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Azure Video Analyzer widgets

License: MIT TypeScript code style: prettier

This repo conatins the Azure Video Analyzer widgets and web component packages. Below you can find documentation and examples on how to use these pieces.


Video Analyzer provides a platform to build intelligent video applications that span the edge and the cloud. It offers the capability to capture, record, and analyze live video along with publishing the results - video and/or video analytics.

The material in this repository is designed to help in building applications on the Video Analyzer platform. Below you'll find sections on:

  • Installing the Video Analyzer widget library
  • Player widget
  • Zone drawer widget
  • Theme
  • Localization

We also have a how-to in our document site on using the Video Analyzer player widget.

Installing Video Analyzer library

The widgets are distributed as an NPM package. There are a couple ways to install the library.

  • Command line - For consuming the NPM package directly, you can install it using the npm command.

    npm install @azure/video-analyzer-widgets
  • Javascript HTML object - You can import the latest version of the widget directly into your HTML file by using this script segment.

            <!-- Add Video Analyzer player web component -->
            <script async type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@azure/video-analyzer-widgets"></script>
  • Window object - If you want expose the widget code on the window, you can import the latest version by using this script segment.

            <!-- Add Video Analyzer player web component -->
            <script async src="https://unpkg.com/@azure/video-analyzer-widgets@latest/dist/global.min.js"></script>

Player widget

The player widget can be used to play back video that has been stored in the Video Analyzer service. The section below details:

  • How to add a player widget to your application
  • Properties, events, and methods
  • Samples showing use of the widget

Creating a player widget

Player widget is a web-component that can be created in your base HTML code, or dynamically at run time.

  • Creating using HTML

    	<ava-player width="920px"><ava-player>
  • Creating dynamically using window

    const avaPlayer = new window.ava.widgets.player();
  • Creating dynamically with Typescript

    import { Player } from '@azure/video-analyzer-widgets';
    const avaPlayer = new Player();

Properties, events and methods

The player has a series of properties as defined in the below table. Configuration is required to get the player to run initially.

Name Type Default Description
width string 100% Reflects the value of widget width
config IAvaPlayerConfig null Widget configuration

There are also a couple of events that fire under various conditions. None of the events have parameters associated with them. It is important to deal with the TOKEN_EXPIRED event so that playback doesn't stop.

Name Parameters Description
TOKEN_EXPIRED - Callback to invoke when Azure Video Analyzer (AVA) JWT token is expired.
PLAYER_ERROR - Callback to invoke there is an error.

The player has a few methods you can use in your code. These can be useful for building your own controls.

Name Parameters Description
constructor config: IAvaPlayerConfig = null Widget constructor. If called with config, you don’t need to call configure function
setAccessToken jwtToken:string Update the widget token.
configure config: IAvaPlayerConfig Update widget configuration.
load - Loads and initialize the widget according to provided configuration. If not called, widget will be empty
play - Play the player
pause - Pause the player

Code samples

There are a few code samples below detailing basic usage, how to dynamically create the widget during run time, how to deal with refreshing the token, and use in an Angular application.

Basic usage

This code shows how to create the player widget as an HTML tag, then configure the widget, and load the data to make it start playing using Javacript.

    function onAVALoad() {
        // Get player instance
        const avaPlayer = document.querySelector('ava-player');

        // Configure widget with AVA API configuration
            token: '<AVA-API-JWT-TOKEN>',
            clientApiEndpointUrl: '<CLIENT-ENDPOINT-URL>',
            videoName: '<VIDEO-NAME-FROM-AVA-ACCOUNT>'

<script async type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@azure/video-analyzer-widgets" onload="onAVALoad()"></script>

Dynamically creating the widget

This code shows how to create a widget dynamically with Javascript code without using the separate configure function. It adds the widget to a premade div container.

    function onAVALoad() {
        // Get widget container
        const widgetContainer = document.querySelector('#widget-container');

        // Create new player widget
        const playerWidget = new window.ava.widgets.player({
            token: '<AVA-API-JWT-TOKEN>',
            clientApiEndpointUrl: '<CLIENT-ENDPOINT-URL>',
            videoName: '<VIDEO-NAME-FROM-AVA-ACCOUNT>'


        // Load the widget
<script async src="https://unpkg.com/@azure/video-analyzer-widgets@latest/dist/global.min.js" onload="onAVALoad()"></script>
    <div id="widget-container"></div>

Token refresh

This section shows create a widget with native JS code, configure the widget, and load the data. It adds in an event listener so that when the token is expired, it will update the token. You will of course need to provide your own code to generate a new token based on the method you used.

    function onAVALoad() {
        // Get player instance
        const avaPlayer = document.querySelector("ava-player");

        // Adding token expired listener
        avaPlayer.addEventListener('TOKEN_EXPIRED', async () => {
            const token = await fetch(<request-to-generate-token>);

        // Configure widget with AVA API configuration
            token: '<AVA-API-JWT-TOKEN>',
            clientApiEndpointUrl: '<CLIENT-ENDPOINT-URL>',
            videoName: '<VIDEO-NAME-FROM-AVA-ACCOUNT>'

        // Load the widget
<script async type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@azure/video-analyzer-widgets" onload="onAVALoad()"></script>
    <ava-player width="920px"></ava-player>

Player widget in an Angular application

To use the player widget in an Angular application, you'll need to follow the steps below.

