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2.1.2 • Public • Published

📊 AskUI - Reporters

Collections of all reporters you can use out of the box in your AskUI runs.

🏗️ Example Repositories

💾 Installation

Install @askui/askui-reporters as a dev-dependency:

npm install --save-dev @askui/askui-reporters

🔌 Usage

Detailed examples on how to use the reporters are provided in this README.


Enable Reporter in askui-helper.ts (former jest.setup.ts)

Add the reporter to the UiControlClient in askui-helper.ts (former jest.setup.ts):

import { AskUIAllureStepReporter } from "@askui/askui-reporters";
  aui = await UiControlClient.build({
    reporter: new AskUIAllureStepReporter({
      withScreenshots: 'begin' as const, // See below for possible values
      withDetectedElements: 'onFailure' as const, // See below for possible values

You can pass a ReporterConfig object to the reporter to configure the level of detail for screenshots and detected elements. The default values are 'onFailure' for both:

 * SnapshotDetailLevel represents various levels of detail for the snapshot.
 * There are four possible values for this type.
 * @typedef {'required'|'onFailure'|'begin'|'always'} SnapshotDetailLevel
 * @property {'required'} required - Snapshot details, like screenshots or detected elements, may be available if required by the step. However, their presence is not guaranteed.
 * @property {'onFailure'} onFailure - Snapshot details are available when the step fails, primarily for debugging purposes. This level includes everything provided by 'required'.
 * @property {'begin'} begin - Snapshot details are available when the command starts, useful for determining why certain elements were interacted with. This level includes everything provided by 'onFailure'.
 * @property {'always'} always - Snapshot details are consistently available, irrespective of whether a step has failed or not, aiding in debugging.

 * The ReporterConfig interface encapsulates the configuration options for the reporter.
 * @interface ReporterConfig
 * @property {SnapshotDetailLevel} [withScreenshots='onFailure'] - Defines the detail level for screenshots. Acceptable values: 'required', 'onFailure', 'begin', 'always'. Note: Higher levels of detail may impede step execution speed.
 * @property {SnapshotDetailLevel} [withDetectedElements='onFailure'] - Defines the detail level for detecting elements. Acceptable values: 'required', 'onFailure', 'begin', 'always'. Note: Higher levels of detail may impede step execution speed and incur additional costs.

Configure beforeEach() and afterEach() in askui-helper.ts (former jest.setup.ts)

The UiControlClient retrieves the videos and images from your UiController. You have to implement beforeEach() and afterEach() in askui-helper.ts (former jest.setup.ts) to start the recording and then add it to your report:

  1. Allure Reporter
beforeEach(async () => {
  await aui.startVideoRecording();

afterEach(async () => {
  await aui.stopVideoRecording();
  const video = await aui.readVideoRecording();

Enable the TestEnvironment @askui/jest-allure-circus in jest.config.ts

Install @askui/jest-allure-circus environment:

npm install --save-dev @askui/jest-allure-circus
import type { Config } from "@jest/types";

const config: Config.InitialOptions = {
  preset: "ts-jest",
  setupFilesAfterEnv: ["./helper/askui-helper.ts"], // former `./helper/jest.setup.ts`
  sandboxInjectedGlobals: ["Math"],
  testEnvironment: "@askui/jest-allure-circus",

// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export
export default config;


❗️ IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to restrictions of jest-html-reporters you can either have screenshots or video with this reporter but not both at the same time. For screenshots omit the beforeEach() and afterEach() hooks in askui-helper.ts (former jest.setup.ts). For video do not configure a reporter in your UiControlClient.

Install ffmpeg On Your System

To use this reporter you have to have ffmpeg installed on your system (including all necessary encoding libraries like libmp3lame or libx264).

Please follow the installation instructions for your system.

Enable Reporter in askui-helper.ts (former jest.setup.ts)

Add the reporter to the UiControlClient in askui-helper.ts (former jest.setup.ts):

// Do not forget this import at the start of the file!
import { AskUIJestHtmlStepReporter } from "@askui/askui-reporters";
  aui = await UiControlClient.build({
    reporter: new AskUIJestHtmlStepReporter({
      withScreenshots: 'always' as const, // See below for possible values
      withDetectedElements: 'always' as const, // See below for possible values

You can pass a ReporterConfig object to the reporter to configure the level of detail for screenshots and detected elements. The default values are 'onFailure' for both:

 * SnapshotDetailLevel represents various levels of detail for the snapshot.
 * There are four possible values for this type.
 * @typedef {'required'|'onFailure'|'begin'|'always'} SnapshotDetailLevel
 * @property {'required'} required - Snapshot details, like screenshots or detected elements, may be available if required by the step. However, their presence is not guaranteed.
 * @property {'onFailure'} onFailure - Snapshot details are available when the step fails, primarily for debugging purposes. This level includes everything provided by 'required'.
 * @property {'begin'} begin - Snapshot details are available when the command starts, useful for determining why certain elements were interacted with. This level includes everything provided by 'onFailure'.
 * @property {'always'} always - Snapshot details are consistently available, irrespective of whether a step has failed or not, aiding in debugging.

 * The ReporterConfig interface encapsulates the configuration options for the reporter.
 * @interface ReporterConfig
 * @property {SnapshotDetailLevel} [withScreenshots='onFailure'] - Defines the detail level for screenshots. Acceptable values: 'required', 'onFailure', 'begin', 'always'. Note: Higher levels of detail may impede step execution speed.
 * @property {SnapshotDetailLevel} [withDetectedElements='onFailure'] - Defines the detail level for detecting elements. Acceptable values: 'required', 'onFailure', 'begin', 'always'. Note: Higher levels of detail may impede step execution speed and incur additional costs.

