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LEWD Alloc

Lightweight Efficient WASM-first Dynamic Allocator — a simple and compact JS-side allocator for hand-written WASM.

LEWD Alloc

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Sometimes you just need a tiny hand-written WASM module to optimize a certain function or data structure, but don’t want to bloat the module with a general-purpose allocator. Even worse, if you have multiple WASM modules and each of them requires an allocator to work, you’re forced to link an allocator into each one and bloat the resulting bundle.

Well, we have WASM-GC, but as of the moment, it’s not supported across all major environments and doesn’t support arbitrary load/store operations on the heap objects.

That’s where LEWD Alloc comes in. It can be shared across multiple modules, reduces memory overhead, doesn’t bloat the modules and saves the precious 4 KiB of binary size allowed for sync compilation, supports garbage collection so you can forget about memory leaks, and more.

But it is not a general-purpose allocator, so read the docs carefully, especially the Limitations and Minimal complete example sections.



  • Approx. 1 KiB minigzip, and ≈2 KiB minified no gzip.
  • Bundler/minifier annotations to simplify tree-shaking and DCE.
  • Best-fit strategy attempts to reduce memory fragmentation.
  • Efficient bookkeeping with zero overhead (on the WASM side).
  • GC integration to automatically deallocate unused memory.
  • Scratch allocations for immediately dropped temporary buffers.
  • 16-byte alignment to safely allocate all WASM types, including v128.
  • Memory shrink to release unused pages back to the host/OS.
  • Resize notifications to update data views on memory resize.


  • This is not a general-purpose allocator.
  • Holding allocated pointers in the data structures on the WASM side should be done with extreme care, or otherwise they’ll be garbage-collected while the associated memory is still in use.
  • No allocations from the WASM side.
  • No malloc()-like strong allocations.
  • No free()-like explicit deallocation.
  • No realloc() and calloc().
  • No (data) segments.
  • No range protection (to prevent (data) and/or stack corruption).
  • No async instantiation.
  • No shared memories.
  • No exported memories.
  • No multiple allocator instances.

Some of the limitations can be worked around, some others can be worked around in a limited number of scenarios, and others are fundamental to our design and goals and can’t be worked around at all.

Minimal complete example

Let’s consider a simple PRNG written in plain WASM, that we want to wrap in a JS library. The algorithm has a 128-bit state and provides a number of methods to initialize the state and to generate random numbers. Additionally, our algorithm requires some precomputed constants or tables of, say, 1 KiB in size. We compute them at startup and store at a certain address.

The WASM side

The WASM module imports a memory and a single global and exports a number of functions:

;; The memory of at least 1 page:
(memory (import "env" "mem") 1)

;; Precomputed data address:
(global $tab (import "env" "tab") i32)

;; Precompute the constants, tables or
;; whatever of the total size 1 KiB
;; and save the result at `$tab`:
(func $init (export "init"))

;; Seed a PRNG instance at `$self`:
(func $seed (export "seed") (param $self i32) (param $seed i32))

;; Generate a 32-bit integer using a PRNG at `$self`:
(func $rand (export "rand") (param $self i32) (result i32))

;; Fill a 32-bit integer array at `$out` of
;; the byte length `$len` using a PRNG at `$self`:
(func $fill (export "fill") (param $self i32) (param $out i32) (param $len i32))

The corresponding C++ code looks something like this:

// Precomputed data address:
uint32_t* tab = NULL;

// Precompute the constants, tables or
// whatever of the total size 1 KiB and
// save the result in `*tab`:
void init();

class PRNG {
    // Instance state:
    uint32_t a, b, c, d;

    // Seed a PRNG instance:
    void seed(uint32_t seed);

    // Generate a 32-bit integer:
    uint32_t rand();

    // Fill an output array `out` of the byte length `len`:
    void fill(uint32_t* out, size_t len);

Getting started

First, we import everything we’ll need later, and re-export the trim() function:

import { alloc, trim, bind, watch, mem, buf, cap } from '@anireact/lewd';

export { trim };

Load the module

Then we define our WASM module object. And don’t forget about the #__PURE__ annotations to make tree-skaing/DCE easier:

const PRNG_MOD = /*#__PURE__*/ new WebAssembly.Module(
    /*#__PURE__*/ new Uint8Array([
        // Compiled WASM module bytes

Sure, we could get the module object in a different way, for example using the async/streaming WebAsembly API, but that makes tree-shaking/DCE virtually impossible, especially for Terser, even with #__PURE__ annotations. Theoretically, bundlers or optimizers like the Google Closure Compiler can be slightly smarter, but I don’t trust them either.

Alternatively, we could use an import statement to load a WASM module bundled with a special loader, but we should be careful to use a loader that loads a module, not its instance exports.

