contributors

Become a financial contributor and help us sustain our community. [Contribute]



Support this project with your organization. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Contribute]


Cupertino Pane - Roman Antonov Cupertino Pane - Roman Antonov Cupertino Pane - Roman Antonov

Supporting platforms

We officially support the last two versions of every major browser. Specifically, we test on the following browsers

Browser Operating system
Chrome Android, Windows, macOS, and Linux
Firefox Windows, macOS, and Linux
Safari iOS
WkWebView iOS
Android WebView Android

Getting Started

Install via NPM

npm install cupertino-pane

Use from CDN

If you don't want to include Cupertino Pane files in your project, you may use it from CDN. The following files are available:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/cupertino-pane/dist/cupertino-pane.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/cupertino-pane/dist/cupertino-pane.min.js"></script>

Include Files To App/Website

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <script src="path/to/cupertino-pane.min.js"></script>

Add HTML Layout

<div class="cupertino-pane">
    <div class="content">Content</div>    

Additional CSS Styles

.cupertino-pane {
    margin: 20px;

Initialize Cupertino Pane

  window.onload = function () {
    var myPane = new CupertinoPane(
      '.cupertino-pane', // Pane container selector
        parentElement: 'body', // Parent container
        breaks: {
            middle: { enabled: true, height: 300, bounce: true },
            bottom: { enabled: true, height: 80 },
        onDrag: () => console.log('Drag event')
    myPane.present({animate: true}).then(res => {...});

jQuery example

$(document).ready(function () {
  //initialize pane when document ready
  var myPane = new CupertinoPane('.cupertino-pane', { /* ... */ });
  myPane.present({animate: true}).then(...);

As an ES module

Cupertino Pane package comes with ES module version which can be used where supported or with bundlers like Webpack or Rollup:

import { CupertinoPane, CupertinoSettings } from 'cupertino-pane';

let settings: CupertinoSettings = { /* ... */ };
let myPane = new CupertinoPane('.cupertino-pane', settings);
    await myPane.present({animate: true});

Class creation

You can pass html element or string selector to class constructor

// String selector
new CupertinoPane('.cupertino-pane');

// HTML element
let element = document.querySelector('.cupertino-pane');
new CupertinoPane(element); // HTMLElement


Common configuration

Property Type Default Description
inverse boolean false On true will change pane direction from bottom-to-top to top-to-bottom
parentElement string Parent element selector Element selector where pane will rendered
followerElement string Follower element selector Element with selector will following pane transitions
cssClass string null Additional classes to apply for wrapper to stylize different panes
fitHeight boolean 'false' Automatically calc and define content height as top breakpoint. Middle and bottom breakpoint will be disabled
maxFitHeight number 'null' Define a maximum possible automatically calculated height with fitHeight property
fitScreenHeight boolean 'true' On true will automatically adjust pane maximum height to screen height
initialBreak 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom' 'middle' Initial pane position
backdrop boolean false Dimmed overlay will rendered with pane if true
backdropOpacity number 0.4 Dimmed overlay opacity value
animationType string 'ease' Base transition timing function
animationDuration number 300 Transition property duration
bottomClose boolean false Close pane with drag to bottom breakpoint
fastSwipeClose boolean false Close pane with fast drag to bottom direction
fastSwipeSensivity number 3 Increase value and fast swipes become heavier
freeMode boolean false On true will remove automatical magnetic effects to near breakpoint
lowerThanBottom boolean true By default allow user to drag pane lower than bottom position. On false will automatically place pane to bottom position on lower than bottom attemption
upperThanTop boolean false Allow user to drag pane upper than maximum top position. Useful with bulletin style without overflow-y
touchAngle number 45 Allowable angle (in degrees) to trigger drag gestures
buttonDestroy boolean true Determinate whetever close button will render or not
bottomOffset number 0 Margin bottom for pane from screen bottom point
topperOverflow boolean true Ability to scroll content inside pane if topper point reached
topperOverflowOffset number 0 Offset from screen bottom to the end of overflow content
showDraggable boolean true Render rectangular shape on the top of pane
draggableOver boolean true Render rectangular shape over a pane
clickBottomOpen boolean true If bottom position reached, simple click to pane will open pane to the next upper point
dragBy string[] null Array of selectors for whom elements drag events will be attached. By default drag events attached to pane element. If you are about to drag only with draggable component set option to ['.pane .draggable']
preventClicks boolean true Prevent accidental unwanted clicks events during move gestures
handleKeyboard boolean true Pane will be pushed up on open keyboard (only for cordova/capacitor/phonegap applications)
touchMoveStopPropagation boolean false If enabled, then propagation of "touchmove" will be stopped
simulateTouch boolean true Simulate touch events for Desktop
passiveListeners boolean true (Indicates that the function specified by listener will never call preventDefault())