Configure beforeEach() and afterEach() in askui-helper.ts (former jest.setup.ts)

import path from "path";
import { AskUIJestHtmlStepReporter } from "@askui/askui-reporters";

beforeEach(async () => {
  await aui.startVideoRecording();

afterEach(async () => {
  await aui.stopVideoRecording();
  const video = await aui.readVideoRecording();
  await AskUIJestHtmlStepReporter.attachVideo(video);

Enable the Jest-Html-Reporters in jest.config.ts

Install jest-html-reporters environment:

npm install --save-dev jest-html-reporters
import type { Config } from "@jest/types";

const config: Config.InitialOptions = {
  preset: "ts-jest",
  testEnvironment: "node",
  setupFilesAfterEnv: ["./helper/askui-helper.ts"], // former `./helper/jest.setup.ts`
  sandboxInjectedGlobals: ["Math"],
  reporters: ["default", "jest-html-reporters"],

// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export
export default config;


❗️ IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to restrictions this reporter only works when you run your workflows one after another (default for AskUI)!

Enable and Configure the AskUIXRayStepReporter in askui-helper.ts (former jest.setup.ts)

You have to do a few things in your askui-helper.ts (former jest.setup.ts) to enable the AskUIXRayStepReporter:

ℹ️ NOTE: We will try to move this into the custom testEnvironment we provide.

  1. Import the reporter
  2. Initialize the reporter
  3. Add it to the UiControlClient
  4. Modify before beforeEach() and afterEach() hook to create/finish TestEntries
  5. Add writing the report to afterAll() hook
import { UiControlClient, UiController } from 'askui';

/* 1 Import the reporter */
import { AskUIXRayStepReporter } from '@askui/askui-reporters';


/* 2 Initialize the reporter */
let xRayReporter = new AskUIXRayStepReporter({
      withScreenshots: 'always',
    'xray-report', // outputDirectory (default: 'xray-report')
    false, // resetReportDirectory -> deletes the outputDirectory before execution if set to true (default: false)
    false // appendToReport -> appends the results to the file 'report.json if set to true. Otherwise it creates files report_<timestamp>.json (default: false) 

beforeAll(async () => {
  aui = await UiControlClient.build({
    credentials: {
      workspaceId: '<your workspace id>',
      token: '<your access token>',
    /* 3 Enable reporter */
    reporter: xRayReporter,

  await aui.connect();

/* 4 Create TestEntry with name of test from it-block */
beforeEach(async () => {

/* 4 Finish TestEntry with the test status */
afterEach(async () => {
  xRayReporter.finishTestEntry(global.testName, global.testStatus);

afterAll(async () => {
  /* 5 Writing the report */
  await xRayReporter.writeReport();
  await uiController.stop();

export { aui };

Configure jest-xray-environment in jest.config.ts

For the AskUIXRayStepReporter step reporter to work properly you need a special testEnvironment that provides the names from the it-blocks used to create the JSON-Objects for each test. Configure the testEnvironment in your jest.config.ts as shown in the code below:

import type { Config } from '@jest/types';

const config: Config.InitialOptions = {
  preset: 'ts-jest',
  // This uses cjs module system
  // Replace cjs with esm if your project uses esm
  testEnvironment: '@askui/jest-xray-environment',
  setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./helpers/askui-helper.ts'],
  sandboxInjectedGlobals: [
  reporters: [ "default", "jest-junit" ]

// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export
export default config;


Enable and Configure the AskUIAnnotationStepReporter in askui-helper.ts (former jest.setup.ts)

Enable Multiple Reporters

You can enable multiple reporters simultaneously by passing an array of reporters in the reporter property like this:

aui = await UiControlClient.build({
    reporter: [
        new AskUIAnnotationStepReporter(
        new AskUIJestHtmlStepReporter({
          withScreenshots: 'always' as const, // See below for possible values
          withDetectedElements: 'always' as const, // See below for possible values

❗️ IMPORTANT NOTE: The testEnvironment setting has to be the SAME for all reporters in the array! The following table shows which reporters can be enabled together.

AskUIAllureStepReporter AskUIJestHtmlStepReporter AskUIAnnotationStepReporter AskUIXRayStepReporter

📝 Implement Your Own Reporter

To write your own reporter you have to implement AskUI's Reporter interface. It offers three optional methods you can overwrite to adapt to your specific reporter framework:

export interface Reporter {
  config?: ReporterConfig;
  onStepBegin?(step: Step): Promise<void>;
  onStepRetry?(step: Step): Promise<void>;
  onStepEnd?(step: Step): Promise<void>;

See the Example implementation for Allure: (Sourcecode) on how that is used to extract the screenshot before and after each step.

📇 Contributing

If you have implemented your own reporter and want to make it available for others, please open a pull request 🦄

🪴 Branching

Your branch name should conform to the format <issue id>-<issue title lower-cased and kebab-cased>, e.g., let's say you have an issue named Hello World with id AS-101, the branch name would be AS-101-hello-world. We use the issue id prefix to prepend a link to the issue to the commit message header. In some cases, when doing a quick fix of a typo etc. when there is no issue, feel free to just use a descriptive name of what you are doing, e.g., fix-typo-in-example-readme.

🖋️ Commit Message Standard

Commit messages should conform to Conventional Commits Message Standard. Exceptions to this rule are merge commits.

🧱 Build New Release

cd askui-reporters

npm config set scope askui
npm config set access public

npm login

npm run release

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npm i @askui/askui-reporters

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