Of course, the synchronous WebAssembly API limits the module size to ≈4 KiB on the UI thread, but if you have a larger module, it’s likely that its size is already much larger than the size of a traditional WASM-side allocator, so there’s no problem linking it into the WASM module, so you don’t really need LEWD Alloc.

Initialize the module

Before initializing of the module, we should allocate some memory for the precomputed tables it requires:

const tab = /*#__PURE__*/ alloc(1024, PRNG_MOD);

Here we allocate 1 KiB of memory with the lifetime token PRNG_MOD, which is guaranteed to have the same lifetime as the whole library/application.

Now it’s time to initialize the module and configure its respawn callback. This code has two parts, which will be discussed later:

let impl = /*#__PURE__*/ bind(
    // Immediately invoked spawn callback:
    () => {
        // See below
    // Respawn callback:
    () => {
        // See below

Again, the bind() function call is annotated as #__PURE__ to simplify tree-shaking/DCE. The function itself has the #__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ annotation, which tells the bundler to mark all its calls as #__PURE__, but this annotation has no reliable support across bundlers/minifiers, so we still have to add the #__PURE__ annotation to each bind() call.

The bind() function spawns a WASM module and binds it to the WebAssembly.Memory object when the allocator migrates to a new memory.

The function takes two callbacks: the spawn callback and the respawn callback.

The spawn callback

The spawn callback is invoked immediately on the bind() call, and its result is returned as it is:

// Spawn an instance and provide its imports:
let impl = new WebAssembly.Instance(PRNG_MOD, {
    env: { mem, tab },

// Invoke the initialization procedure:

return impl;

First, we create a WebAssembly.Instance object and provide its imports. In our case, it’s the memory object mem, imported as env.mem,s and the precomputed tables location imported as env.tab.

Then we call the init() procedure to precompute the tables and store the result at the tab address.

Finally, we just return the local WASM instance, which is immediately assigned to the top-level impl variable.

Oh, and technically it’s OK to use an async function here, but this makes tree-shaking/DCE virtually impossible and should be avoided in libraries.

The respawn callback

The respawn callback is similar to the spawn callback, but instead of full initialization it should capture the current state of the WASM instance, spawn a new one, and restore the captured state.

In our case, we have no mutable state other than the memory itself, so the code is quite trivial:

// -> Capture code goes here <-

// Respawn the instance:
impl = new WebAssembly.Instance(PRNG_MOD, {
    env: { mem, tab },

// -> Restore code goes here <-

The state to be captured and restored includes mutable globals (all of which should be exported), tables and other memories (all of which should be imported), and probably certain other objects. Of course, specific objects can be excluded from capture and restore, if their values are consumed synchronously when they’re updated and then no longer used.

If the module has tables or other memories, all of them should be imported, just like the main memory, and provided as usual on instantiation. If the module has (data) segments mapped into other memories, or (elem) segments mapped into the tables, and the spaces these segments are mapped into are overwritten at runtime, they should be captured and restored as well.

Oh, and we don’t support modules with (data) segments mapped into the main memory. This can be worked around in a number of scenarios, but in general, if you have such modules, you should perfer other allocators, or wait for a (distant) future version of this allocator.

Another important note is that unlike the spawn callback, no async code is allowed here, or otherwise the memory can be corrupted.

The wrapper class

The boilerplate is finished, and now we can write a wrapper class for our PRNG:

export class MyPRNG {
    // PRNG instance address:
    #ptr: number;

    // PRNG instance memory view:
    #buf: Int32Array;

    // The constructor and initializer:
    constructor(seed: number);

    // Method bindings:
    rand(): number;
    fill(out: Int32Array): void;

    // State accessor:
    state: number[];

The class has the #ptr field to hold the address of the PRNG and the #buf field for the memory view into the allocated space.

The constructor

The constructor should initialize both the wrapper instance and the WASM-side instance:

class MyPRNG {
    constructor(seed: number) {
        // Type-hint the seed:
        seed = seed | 0;

        // Allocate:
        this.#ptr = alloc(16, this) | 0;

        // Create the memory view:
        this.#buf = new Int32Array(buf, this.#ptr >>> 0, 4);

        // Register the memory resize handler:
        watch(() => {
            this.#buf = new Int32Array(buf, this.#ptr >>> 0, 4);
        }, this);

        // Call the WASM-side constructor:
        impl.seed(this.#ptr | 0, seed | 0);

First, we type-hint the argument to improve performance in some engines. The constructor can be pretty hot in some scenarios, so we should not ignore optimization opportunities here.

Then we allocate the memory with the alloc(16, this) call. The allocation has the lifetime token this, which triggers the deallocation of the associated memory when a particular wrapper object is garbage-collected by the host. In other words, we don’t have to worry about memory leaks, because the allocator does everything for us automatically. And just like the seed argument, the call is type-hinted.

