This is a frontend module for Johnson framework
After installing you can use it by importing the module itself and css:
import React from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom';
import Johnson, {JIRA as ProductName} from '@atlassian/johnson';
import '@atlassian/johnson/build/johnson.css';
<Johnson endpoints={endpoints} i18n={i18n} initialData={initialData} productName={ProductName} />,
endpoints (required)
An object containing urls where the module will send requests to.
{ data: 'url to get events data', eventKbClickedAnalytics: 'analytics event, event kb article clicked', generalKbClickedAnalytics: 'analytics event, general kb article clicked', home: 'product home url', dismissEvents: 'url to dismiss events', kbLinkStartStop: 'kb article about starting a product', kbLinkMigrateConfigManually: 'kb article about migrating custom configurations manually', findTheLogs: 'kb article about finding and providing logs for support', addAndRemoveSystemProps: 'kb article about adding and removing system properties', migrateConfig: 'url to migrate custom configurations after an upgrade', }
i18n (required)
An object containing translations.
{ '': 'Learn more', 'johnson.legacy.columnheading.description': 'Description', 'johnson.legacy.columnheading.exception': 'Exception', 'johnson.legacy.columnheading.level': 'Level', 'johnson.legacy.columnheading.time': 'Time', '': 'We can\'t show you any more detail here as the <code>hide.system.error.details</code> system property has been set. If you\'d like to see more details here, remove the system property.', '': 'Jira had problems starting up', '': 'Preparing to start Jira', '': 'Jira had failed to start, but we're back up and running again', '': 'If you\'re unable to fix the problems and need to contact support, we can respond faster if you provide {0}the logs{1} of your instance.', '': 'Finishing up checks', '': 'This page is for Jira administrators. If you're seeing this page, your Jira administrator is probably working to restore the service.', '': 'Take me to my {0}Jira home{1}.', 'system.error.progress.completed': 'This process is {0}% complete.', '': 'Show {0} files', '': 'Close', '': 'Copy configuration', '': 'The following files contain custom changes, but we can’t copy them automatically. You’ll need to reapply these changes manually.', '': 'To copy these changes to your new installation, click <b>Copy configuration.</b>', '': 'If you ignore and continue, Jira will start using the default configuration.', '': 'Note: Make sure you only copy over the changes not the entire files.', '': 'Some of your configuration files contain custom changes', '': 'List of modified files', '': 'The following files contain custom changes:', '': 'The listed configuration files contain custom changes. To keep your current configuration, re-apply these custom changes to the new version of the files during upgrade.', '': 'Upgrade: Custom changes have not been carried over', '': `One or more files were successfully copied to your new installation. To finalize these changes, {0}restart Jira{1} now.`, '': 'Files copied successfully', '': 'We successfully copied {0} files to your new installation. If there are no other warnings on this page, you can {1}start Jira{2} now.', 'johnson.check.acknowledge.warnings.cta': 'Ignore all warnings and continue', 'johnson.warnings.ignore.cli': 'If you want to ignore these warnings and start Jira, you need to use the {0}-Djira.startup.warnings.disable{1} startup flag that will ignore the warnings. {2}Learn more{3}', }
productName (required)
Defines what logo to be shown in the left top corner. Currently supported values: 'confluence', 'jira'.
Initial events data, if not provided request to will be sent to get it.
{ canAuthoriseUsers: bool, indicating that a product loaded far enough to be able to authorise users, checksComplete: bool, if true loading gif will appear at the bottom of the page, events: array of events, can be new or old, see below, errorsPresentButHidden: bool, should be true when hide.system.error.details flag is set }
New style event:
{ description: 'required, event description', helpLink: 'not required, a link to be attached to description, works only with new events', title: 'required, event title', level: 'required, event level, can be fatal, error or warning. ', dismissible: 'not required, bool, indicates whether or not event is dismissible', templateContext: { // not required, contains event rendering details type: 'template name, apart from default can be configCustomisation or configCustomisationSuccess, filesThatCanBeCopied: 'array of config files that can be migrated automatically to a new version, used in configCustomisation template', filesThatCannotBeCopied: 'array of config files that can not be migrated automatically to a new version, used in configCustomisation template', numberOfFilesCopied: 'number of config files migrated to a new version, used in configCustomisationSuccess template', } }
Old style event:
{ old: 'should be set for old events', description, date, level, dismissible, exception, additionalMarkup: 'additional html markup to be attached to description. Can contain translation aliases, in that case make sure its included in i18n prop', progress }