  1. Go to your src/main.ts file and add the following code:

    import { Player } from '@azure/video-analyzer-widgets';
     * Ensure that tree-shaking doesn't remove this component from * the bundle.
     * There are multiple ways to prevent tree shaking, of which this * is one.
  2. To allow an NgModule to contain Non-Angular element names, add the following code in your application module Typescript file app.module.ts:

        import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';
            schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA]
  3. Now you can start using widget. Replace the HTML template in your app.component.html, file with the following markup:

        <ava-player width="920px"></ava-player>

    Alternatively, you can create a new instance of the widget using Typescript, and add it to the DOM.

Zone Drawer widget

The zone drawer widget is designed as an overlay on top of the player widget to provide additional functionality. It is designed for two scenarios. When you are designing zones for various types of detection or wanting to draw lines to detect crossing it can be used as a tool to help draw those and get the coordinates you need. When you later want to play back resulting video, it can provide those same lines / zones as overlays to help visualize what is going on. The below section shows a few details:

  • How to add a zone drawer widget to your application
  • Properties, events, methods, and objects
  • Samples showing use of the widget

Creating a zone draw widget

Similar to the player, the zone drawer can be included in your HTML or created dynamically at run time. If you're using Typescript, you will need a slightly different include than what is in the section above.

  • Creating using HTML

  • Creating dynamically with Javascript

    const zoneDrawer = new window.ava.widgets.zoneDrawer();
  • Creating dynamically with Typescript and the include

    import { ZoneDrawer } from '@azure/video-analyzer-widgets';
    const zoneDrawer = new ZoneDrawer();

Properties, events, methods, and objects

The zone drawer has a series of properties as defined in the below table. Configuration is used to load in existing data for overlays.

Name Type Default Description
width string 100% Reflects the value of widget width
height string 100% Reflects the value of widget height
config IZoneDrawerWidgetConfig null Widget configuration

The events in zone drawer let you know when the user has made modifications to the data. Similar to the player none of the events have parameters associated with them.

Name Parameters Description
ZONE_DRAWER_ADDED_ZONE - Callback when user add line/polygon from zones list.
ZONE_DRAWER_REMOVED_ZONE - Callback when user removed line/polygon from zones list.
ZONE_DRAWER_SAVE - Callback when user click save button.

The zone drawer has the following methods associated with it.

Name Parameters Description
constructor config: IZoneDrawerWidgetConfig = null Widget constructor. If called with config, you don’t need to call configure function
configure config: IZoneDrawerWidgetConfig Update widget configuration.
load - Loads and initialize the widget according to provided configuration. If not called, widget will be empty

There is a single object associated with the zone drawer used to store the zone data.

Name Description Examples
Zone The zone object contains x and y params. The coordinates are terminated by their relative position to the height and width the shape was drawn. The zone area size is 400*400 and the user set a coordinate on the top left corner 10 px from the top and 20 px from left. The zone coordinates, in that case, will be {x: 0.025, y: 0.05}.

Code samples

There are a few code samples below detailing basic usage, how to dynamically create the widget during run time, how to deal with refreshing the token, and use in an Angular application.

Basic usage snippet

This code shows how to create the zone drawer widget as an HTML tag, then configure the widget with existing data and load the widget using Javascript. In this case zone drawer includes the ava-player as a video HTML element. The <ava-player></ava-player> is a prerequisite for the widget and it displays the video according to configuration. For more information regarding ava-player, please see the player widget documentation above.

    <script async type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@azure/video-analyzer-widgets"></script>
    (function () {
        const zones = [
                '@type': '#Microsoft.VideoAnalyzer.NamedLineString',
                line: [
                        x: 0.8407407407407408,
                        y: 0.6631578947368421
                        x: 0.6351851851851852,
                        y: 0.22807017543859648
                name: 'Line number 1'
                '@type': '#Microsoft.VideoAnalyzer.NamedLineString',
                line: [
                        x: 0.2814814814814815,
                        y: 0.8912280701754386
                        x: 0.3037037037037037,
                        y: 0.2736842105263158
                name: 'Line 2'
                '@type': '#Microsoft.VideoAnalyzer.NamedPolygonString',
                name: 'Zone 3',
                polygon: [
                    { x: 0.48518518518518516, y: 0.05964912280701754 },
                    { x: 0.4462962962962963, y: 0.44912280701754387 },
                    { x: 0.6166666666666667, y: 0.41403508771929826 }

        // Get zone drawer widget instance
        const zoneDrawerWidget = document.querySelector('ava-zone-drawer');