Package now supports 3 base breakpoints

const pane = new CupertinoPane('.cupertino-pane', { 
  breaks: {
    top: { // Topper point that pane can reach
      enabled: true, // Enable or disable breakpoint
      height: 700, // Pane breakpoint height
      bounce: true // Bounce pane on transition
    middle: { ... },
    bottom: { ... }

Bottom and middle heights normalized accross devices by default

Default top height: window.screen.height - (135 * 0.35)

Add property bounce to break and enjoy transitions in apple stocks style with cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.370, 1.120)


Configuration for 3D push effects and z-stack

let settings = {
  zStack: {
    pushElements: ['.card-1', '.main-content'],
    pushYOffset: 10
Property Type Default Description
pushElements string[] null DOM Element will be pushed and scaled
minPushHeight number null Height from which 3d push effect will be started
cardYOffset number null Margin value to place pushed elements upper
cardZScale number 0.93 Scale value for each pushed element
cardContrast number 0.85 Contrast value for each pushed element
stackZAngle number 160 Value from 0 to 3000 that define angle of z-stack in common. 0 - 150 positive expontial angle. 150 - 170 = 45 degree angle. 200 - 3000 negative exponential angle


The function that executes when the event fires.

Name Type Description
onDidDismiss void: () => {} Call after pane will dissapeared
onWillDismiss void: () => {} Call before pane will dissapeared
onDidPresent void: () => {} Call after pane will present
onWillPresent void: () => {} Call before panel will present
onDragStart void: () => {} Call when detect user drag event on pane
onDrag void: () => {} Call executes on each new position of pane
onDragEnd void: () => {} Executes when drag event complete
onBackdropTap void: () => {} Call when user tap backdrop overlay
onTransitionStart void: () => {} Executes before auto transition and animation start
onTransitionEnd void: () => {} Executes when transition and animation complete

Public Methods

present({animate: boolean = false}): Promise

Will render pane DOM and show pane with setted params.


moveToBreak('top' | 'middle' | 'bottom')

Will change pane position with animation to selected breakpoint.


moveToHeight(val: number)

Will move pane to exact height with animation. Breakpoints will saved.



Dissappear pane from screen, still keep pane in DOM.


destroy({animate: boolean = false}): Promise

Remove pane from DOM and clear styles



Determinate if pane position was moved out of screen, but pane still exist in DOM. true - in DOM but not visible, false - in DOM and visible, null - not rendered

if (myPane.isHidden()) {


Method return current break position in text format ('top' | 'middle' | 'bottom)

if (myPane.currentBreak() === 'top') {


Method disable any drag actions for pane



Method enable any drag actions for pane


backdrop({show: boolean = true})

Show/Hide backdrop method

myPane.backdrop({show: true}); // show
myPane.backdrop({show: false}); // hide

setBreakpoints(breakpoints: PaneBreaks)

Method updates breakpoints configuration for rendered Pane

  top: {
      enabled: true,
      height: 700,
      bounce: true
  middle: { ... },
  bottom: { ... }

preventDismiss(boolean = false)

Use this method to prevent dismiss events. Use onWillDismiss() callback to listen if dismiss event prevented.

const settings = {
  onWillDismiss: (e) => {
    if (e) {

const myPane = new CupertinoPane('.cupertino-pane', settings);
myPane.present({animate: true});


Force re-calculate height for fitHeight: true in cases when height was calculated not properly.




Set for element to automaticaly hide on reach bottom breakpoint.

<div class="cupertino-pane">
    <div class="content" hide-on-bottom>Content</div>    


Set for element with overflow ability. By default using for full pane area, but in some cases good useful with header.

<div class="cupertino-pane">
    <div class="content" overflow-y>Content</div>    

CSS Variables

Variable Default
--cupertino-pane-background #ffffff
--cupertino-pane-color #333333
--cupertino-pane-shadow #0 4px 16px rgba(0,0,0,.12)
--cupertino-pane-border-radius #20px
--cupertino-pane-move-background #c0c0c0
--cupertino-pane-destroy-button-background #ebebeb
--cupertino-pane-icon-close-color #7a7a7e

Keyboard issues

Inputs and textareas in pane may push mobile keyboard on devices, and close pane visibility. Next cases describe how to proper handle this issues.


User's must use input focus/blur callback's to handle keyboard. Example:

<input onfocus="keyboardOpen()" onblur="keyboardClose()" />
function keyboardOpen () {
  pane.moveToBreak('top'); // or moveToHeight(current + keyboardHeight);
function keyboardClose () {
  pane.moveToBreak('middle'); // or moveToHeight(current - keyboardHeight);


By default, we are now handle keyboard in hybrid mobile applications and push pane to exact keyboard height. If you would like handle this part by yourself, set option handleKeyboard: false.

Future Goals

Project under regularly maintanance and bug fixes. All new features and new investigations moved to open collective Goals


We are welcome contributions of all kinds from anyone. Please review the contributing guideline.


Licensed under the MIT License. View license.


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  • bazuka5801