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0.0.4 • Public • Published

Random Color Generator

This is a simple random color generator that generates a random color, or colors, in the requested format. It is heavily based on the randomcolor tiny script. This package simply expands on the original script by adding more features and options, particularly by instantiating a class that can be used to retain the history of generated colors.


npm install @apollo-tech/random-color


Basic Usage

import RandomColorGenerator from '@apollo-tech/random-color';
// create a new instance of the random color generator
const generator = new RandomColorGenerator();
// generate a random color
const color = generator.randomColor()
// Output: '#a3e2c1'


You can pass an options object to influence the type of color it produces. The options object accepts the following properties:

hue – Controls the hue of the generated color. You can pass a string representing a color name: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink and monochrome are currently supported.

luminosity – Controls the luminosity of the generated color. You can specify a string containing bright, light or dark.

count – An integer which specifies the number of colors to generate.

seed - An integer or string which when passed will cause randomColor to return the same color each time.

format – A string which specifies the format of the generated color. Possible values are rgb, rgba, rgbArray, hsl, hsla, hslArray, and hex. If you do not provide a value, hex will be used.

alpha – A decimal between 0 and 1. This is only relevant when using a format with an alpha channel (rgba and hsla). Defaults to a random value.

// generate a random color in a specific format
const color = generator.randomColor({ format: 'rgb' });
// Output: 'rgb(225,200,20)'


The generator class retains a history of generated colors. You can access the history by calling the history property.

// view the history of generated colors
// Output: ['#a3e2c1', 'rgb(225,200,20)']


Verbose Logging

You can enable a logging method by setting the verbose mode to true. This will log the generated color to the console. All console messages are logged using the console.debug method and are prefixed with the string [RandomColor].

// enable verbose mode for testing
// Output: true

Set Seed

You can set the seed for the random color generator. This will allow you to generate the same random color each time you run the generator with the same seed. The seed can be set in the options object when calling the randomColor method, or by calling the setSeed method.

// change the seed
// Output: 1234

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npm i @apollo-tech/random-color

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  • steven-t-h