        // Get player widget instance
        const playerWidget = document.querySelector('ava-player');

        // Init the player with specific controllers
            token: '<AVA-API-JWT-TOKEN>',
            clientApiEndpointUrl: '<CLIENT-ENDPOINT-URL>',
            videoName: '<VIDEO-NAME-FROM-AVA-ACCOUNT>',
            playerControllers: ['rewind', 'play_pause', 'fast_forward', 'mute', 'volume', 'next_day', 'previous_day', 'hours_label', 'live']


        // Init draw-zone with zones object is optional
            zones: zones

  1. Dynamically creating the widget: create a widget dynamically with native JS code, without using configure function.

        function onAVALoad() {
            // Get widget container
            const widgetContainer = document.querySelector('#widget-container');
            // Create new zone drawer widget
            const zoneDrawer = new window.ava.widgets.zoneDrawer();
            // Create new player widget
            const playerWidget = new window.ava.widgets.player({
                token: '<AVA-API-JWT-TOKEN>',
                clientApiEndpointUrl: '<CLIENT-ENDPOINT-URL>',
                videoName: '<VIDEO-NAME-FROM-AVA-ACCOUNT>'
            // Append the player widget to the zone drawer
            // Load the player widget
            // Configure the zone drawer
                locale: 'en'
            // Load the zone drawer widget
    <script async src="https://unpkg.com/@azure/video-analyzer-widgets@latest/dist/global.min.js" onload="onAVALoad()"></script>
        <div id="widget-container"></div>
  2. Dynamically creating the widget: create a widget dynamically with native JS code. Add event listener to the widget.

        function onAVALoad() {
            // Get widget container
            const widgetContainer = document.querySelector('#widget-container');
            // Create new zone drawer widget
            const zoneDrawer = new window.ava.widgets.zoneDrawer();
            // Create new player widget
            const playerWidget = new window.ava.widgets.player({
                token: '<AVA-API-JWT-TOKEN>',
                clientApiEndpointUrl: '<CLIENT-ENDPOINT-URL>',
                videoName: '<VIDEO-NAME-FROM-AVA-ACCOUNT>'
            // Append the player widget to the zone drawer
            // Load the player widget
            // Configure the zone drawer
                locale: 'en'
            // Add 'save' event listener when user click save button
            zoneDrawer.addEventListener('ZONE_DRAWER_SAVE', (event) => {
                /* The event includes zones array the user draw.
                            [ {
                                    '@type': "#Microsoft.VideoAnalyzer.NamedLineString",
                                    line: [
                                            x: 0.8407407407407408,
                                            y: 0.6631578947368421
                                            x: 0.6351851851851852,
                                            y: 0.22807017543859648
                                    name: 'Line number 1'
                                    '@type': "#Microsoft.VideoAnalyzer.NamedLineString",
                                    line: [
                                            x: 0.2814814814814815,
                                            y: 0.8912280701754386
                                            x: 0.3037037037037037,
                                            y: 0.2736842105263158
                                    name: 'Line 2'
                                    '@type': "#Microsoft.VideoAnalyzer.NamedPolygonString",
                                    name: "Zone 3",
                                    polygon: [
                                        { x: 0.48518518518518516, y: 0.05964912280701754 },
                                        { x: 0.4462962962962963, y: 0.44912280701754387 },
                                        { x: 0.6166666666666667, y: 0.41403508771929826 }
                            The points x,y are determined by their relative position to the video width or height. */
                const zones = event.details;
            // Load the zone drawer widget
    <script async src="https://unpkg.com/@azure/video-analyzer-widgets@latest/dist/global.min.js" onload="onAVALoad()"></script>
        <div id="widget-container"></div>
  3. Use ava-zone-drawer in your angular application:

  4. Go to your src/main.ts file and add the following code:

    import { ZoneDrawer } from '@azure/video-analyzer-widgets';
     * Ensure that tree-shaking doesn't remove this component from * the bundle.
     * There are multiple ways to prevent tree shaking, of which this * is one.
  5. To allow an NgModule to contain Non-Angular element names, add the following code in your application module typescript file app.module.ts:

        import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';
            schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA]
  6. Now we can start using widget. Replace the HTML template in your app.component.html, file with the following markup:


    Alternatively, you can create a new instance of the widget using typescript, and add it to the DOM.


AVA widgets has two themes, default (light theme) and dark. More information here


The locale parameter controls the language of the widget. The default value is en. Example:

    function onAVALoad() {
        // Get player instance
        const avaPlayer = document.querySelector('ava-player');

        // Configure widget with AVA API configuration
            token: '<AVA-API-JWT-TOKEN>',
            clientApiEndpointUrl: '<CLIENT-ENDPOINT-URL>',
            videoName: '<VIDEO-NAME-FROM-AVA-ACCOUNT>',
            locale: 'de'

<script async type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@azure/video-analyzer-widgets" onload="onAVALoad()"></script>




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