Ngx Document Scanner
An Angular component for cropping and enhancing images of documents, for implementation on a mobile or desktop app.
It uses a WASM build of OpenCV to manipulate images, to achieve near-native performance.
Note that there are a few extra steps required to configure the component other than installing the package from npm.
Live Demo
View a live demo here
Installation & Setup
install the package via npm
npm install ngx-document-scanner --save
the UI is based on @angular/material
, if you don't have it installed:
ng add @angular/material
choose 'yes' when prompted if you wish to add angular animations as it is needed for some of the components.
Configure OpenCV
copy the opencv.js files to your assets folder (or any other folder). you can build the files yourself (instructions on the OpenCV site), or download them from this package's repository. both opencv.js & opencv_js.wasm need to placed in the same folder.
import the package to your app.module
. you'll need to configure the location of the open cv files.
import {OpenCVConfig} from 'ngx-document-scanner';
import {NgxDocumentScannerModule} from 'ngx-document-scanner';
// set the location of the OpenCV files
const openCVConfig: OpenCVConfig = {
openCVDirPath: '/assets/opencv'
@NgModule({ imports:
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
add component to template and bind to inputs and outputs.
set configuration options. for example:
config: DocScannerConfig = {
editorBackgroundColor: '#fafafa',
buttonThemeColor: 'primary',
cropToolColor: '#ff4081',
cropToolShape: 'circle',
exportImageIcon: 'cloud_download'
Component I\O
input | type | description |
file | File |
sets an image for editing |
config | DocScannerConfig |
configuration object for the component. see section dedicated to te config object. |
output | type | description |
error | EventEmitter<any> |
fires on error |
editResult | EventEmitter<Blob> |
fires when the users submits the image |
exitEditor | EventEmitter<any> |
fires when the user exits the editor |
processing | EventEmitter<boolean> |
fires true when the editor is prcessing or loading\parsing the OpenCV module. |
Configuration Object
optional configuration values that can be passed to the component.
import {DocScannerConfig} form 'ngx-document-scanner'
config: DocScannerConfig = {
property | type | description |
buttonThemeColor | "primary" | "warn" | "accent" | material design theme color name for the buttons on the component |
cropToolColor | string |
color of the crop tool (points and connecting lines) |
cropToolDimensions | {width: number; height: nubmer;} |
width and height of the crop tool points |
cropToolLineWeight | number |
weight of the crop tool's connecting lines |
cropToolShape | 'rect' | 'circle' |
shape of the crop tool points |
editorBackgroundColor | string |
background color of the main editor div |
editorDimensions | an object of css keys value pairs | css properties for the main editor div |
exportImageIcon | string |
icon for the button that completes the editing and emits the edited image. |
extraCss | an object of css keys value pairs | css that will be added to the main div of the editor component |
maxImageDimensions | {width: number; height: nubmer;} |
max dimensions of oputput image. if set to zero will not resize the image. |
maxPreviewWidth | number |
max width of the preview pane |
The angular service used to load the open cv library and monitor it's state is also available as a standalone package: NgxOpenCV
This project is licensed under the MIT License.