export default {
grpc: {
enable: true,
package: '@artusx/plugin-grpc',
import path from 'path';
import type { ArtusXGrpcConfig } from '@artusx/plugin-grpc';
export default () => {
const grpc: ArtusXGrpcConfig = {
client: {
addr: "",
server: {
addr: "",
static: {
proto: path.resolve(__dirname, '../proto'),
codegen: path.resolve(__dirname, '../proto-codegen'),
dynamic: {
proto: [path.resolve(__dirname, '../echo-module/proto/echo.proto')],
return {
syntax = "proto3";
package chat_package;
message ServerMessage {
string user = 1;
string text = 2;
message ClientMessage {
string user = 1;
string text = 2;
service Chat {
rpc join(ClientMessage) returns (ServerMessage) {}
rpc send(ClientMessage) returns (ServerMessage) {}
import * as grpc from '@grpc/grpc-js';
import { GrpcService, GrpcMethod } from '@artusx/plugin-grpc';
import { ClientMessage, ServerMessage, UnimplementedChatService } from '../proto-codegen/chat';
packageName: 'chat_package',
serviceName: 'Chat',
definition: UnimplementedChatService.definition,
export default class ChatService extends UnimplementedChatService {
enable: true,
call: grpc.ServerUnaryCall<ClientMessage, ServerMessage>,
callback: grpc.requestCallback<ServerMessage>
): void {
console.log('server:Chat:join', call.request.toObject());
callback(null, new ServerMessage({ user: call.request.user, text: 'method.join.callback' }));
enable: true,
call: grpc.ServerUnaryCall<ClientMessage, ServerMessage>,
callback: grpc.requestCallback<ServerMessage>
): void {
callback(null, new ServerMessage({ user: call.request.user, text: 'method.join.callback' }));
import assert from 'assert';
import * as grpc from '@grpc/grpc-js';
import { Inject, ArtusInjectEnum, Injectable, ScopeEnum } from '@artus/core';
import { ChatClient as Client } from '../proto-codegen/chat';
scope: ScopeEnum.EXECUTION,
export default class ChatClient extends Client {
constructor(@Inject(ArtusInjectEnum.Config) public config: any) {
const { addr } = config.grpc?.client || {};
assert(addr, 'addr is required');
super(addr, grpc.credentials.createInsecure());
import { Inject } from '@artus/core';
import { Schedule } from '@artusx/plugin-schedule';
import type { ArtusXSchedule } from '@artusx/plugin-schedule';
import { ClientMessage } from '../proto-codegen/chat';
import ChatClient from './chat.client';
enable: true,
cron: '30 * * * * *',
runOnInit: true,
export default class NotifySchedule implements ArtusXSchedule {
chatClient: ChatClient;
private async invokeStatic() {
const message = new ClientMessage({
user: '@client',
text: 'hello',
try {
const response = await this.chatClient.join(message);
console.log('client:Chat:join', response.toObject());
} catch (error) {
console.error('error:', error.details);
async run() {
await this.invokeStatic();
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "google.golang.org/grpc/examples/features/proto/echo";
package grpc.examples.echo;
// EchoRequest is the request for echo.
message EchoRequest {
string message = 1;
// EchoResponse is the response for echo.
message EchoResponse {
string message = 1;
// Echo is the echo service.
service Echo {
// UnaryEcho is unary echo.
rpc UnaryEcho(EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse) {}
// ServerStreamingEcho is server side streaming.
rpc ServerStreamingEcho(EchoRequest) returns (stream EchoResponse) {}
// ClientStreamingEcho is client side streaming.
rpc ClientStreamingEcho(stream EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse) {}
// BidirectionalStreamingEcho is bidi streaming.
rpc BidirectionalStreamingEcho(stream EchoRequest) returns (stream EchoResponse) {}
import * as grpc from '@grpc/grpc-js';
import { GrpcService, GrpcMethod } from '@artusx/plugin-grpc';
interface EchoRequest {
message: string;
interface EchoResponse {
message: string;
packageName: 'grpc.examples.echo',
serviceName: 'Echo',
export default class EchoService {
enable: true,
call: grpc.ServerUnaryCall<EchoRequest, EchoResponse>,
callback: grpc.requestCallback<EchoResponse>
) {
console.log('server:Echo:UnaryEcho', call.request);
callback(null, {
message: 'getMessage: ' + call.request.message,
import assert from 'assert';
import { credentials } from '@artusx/plugin-grpc/types';
import { ArtusInjectEnum, Inject, Injectable, ScopeEnum } from '@artus/core';
import { PluginInjectEnum } from '@artusx/utils';
import { ArtusXGrpcClient } from '@artusx/plugin-grpc';
scope: ScopeEnum.EXECUTION,
export default class EchoClient {
private echoService: any;
@Inject(ArtusInjectEnum.Config) public config: any,
@Inject(PluginInjectEnum.GRPC) public grpcClient: ArtusXGrpcClient,
) {
const { addr } = config.grpc?.client || {};
assert(addr, 'addr is required');
const EchoService = grpcClient.getService('grpc.examples.echo', 'Echo');
this.echoService = new EchoService(addr, credentials.createInsecure());
UnaryEcho(call: any, callback: any) {
this.echoService.UnaryEcho(call, callback)
import { Inject } from '@artus/core';
import { Schedule } from '@artusx/plugin-schedule';
import type { ArtusXSchedule } from '@artusx/plugin-schedule';
import EchoClient from './echo.client';
enable: true,
cron: '30 * * * * *',
runOnInit: true,
export default class NotifySchedule implements ArtusXSchedule {
echoClient: EchoClient;
private async invokeDynamic() {
this.echoClient.UnaryEcho({ message: 'ping' }, function (_err: Error, response: any) {
console.log('client:Echo:UnaryEcho', response);
async run() {
await this.invokeDynamic();