Uploads a folder of static assets to an s3 bucket with convenient features. These include:
- Fingerprints asset package based on file contents
- Uploads a manifest file that stores a git hash to make rollback easy (first checks for the manifest stored in the ASSET_MANIFEST env variable, then checks the COMMIT_HASH env variable, then runs a
git rev-parse HEAD
) - Provides middleware to easily point to your uploaded assets
- Adds appropriate s3 headers like setting files to 'public-read' and 'Content-Type'.
Bucket Assets is used in deploys of Artsy apps, but may be useful for you too.
Run the CLI in your deployment process. You may omit these arguments if you use the defaults below.
bucket-assets \
--files **/public/** \
--secret s3-secret \
--key s3-key \
--bucket force-production \
--fingerprint true
Add the middleware to your app
var bucketAssets = require('bucket-assets');
// Glob that defaults to finding all files in "public" folders that
// are children of process.cwd() e.g. /public + /components/modal/public.
// Will always ignore public folders in node_modules.
files: __dirname + '/**/public/**',
// Defaults to "public". The name of the folder that is the root static
// directory so relative paths work the same locally as they do on the CDN.
root: 'public',
// Defaults to process.env.S3_KEY
key: 's3-key',
// Defaults to process.env.S3_SECRET
secret: 's3-secret',
// Defaults to process.env.S3_BUCKET
bucket: 'force-production',
// Defaults to process.env.CDN_URL
cdnUrl: '//xyz.cloudfront.net/',
// Defaults to true. Use `false` to not use fingerprinting.
fingerprint: true
Use the view helper to point to the fingerprinted CDN assets in production or staging.
link( type='text/css', rel='stylesheet', href=asset('main.css') )
script( src=asset('main.js') )
With Heroku
Be sure to set env variables for production/staging if you're relying on the defaults
On your CI machine
Run with deploy script
heroku config:set ASSET_MANIFEST=$(cat manifest.json)
Set once
heroku config:set CDN_URL=
Please fork the project and submit a pull request with tests. Install node modules npm install
and run tests with npm test