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0.1.1 • Public • Published


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Provides an interface to authenticate users with MyAnimeList oauth2 provider.

You may want to use one of the implementations of this package instead:

If you want to use other framework or want to implement your own, we also provide a handler that uses the web standard Request/Response createMyAnimeListFetchHandler the same handler is just reexported from the nextjs and sveltekit implementations.


In case you want to use this package directly, install it with your favorite package manager:


npm install @animelist/auth


yarn add @animelist/auth


pnpm install @animelist/auth

Environment variables

These are the environment variables are used by the @animelist/auth

  • MAL_CLIENT_ID The id of your MyAnimeList client.
  • MAL_CLIENT_SECRET The secret key of your MyAnimeList client.
  • MAL_REQUEST_DEBUG Enable logging for the request going to MyAnimeList.
    • This also reads the NODE_ENV to only show logs when not in production.
  • MAL_SECRET_KEY The secret key used for encode/decode the user session.
  • PUBLIC_MAL_API_URL The url of the endpoint that handlers the requests, by default is /api/myanimelist

Get Current User

After the user is logged you can get the current user information using getServerSession.

Which returns null if the user is not logged or UserSession:

type UserSession = {
  userId: number;
  refreshToken: string;
  accessToken: string;
import { getServerSession } from "@animelist/auth/server";

const session = await getServerSession(cookies);

if (session) {
  console.log("User is logged in");

You can also use getRequiredServerSession(cookies) which throws an error if the user is not logged in.

If you want to get the user information you can use the @animelist/client.

import { MALClient } from "@animelist/client";

const client = new MALClient({ accessToken });
const user = await client.getMyUserInfo();

Good to know

If the MAL_SECRET_KEY is not set you will receive this warning:

⚠️ 'process.env.MAL_SECRET_KEY' was not set, using a default secret key

You can generate a secret key using:

openssl rand --base64 32

Or this beauty:

echo "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(32).toString('base64'))" | node


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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  • neociber94