
1.0.1 • Public • Published


A customizable javascript password generator.

How to use

In the browser

Insert the p-gen.js file in the html

Download the p-gen.js file from HERE

<script src="./p-gen.js"></script>


Insert it directly from gtihub

<script defer src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AM-77/p-gen/master/p-gen.js"></script>

Use it

// create an instance of pGen Class
let pgen = new pGen()

// use the instance to access the pGen methods
let password = pgen.generatePassword(true, true, true, true, 12)

In node

Install the p-gen module

npm i @am-77/p-gen


yarn add @am-77/p-gen

Use it

const pGen = require("@am-77/p-gen")
let pgen = new pGen()

let password = pgen.generatePassword(true, true, true, true, 12)

Available Methods

  • generatePassword(lowercase:optional = true, uppercase:optional = true, numbers:optional = true, symbols:optional = true, length:optional = 12)

    • lowercase : set it to true if the password should contains lowercase or false otherwise, true by default.
    • uppercase : set it to true if the password should contains uppercase or false otherwise, true by default.
    • numbers : set it to true if the password should contains numbers or false otherwise, true by default.
    • symbols : set it to true if the password should contains symbols or false otherwise, true by default.
    • length : the length of the password equals 12 by default
  • generatePasswordWithChars(chars, length:optional = 12)

    • chars : a string of the characters that must be used to generate the password.
    • length : the length of the password equals 12 by default
  • generateLowercase(length)

  • generateUppercase(length)

  • generateNumbers(length)

  • generateSymbols(length)


You can check the live demo here : p-gen Demo


Feel free to raise an issue or submit a pull request.

Copyright and license

Code copyright 2019 AM-77. Code released under the MIT license.

Package Sidebar


npm i @am-77/p-gen

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  • am-77