Now we create an initial view into the allocated memory and register a handler to update it on memory resize with the watch() function call. Just like the pointer, the handler is automatically unregistered when this is garbage-collected by the host. The important thing here is to cast the pointer to an unsigned integer with the >>> 0 hint in the Int32Array calls, because the addresses higher than 2 GiB are interpreted as negative values, but the Int32Array constructor expects an unsigned integer.

Finally, we invoke the WASM-side constructor to actually initialize the PRNG instance. It doesn’t have a return value, so the call isn’t type-hinted, but we type-hint its arguments instead.

Method wrappers

Now let’s write the method wrappers:

class MyPRNG {
    rand = () => {
        return impl.rand(this.#ptr) | 0;

    fill = (out: Int32Array) => {
        // Allocate a scratch for the output buffer:
        let scratch = alloc(out.byteLength | 0) | 0;

        // Call the buffer fill method:
        impl.fill(this.#ptr | 0, scratch | 0, out.byteLength | 0);

        // Copy the scratch into the JS-side buffer:
        out.set(new Int32Array(buf, scratch >>> 0, out.length));

        // Release unused memory back to the host/OS:

There’s nothing interesting in the rand() method, but we have a number of things to discuss about the fill() method.

The first thing we do here is a scratch allocation for the output data. Scratches have zero lifetime, and can be thought of as immediately deallocated pointers. But if there are no allocation calls while the scratch memory is still in use, we can save some CPU cycles by skipping the underlying bookkeeping. For scratch allocations, we use the same alloc() call, but don’t provide a lifetime token.

Then we just call the fill() method, and when it fills the scratch, we copy the data into the output array.

Finally, we release the unused memory pages back to the host/OS with the trim() call.

Oh, to keep the example simple, we didn’t handle some edge cases like OOM and filling the output by parts, but in the real-world code you shouldn’t ignore them.

State sccessor

Technically, we could stop here, but to make the wrapper complete, we’ll also write an accessor for its internal state:

class MyPRNG {
    get state() {
        return [...this.#buf];
    set state(state: number[]) {
        this.#buf.set([state[0]!, state[1]!, state[2]!, state[3]!]);

Nothing interesting, we just wrap the #buf view we’ve configured in the constructor.



function alloc(size: i32): i32;
function alloc(size: i32, token: WeakKey): i32;
  • size: i32 — The number of bytes to allocate.
  • token: WeakKey — The lifetime token.

Allocates size bytes and returns the allocated address.

If the token is specified, it indicates the lifetime of the allocation, so the pointer is automatically deallocated when the host garbage-collects the token.

If no token is specified, the function returns a scratch pointer. No memory is actually allocated, and just an unused address to fit size bytes is returned. This can save some CPU cycles by skipping the underlying bookkeeping, but should be used carefully to avoid any allocations while the scratch memory is still in use.


function trim(): void;

Releases unused memory pages at the end of memory back to the host/OS.

Internally, it creates a trimmed copy of memory, copies the data into it, and then triggers the memory shrink handlers defined as the respawn callbacks of the bind() function. Can cause OOM, if the host is short on RAM.


function bind<t>(initial: () => t, respawn: () => unknown): t;
  • spawn: fn — The immediately invoked spawn callback. See the Spawn callback section for details.
  • respawn: fn — The handler to respawn the WASM instance on memory shrink. Should also capture and restore mutable globals, tables, etc. See the Respawn callback section for details.

Registers a memory shrink handler respawn, immediately invokes the spawn callback, and returns its result.


  • If a WASM module has mutable globals, tables, etc., don’t forget to capture and restore them on respawn.
  • If a module has a global initialization procedure, don’t call it on respawn; instead, capture and restore the initialized state (other than memory).


function watch(watcher: () => unknown, token: WeakKey): void;
  • watcher: fn — The memory resize handler.
  • token: WeakKey — The handler’s lifetime token.

Registers a memory resize handler. Can be used to refresh memory views.


The active memory object.


The active buffer object.


The active signed 32-bit integer view.


The active memory size in 16-byte blocks.


  • [ ] malloc(), realloc(), calloc(), free() — C-like API.
  • [ ] grow() — explicit memory expansion.
  • [ ] Span protection to prevent (data) and/or stack corruption (and effectively support __heap_base or whatever your compiler uses instead).
  • [ ] Restricted working span to allow this allocator to be safely used alongside another one.
  • [ ] Safe handling of (data) segments in multiple modules.
  • [ ] Arbitrary alignment.
  • [ ] Best effort next-fit strategy.
  • [ ] Pointer kind conversion (strong to weak and vice versa).
  • [ ] OOM handling.
  • [ ] Explicit unregistering of resize handlers.
  • [ ] Memory usage API.
  • [ ] Debugging API.
  • [ ] Configurable limits.
  • [ ] Relocatable pointers.
  • [ ] Shared memory support.
  • [ ] Exported memory support.


If you have any issues, feel free to fork this module, or contact me on Telegram https://t.me/miyaokamarina.


MIT © 2024 Yuri Zemskov

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