ejs plugin with layout support for artusx.
ported from https://github.com/Soarez/express-ejs-layouts
Since the plugin is an independent version, you need to set the content-type of the returned data yourself.
export default {
artusx: {
enable: true,
package: '@artusx/core',
ejs: {
enable: true,
package: '@artusx/plugin-ejs',
import path from 'path';
import type { ArtusXConfig } from '@artusx/core';
import type { EjsConfig } from '@artusx/plugin-ejs';
export default () => {
const artusx: ArtusXConfig = {
port: 7001,
middlewares: [LimitRate, checkAuth],
static: {
dirs: [
prefix: '/public/',
dir: path.resolve(__dirname, '../public'),
dynamic: true,
preload: false,
buffer: false,
maxFiles: 1000,
cors: {
origin: '*',
credentials: false,
const ejs: EjsConfig = {
root: path.resolve(__dirname, '../view-ejs'),
async: true,
layout: {
'layout extractScripts': true,
'layout extractStyles': true,
// layout: false,
return {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title><%= title %></title>
<% /* Place any styles in the page in this section. */ %>
<%- style %>
<% /*
Define an required placeholder for the header.
If a page doesn't define a header, there will be an error when rendering.
*/ %>
<%- header %>
<%- body %>
<% /*
Define an optional placeholder for the footer.
If a page doesn't define a footer, this section will simply be empty.
*/ %>
<%- defineContent('footer') %>
<% /* Place any scripts contained in views at the end of the page. */ %>
<%- script %>
<%- contentFor('header') %>
<h1 class="page-title"><%= _locals.title %></h1>
<%- contentFor('footer') %>
<h1>This is the footer</h1>
<% /*
Content for the `body` section should either be the first thing defined
in the view, or it has to be declared just like any other section.
*/ %>
<%- contentFor('body') %>
This is part of the body.
<% /*
When style extraction is enabled, any custom styles that a page defines, will
be extracted out of the content and made available in the specific placeholder.
In our example, even though we're defining a <style> within the body, this will
be placed, according to our layout, inside of the <head> element.
<link> blocks to load external stylesheets are also extracted when the option
is enabled.
*/ %>
.page-message { color: blue }
<% /*
Like stylesheets, scripts can also be extracted.
This script block will end up at the end of the HTML document.
*/ %>
// Script content!
<h1 class="page-message"><%= message %></h1>
import { PluginInjectEnum } from '@artusx/utils';
import {
} from '@artusx/core';
import type { ArtusXContext } from '@artusx/core';
import { EjsClient } from '@artusx/plugin-ejs';
export default class EjsController {
app: ArtusApplication;
ejs: EjsClient;
async view(ctx: ArtusXContext) {
const locals = {
title: 'Example',
message: 'This is a message'
ctx.body = await this.ejs.render('view.ejs', {
async people(ctx: ArtusXContext) {
const people = ['geddy', 'neil', 'alex'];
ctx.body = await this.ejs.render('people.ejs', {
layout: false,