This package contains the anon Aadhaar Verfier contract. You can import it directly into your Hardhat project, or use the already deployed contracts, to verify an Anon Aadhaar Proof.
npm install @anon-aadhaar/contracts
yarn add @anon-aadhaar/contracts
Update your hardhat.config.ts
in your project:
import 'hardhat-dependency-compiler'
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
solidity: '0.8.19',
dependencyCompiler: {
paths: ['@anon-aadhaar/contracts/src/AnonAadhaar.sol'],
Compile the contracts:
yarn build
Test the contracts:
yarn test
Test the contracts with the gas report:
yarn test:gas
Deploy the contracts with the test public key to Sepolia:
yarn deploy:sepolia-test
Deploy the contracts with the production public key to Sepolia:
yarn deploy:sepolia-prod