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2.77.0 • Public • Published

aws-apigatewayv2websocket-sqs module

Stability: Stable

Reference Documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/solutions/latest/constructs/
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Java Logo Java software.amazon.awsconstructs.services.apigatewayv2websocketsqs


This AWS Solutions Construct implements an Amazon API Gateway WebSocket connected to an Amazon SQS queue pattern.

Here is a minimal deployable pattern definition:


import { Construct } from "constructs";
import { Stack, StackProps } from "aws-cdk-lib";
import {
} from "@aws-solutions-constructs/aws-apigatewayv2websocket-sqs";
import { WebSocketLambdaAuthorizer } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-apigatewayv2-authorizers';

const authorizer = new WebSocketLambdaAuthorizer('Authorizer', authHandler);

new ApiGateApiGatewayV2WebSocketToSqswayToSqs(this, "ApiGatewayV2WebSocketToSqsPattern", {
	webSocketApiProps: {
		connectRouteOptions: {
			integration: new WebSocketLambdaIntegration("ConnectIntegration", connectLambda),
			authorizer: authorizer,
		disconnectRouteOptions: {
			integration: new WebSocketLambdaIntegration("DisconnectIntegration", disconnectLambda),
        createDefaultRoute: true


from aws_solutions_constructs.aws_apigateway_sqs import ApiGatewayV2WebSocketToSqs
from aws_cdk.aws_apigatewayv2_authorizers import WebSocketLambdaAuthorizer
from aws_cdk import Stack
from constructs import Construct

authorizer = WebSocketLambdaAuthorizer("Authorizer", auth_handler)

ApiGatewayV2WebSocketToSqs(self, 'ApiGatewayV2WebSocketToSqsPattern', 
        integration=WebSocketLambdaIntegration("ConnectIntegration", connect_lambda),
        integration=WebSocketLambdaIntegration("DisConnectIntegration", disconnect_lambda),


import software.constructs.Construct;

import software.amazon.awscdk.Stack;
import software.amazon.awscdk.StackProps;
import software.amazon.awscdk.aws_apigatewayv2_authorizers.*;
import software.amazon.awscdk.aws_apigatewayv2_integrations.*;
import software.amazon.awsconstructs.services.apigatewaysqs.*;

new ApiGatewayV2WebSocketToSqs(this, "ApiGatewayV2WebSocketToSqsPattern", new ApiGatewayV2WebSocketToSqsProps.Builder()
        .webSocketApiProps(new WebSocketApiProps.Builder()
                .connectRouteOptions(new WebSocketRouteOptions.builder()
                        .integration(new WebSocketLambdaIntegration("ConnectIntegration", connect_lambda)))
                .disconnectRouteOptions(new WebSocketRouteOptions.builder()
                        .integration(new WebSocketLambdaIntegration("DisConnectIntegration", disconnect_lambda)))

Pattern Construct Props

Name Type Description
existingWebSocketApi? apigwv2.WebSocketApi Optional API Gateway WebSocket instance. Providing both existingWebSocketApi and webSocketApiProps will cause an error.
webSocketApiProps? apigwv2.WebSocketApiProps Optional user-provided props to override the default props for the API Gateway. Providing both existingWebSocketApi and webSocketApiProps will cause an error.
queueProps? sqs.QueueProps Optional user-provided props to override the default props for the queue. Providing both existingQueueObj and queueProps will cause an error.
existingQueueObj? sqs.Queue Optional existing instance of SQS Queue. Providing both existingQueueObj and queueProps will cause an error.
deployDeadLetterQueue? boolean Whether to deploy a secondary queue to be used as a dead letter queue. Defaults to true.
deadLetterQueueProps? sqs.QueueProps Optional properties to use for creating dead letter queue. Note that if you are creating a FIFO Queue, the dead letter queue should also be FIFO.
maxReceiveCount number The number of times a message can be unsuccessfully dequeued before being moved to the dead-letter queue.
createDefaultRoute? boolean Whether to create a default route. At least one of createDefaultRoute or customRouteName must be provided. If set to true, then it will use the value supplied with defaultRouteRequestTemplate.
defaultRouteRequestTemplate? { [contentType: string]: string } Optional user provided API Gateway Request Template for the default route and/ or customRoute (if customRouteName is provided). This property will only be used if createDefaultRoute is true. If createDefaultRoute is true and this property is not provided, the construct will create the default route with the following VTL mapping "Action=SendMessage&MessageGroupId=$input.path('$.MessageGroupId')&MessageDeduplicationId=$context.requestId&MessageAttribute.1.Name=connectionId&MessageAttribute.1.Value.StringValue=$context.connectionId&MessageAttribute.1.Value.DataType=String&MessageAttribute.2.Name=requestId&MessageAttribute.2.Value.StringValue=$context.requestId&MessageAttribute.2.Value.DataType=String&MessageBody=$util.urlEncode($input.json($util.escapeJavaScript('$').replaceAll(\"\\\\'\",\"'\")))".
defaultIamAuthorization? boolean Add IAM authorization to the $connect path by default. Only set this to false if: 1) If plan to provide an authorizer with the $connect route; or 2) The API should be open (no authorization) (AWS recommends against deploying unprotected APIs). If an authorizer is specified in connectRouteOptions, this parameter is ignored and no default IAM authorizer will be created.
customRouteName? string The name of the route that will be sent through WebSocketApiProps.routeSelectionExpression when invoking the WebSocket endpoint. At least one of createDefaultRoute or customRouteName must be provided.

Pattern Properties

Name Type Description
webSocketApi apigwv2.WebSocketApi Returns an instance of the API Gateway WebSocket API created by the pattern.
apiGatewayRole iam.Role Returns an instance of the iam.Role created by the construct for API Gateway.
webSocketStage apigwv2.WebSocketStage Returns an instance of the WebSocketStage created by the construct.
apiGatewayLogGroup logs.LogGroup Returns an instance of the LogGroup created by the construct for API Gateway access logging to CloudWatch.
sqsQueue sqs.Queue Returns an instance of the SQS queue created by the pattern.
deadLetterQueue? sqs.DeadLetterQueue Returns an instance of the DeadLetterQueue created by the pattern.

Default settings

Out of the box implementation of the Construct without any override will set the following defaults:

Amazon API Gateway

  • Deploy a WebSocket endpoint
  • Enable CloudWatch logging for API Gateway
  • Configure least privilege access IAM role for API Gateway
  • Enable X-Ray Tracing

Amazon SQS Queue

  • Deploy SQS dead-letter queue for the source SQS Queue
  • Enable server-side encryption for source SQS Queue using AWS Managed KMS Key
  • Enforce encryption of data in transit


Architecture Diagram

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