The ultimate Base Tree javascript library, with viem under the hood.
- Super fast response times
- Easy call batchability
- Written in TypeScript
- Supports the most cutting edge ENS features
- Full tree-shaking support
Install @base-tree/js, alongside viem.
npm install @base-tree/js viem
yarn add @base-tree/js viem
The most simple way to get started is to create a public ENS client, with a supported chain and transport imported from viem. The public client has all the read functions available on it, as well as all subgraph functions.
// Import viem transport, viem chain, and @base-tree/js
import { http } from 'viem'
import { baseSepolia } from 'viem/chains'
import { createEnsPublicClient } from '@base-tree/js'
// Create the client
const client = createEnsPublicClient({
chain: baseSepolia,
transport: http(),
// Use the client
const ethAddress = client.getAddressRecord({ name: 'sam.bst' })
Full docs site coming soon.