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ArtiPub (article release assistant) is a tool library aimed at simplifying content creators to publish the article process.It provides a simple API that allows you to easily publish the article to any platforms, such as blogs, social media, etc., without manual operation of each platform.
- Local pictures cited in Markdown need to manually compress the picture, then upload to the bed, and finally replace the picture link
- After Markdown finished writing, I want to publish it to other platforms to avoid manual Copy
- After Markdown finished writing the article, I need to modify some of the contents of Markdown and let it regenerate the content of Markdown
- ...
Note: ArtiPub will help you solve these problems automatically, and will expand more in the future
- 🌐 Multi-platform release: Support that the Markdown article is published to multiple mainstream content platforms, including but not limited to Notion, Medium, Dev.to, etc.
- ✨ Simple and easy to use: Provide a simple API, and only need a few lines of code to implement the article release.
- 🔌 Support middleware and plugin: Through plug -in and middle parts, let users make more fine -grained control processing and release processes.
- 📖 Complete open source: Encourage community contributions and continue to increase new platform support and functions.