⚡ Vite Plugin Solid
A simple integration to run solid-js with vite
- HMR with minimal configuration
- Drop-in installation as vite plugin
- Minimal bundle size (5.82kb non gzip for a Hello World)
- Support typescript (
.js .ts .jsx .tsx
) out of the box - Support code splitting out of the box
You can use the vite-template-solid starter templates similar to CRA:
$ npx degit amoutonbrady/vite-template-solid/js#main my-project
$ cd my-project
$ npm install # or pnpm install or yarn install
$ npm run dev # starts dev-server with hot-module-reloading
$ npm run build # builds to /dist
Install vite and vite-plugin-solid as dev dependencies
# with npm
$ npm install -D vite @amoutonbrady/vite-plugin-solid
# with pnpm
$ pnpm add -D vite @amoutonbrady/vite-plugin-solid
# with yarn
$ yarn add -D vite @amoutonbrady/vite-plugin-solid
Add it as plugin to vite.config.ts
// vite.config.ts
import { UserConfig } from "vite";
import { solidPlugin } from "@amoutonbrady/vite-plugin-solid";
const config: UserConfig = {
root: "src",
outDir: "dist",
plugins: [solidPlugin()],
// Vite and Esbuild being opinionated about how to manage JSX,
// you need to disable it to prevent extra stuff going in your bundle
// Luckily, vite is still quite fast even skipping Esbuild
enableEsbuild: false,
export default config;
Or vite.config.js
// vite.config.js
import { solidPlugin } from "@amoutonbrady/vite-plugin-solid";
* @type {import('vite').UserConfig}
const config = {
root: "src",
outDir: "dist",
plugins: [solidPlugin()],
// Vite and Esbuild being opinionated about how to manage JSX,
// you need to disable it to prevent extra stuff going in your bundle
// Luckily, vite is still quite fast even skipping Esbuild
enableEsbuild: false,
export default config;
Finally you have to add a bit of code to your entry point to activate HMR. This might be handled automatically at some point by the plugin but for now it's manual.
// This variable is mandatory if you want automatic HMR
export const dispose = render(() => App, rootElement);
// The plugin will automatically inject the following snippet :
// HMR stuff, this will be automatically removed during build
// /!\ You need to add "vite" in the "compilerOptions.types" of your tsconfig.json
// if you want to avoid type errors here
if (import.meta.hot) {
Just use regular vite
or vite build
"scripts": {
"dev": "vite",
"build": "vite build"
Plugin options
You can pass options to the plugin via vite.config.(js|ts)
import { solidPlugin } from "@amoutonbrady/vite-plugin-solid";
const options = {
babel: {
presets: ["@babel/preset-env"],
const config = {
root: "src",
outDir: "dist",
plugins: [solidPlugin(options)],
enableEsbuild: false,
export default config;
For now the only options is to add extra babel config.
This is an early version, some things may not work as expected. Please report findings.
HMR is manual and doesn't hold state on reload- ESBuild has to be deactivated because of its JSX management which slow downs a bit the reload
- Vite is primarly build for Vue and therefore includes it when installing it
It appears that Webstorm generate some weird triggers when saving a file. In order to prevent that you can follow this thread and disable the "Safe Write" option in "Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings".
Got a question? / Need help?
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