Shortcode Parser
Need shortcodes? This unopinionated and extensible shortcode parser can process shortcodes anywhere in your content, from any CMS.
In Your Content
This is an example of using the shortcode parser in content. {{ type: "replace", content: "Hello, world!" }}
-> This is an example of using the shortcode parser in content. Hello, world!
This is another example using variables. {{ type: "replace", content: "Hello, \${b.nested.value}!" }}
-> This is another example uusing variables. Hello, variables!
In Code
import ShortcodeParser from '@austinjherman/ah-shortcodes';
// We can feed the parser an object of variables to
// use in our shortcodes.
const variables = {
a: "ice cream",
b: {
nested: {
value: "variables"
c: "wine"
// We can write a simple function to run over our content.
// This function will simply replace the shortcode with the
// content inside of it.
const replaceParser = (content, obj, originalMatch) => {
const objType = obj.type;
if(objType === 'replace') {
const updatedContent = obj.content;
content = content.replace(originalMatch, updatedContent);
return content;
// Write as many filter functions as you want.
const filterFunctions = [replaceParser];
// Instantiate the parser.
sp = new ShortcodeParser(variables, filterFunctions);
// Resolve your shortcodes.
sp.parse("Your content here!! {{ type: 'replace', content: 'example' }}");
- clone this repo
npm i
Run Tests
node ./test/shortcodeParser.test.js